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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 84 Fame

    I loved the Auditions. Everything felt so claustrophobic and desperate. In regard to Leroy, though, he’s only 14, right? I’m not sure how I feel about the dance teachers lusting after him like that.
  2. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 84 Fame

    I share your affection for it.
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 84 Fame

    I have to say, I had a HUGE problem with Bruno’s choice of hot dog toppings. Chili and sweet relish?
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 84 Fame

    I think this is important to show though. Of course it's terrible, but it happens all the time in real life to decent and likable people. The movie is showing that we can put so much emphasis on success and fame that even the best of us can be exploited by unscrupulous people. I'm not sure if it would have been as effective had it been another character.
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 84 Fame

    I don't disagree that the teacher is horrible, but I think that's also the point. She has preconceived ideas of who Leroy is but never really bothers to reach out to him and figure out where he's coming from. As for the abortion, I didn't get the impression that he wasn't there because he was some kind of deadbeat, but rather she never told him she was pregnant. She didn't want him making the choice for her. She has plans for her future and she doesn't want *anyone* getting in the way--including a potential baby. I also think all the kids (except for maybe Montgomery) are selfish assholes, not just him. In fact, nobody is particularly likable, but I think they all seem like very real teenagers in that way. It's not that they're bad; they're self-involved. Like you said, even the teachers seem like a bunch of dicks. The English teacher rides Leroy's ass for four years, the dance teachers are snobs, the music teachers are more or less checked out. I would say the only teacher that seemed at all cool was the drama teacher. However, what I think works for the movie is how it does peel back the facades and shows you who these people really are. Ralph is a lying dick, but you realize he has a tough home life and views Freddie Prinze as a blueprint to get out of his shitty situation. Montgomery has an absentee mother. Doris' mother is supportive, but in a way that doesn't allow her daughter to change or take chances. It's these glimpses into their lives outside of school that gives you a greater appreciation for where these people are coming from
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 84 Fame

    However, what I loved about that scene--and arguably the point of it--was to show truly selfish those teens actually are. They are so focused on being stars, that they ignore the feelings of those around them. It kind of makes the argument that fame doesn't make a person a selfish asshole, it's the fact they are selfish assholes that makes them famous. It's kind of how I feel about politicians in general. The reason that so many politicians are corrupt is because that kind of power is attractive to people with a certain personality type. For the most part, the people who would do what's best for others aren't the type of people interested in running for office.
  7. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 84 Fame

    I just listened to "I Sing the Body Electric" and I really do like the message of that song. That their goal is obviously immortality, but there's also a darkness implied. Burning with "the brightness of ten million stars" also implies a chance of shinning brilliantly for a moment, but also impermanently. For many of those students, that graduation ceremony is their peak.
  8. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 84 Fame

    I think Ralph gets there--whether we want him to or not. He's the kind of person that nobody likes, doesn't really put in that much effort, but you can't deny that he's got that kind of "it" factor that's going to propel him to stardom. I think Bruno is primed for the Eighties and will do well as a Producer. I also agree with you regarding Montgomery. I also think the French dancer will do okay--after her abortion. As for the rest of them, I think they end up doing little things here and there. Maybe local theater and commercials. Doris probably ends up teaching at that school.
  9. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 84 Fame

    I don't disagree with this. I felt particularly let down with the Leroy resolution. He's clearly illiterate and has been butting heads with his English teacher since day one. We know she's going to kick him out because he doesn't do any of his assigned course work, they have a moment at the hospital, and then...he's in the graduation ceremony? That being said, I almost feel like the graduation ceremony was more metaphorical than literal. It's about the undaunted optimism of youth and going after your dreams even after realizing that maybe they aren't what they're cracked up to be.
  10. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 84 Fame

    I feel like I may be in the minority here, but I really enjoyed this movie. I liked how it followed these characters all the way through from audition to graduation, but left their future in limbo. The fact that we know that most of these characters are not going to succeed beyond their four years at this school, but they can still "Sing the Body Electric"-- turns a future of uncertainty into a moment of triumph.
  11. Cameron H.

    The Wild Bunch

    Came here to do exactly this.
  12. It’s currently on sale on iTunes for 7.99 (2.99 to rent) so I went ahead and bought it. I’ve never seen it, but I have a feeling it’s going to kind of be my jam.
  13. Awesome! I’ve never seen this. I’m looking forward to it
  14. Technically, it was supposed to be EvRobert’s pick, but he hasn’t been a round for a bit so I thought I’d move straight to you. If he comes back, we can fold him back in.
  15. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    I think you already know the answer to that, eh...
  16. We all know that The Beatles were amazing musicians, but did you also know they were a bunch of dorks? We watched:
  17. June answers your questions, Stella and Elle’s romance explained, and more on this week’s mini-sode! Paul opens up the Explanation Hope Line, goes through Corrections and Omissions for Starcrash, and shares deleted scenes from the Starcrash episode. Plus, find out which movie we will be watching next week! This episode is brought to you by Zoro.com (www.zoro.com/bonkers) and Betterhelp (www.betterhelp.com/bonkers). Subscribe to Unspooled with Paul Scheer and Amy Nicholson here: http://www.earwolf.com/show/unspooled/ Check out our tour dates over at www.hdtgm.com! Check out new HDTGM merch over at https://www.teepubli…wdidthisgetmade Where to Find Jason, June & Paul: @PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter @Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on Twitter
  18. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    I’m shocked!!!
  19. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    In case anyone questioned my bona fide as a fan...
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 230.5

    Thanksgiving invites revoked, the 9 act structure of Hallmark, and more on this week’s double mini-sode! Paul opens up the Explanation Hope Line, goes through Corrections and Omissions for Fateful Findings & The Spirit of Christmas, and opens up the Mail Bag. Plus, find out which movie we will be watching next week! Subscribe to Unspooled with Paul Scheer and Amy Nicholson here: http://www.earwolf.com/show/unspooled/ Check out our tour dates over at www.hdtgm.com! Check out new HDTGM merch over at https://www.teepubli…wdidthisgetmade Where to Find Jason, June & Paul: @PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter @Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on Twitter
  21. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    This is too bad.. ”According to the book "The 50 Greatest Movies Never Made" by Chris Gore, a sequel called "Strawberry Fields Forever" was being worked on at one point. It was to be first computer-generated movie ever. The movie was to utilize many songs from The Beatles. Ten minutes of test footage was shot, and has never been seen.“