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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    That’s one beautiful Dr. Boob.
  2. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    I love how they decided Ringo was basically the Scooby-Doo/Jabber Jaw/Speed Buggy of the group. Also, Paul’s burn on George’s empty head is pretty solid.
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    Yeah, that was a pretty basic sequence, although maybe for the time it was cool? It also doesn’t help the “Only a Northern Song” (which I like, btw) was a George Harrison “Fuck you” to people making more money off his music than he was.
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    Yeah, I can’t imagine people without a predisposition toward either The Beatles or the artwork would appreciate Yellow Submarine very much. Again, I’m not really watching it for a plot or story. I like the music and the images and the weird faux-Beatle mutterings are like ASMR for me.
  5. Cameron H.

    92nd Academy Awards Nominations

    Oof! My bad! I still haven’t seen it. I just remember all the hullabaloo. It’s just crazy—Cauron makes a Netflix movie (“This isn’t cinema!”), Scorsese makes a Netflix movie...crickets.
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    I thought it was interesting in the sense that it was played over scenes of London being very drab and uniform, a direct contrast to Pepperland and The Beatles house of whackiness. Almost like, if we let the Blue Meanies win, Pepperlan will become just as stuffy as London.
  7. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    Not really at all. They’re their own separate things. Yellow Submarine is a lot of meta jokes and Easter Eggs, but that’s as far as it connects to anything.
  8. Cameron H.

    92nd Academy Awards Nominations

    Has Spielberg pitched a fit yet about all the Netflix movies being nominated? Or is that only when it's GDT?
  9. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    What always amazes me about The Beatles, as someone who wasn't alive when this was all happening, is just how much they changed in such a short period of time. I always tend to think of them in terms of Pre and Post Sgt Pepper, as if these are two separate epochs, when it all kind of happened all at once. Like, the oldest song in this movie is "Nowhere Man" which seems almost like baby Beatles with their matching haircuts, but it was only about three years old by the time Yellow Submarine came out.
  10. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    I wouldn't call them B-Sides (as I like them all, especially "It's All Too Much"), but, yeah, the newer songs were basically, for The Beatles anyway, throwaways. What happened was the Beatles were under contract with United Artists to do three movies, but The Beatles didn't like Help! (Their second film) So in order to fulfill their obligation they were like, "Okay, do an animated movie, and we will give you a couple of songs," and to satisfy the stipulation that the actually "appeared" in the movie, they filmed the little coda at the end. I like all of the music in Yellow Submarine, but I think of it more as a musical security blanket than an actual film. The plot is pretty generic and the voice acting isn't fantastic. It's more about the images and the music washing over you. However, if you're not really into the Beatles, I can see it being kind of "meh."
  11. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    I love how in the movies, the Beatles always live together.
  12. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    I think he has a very unique face which is often better than traditionally handsome features (see: Adam Driver). I also think there's something about him, his height, his face, and his sense of humor, that just made him seem more approachable. Although, from what I understand, he was one of the grouchier of the four when it came to fans. He's also the only Beatle that ever really showed any aptitude and desire to be an actor. The rest are okay, but he is a bit more natural at it.
  13. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    I just want to everyone to remember the OTHER Beatles cartoon. One that had, if possible, even more puns per line.
  14. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 83 Yellow Submarine

    Honestly, Ringo was, for a long time, the most popular Beatle. He would get the most fan letters and the most screen time in ALL of the Beatles movies.* He gets a huge solo scene in A Hard Days Night, the plot of Help (such as it is) revolves around one of his rings, and even though it doesn't really have a story at all, Magical Mystery Tour is about him taking his Aunt on a bus tour. The only movie I'm not too sure about is Let it Be, but that's more of a documentary.
  15. We should be back on schedule now. Apologies to anyone who watched Once (but it’s a really good movie so I hope you enjoyed it )
  16. I’ve always been a big fan of AHDN and Help! Do you have Magical Mystery Tour? I’ve seen it once, long ago.
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 230.5

    Thank you! Just listening to the trailer was painful. I really didn't want to spend any money on this.
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 230.5

    I strenuously disagree in my case. He dismissed what I wrote as if it was something *I* was saying and not a direct quote from the movie.
  19. Oh, this that’s, like, first rotation of Musical Monday’s drama - lol. Across the Universe was a...divisive film (good-naturedly so)
  20. Cameron H.

    Favorite Movies of 2019

    I’m in my mad dash to watch as many 2019 films as I can before the New Year, and I was wondering what everyone’s favorite movies of the year have been. Feel free to rank as many as you feel
  21. I’m down for anything Beatles 🥰
  22. One man’s story to become a world famous band manager. We watched:
  23. No problem, Jam! I look forward to your pick
  24. I would say watch it only if you want to right now. Technically, it's Jammer's pick now. I had only wanted to bundle the two movies because the HDTGM schedule was off, but they fixed it, so we're back on track.