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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 225.5 - Minisode 225.5

    Maybe, but that’s why I brought up Drop Dead Fred and Hobbs and Shaw as examples of recent episodes that were 20 minutes longer - extremely popular episodes, too, considering people still identify themselves as Team Fred or not. Paul presents it in the episode as if they were “cut for time,” but that doesn’t really make sense to me. Unless, in just the last month they started using the metric you’re proposing. Honestly, I don’t care if there are edits, but they should be as subtle as possible. That’s all I’m saying. Paul is always trying to add value to the Minisodes and that’s awesome. They went from basically ten minute trailers to the Help Line, C&O, Mail bag, Paul’s Pick, Movie Bitches, Would Nic Cage Make it Better, Facebook Q&A thing it’s evolved into. Personally, I love the minis, but since Minisodes probably aren’t listened to as religiously by casual listeners as main episodes, I think he’s trying to provide content that encourages them to check the minis out and not just skip over them (we can perhaps talk about as revenue here, too). And, of course, that’s a good thing. I’m glad he’s always looking for ways to make things feel fresh. That being said, we can’t expect every experiment to work. Of course, I’m just speculating here, but if this is the case, I would prefer they keep the episodes more intact and let the minis be their own thing. Or, if they really want to keep putting in deleted scenes, which is fine too, make sure it’s not at the expense of jagged edits in the main episode.
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 225.5 - Minisode 225.5

    Not to speak for @DrGuts1003, but I think he gets that edits need to happen - whether for uncomfortable audience questions or whatever. He admits in his post to lulls needing to be cut as Paul gets to places and what not. I think the issue is more, you cut this segment out , but not for any of those reasons, just kind of...because? Like, why make an edit if you’re just going to end up releasing it anyway? It just feels needless, not to mention noticeable. Guts isn’t asking for the audio to be pristine, just not chopped up for no reason.
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 225.5 - Minisode 225.5

    What I find weird is that we get “deleted scenes” on the Minisode because the “show ran long,” but the episodes lately have been shorter than a lot of live episodes in the past. For example, Star Crash was 1:16 and Jason Lives was 1:19, but just recently, Hobbs and Shaw was 1:34, Drop Dead Fred was 1:40, and I’m sure I could find others. I guess I don’t really understand the intention. Including an extra 30 seconds isn’t going to make that much of a difference in terms of “running too long.” I also don’t see how leaving it in disrupts the flow of the show more than awkwardly cutting it out. And if it was cut because it wasn’t as strong as maybe some of the other material that made it to episode, then I’m not sure putting it contextless in the middle of a Minisode is better. I don’t know. I feel almost like I’m complaining that the podcast I enjoy is providing extra content, and that’s a super dumb thing to complain about. But I do agree with you, and I would rather it just be kept in the main episode. If it’s good enough to play here, then it’s good enough to be left in. If I had to guess, my assumption would be editing them out in the first place is to “add value” to the Minisodes, but personally, I feel like Minisodes are kind of their own thing and don’t need to be propped up with excerpts from the show.
  4. Happy Halloween you little goblins! Have a safe and sexy Halloween
  5. Having just watched 1-8 (Braaaaag), I can say that in 5 there’s a throw away line that they renamed the town (possibly the lake, too) to cover up its bloody past. That being said, everyone who lives there is still hyper aware of the murders. Also, to help clarify, or perhaps muddy the waters further, according to IMDb Trivia, this movie takes place in 1990. So, for the time it was released it was like the “not too distant future.” How that affects the sliding timeline of the series, I’m not sure. 7 seems to happen a considerable amount of time after 6. Likewise with 8. If I were to guess, I’d say 8 (which came out in 1989) is supposed to be, like, 1995 or something.
  6. TAY -lo, Pho-to; po-TA-to, po-TAH-to
  7. Oh, she 100% teams up with the Predators. Once Jessica understands their culture, after deciphering ancient hieroglyphics beneath Cabot Cove, she accepts what they are doing and helps them eradicate the xenomorphs - earning herself a badass acid scar in the process. Sadly, Sheriff Amos Tupper does not survive...
  8. Jess is an endurance jogger, so I definitely feel like she could out last them if it came down to a cross-country, medium paced jog. I feel like she would find and exploit a Predator’s weaknesses relatively quickly, so she would be spending most of her time learning how to mask her body temp. I’m more concerned about xenomorphs. They tend to be quick and attack in claustrophobic places. Situations where being a strong jogger won’t benefit her very much. Aliens also don’t really have brains, so they aren’t really opponents she can out wit. It would be like playing chess with a lion. It would be a fantastic movie though
  9. What would be fun about Psycho is I feel like she would be very sympathetic to Norman. I think she would peg the twist almost immediately (while eating sandwiches beneath the taxidermy birds) and would spend the rest of the movie trying to help him. i think Fletcher vs Freddy would be fun. She deals in logic and he deals in dreams, so I think they have a very natural Batman v Joker dynamic.
  10. Most likely, she would first agree with him that Tommy is the most obvious suspect, but would then present all the reasons why he couldn’t possibly be the killer in a way that would allow the sheriff to both save face and allow him to believe that he came to those conclusions himself. (“Certainly, you’ve noticed the lack of blood splatter on Tommy’s clothes. And I don’t need to tell you that beheading three people with a machete requires the kind of upper body strength Tommy clearly doesn’t possess.”) But, yes, Jessica Fletcher vs Eighties Movie Monsters is definitely a movie series that needs to happen. Angela Lansbury is still kicking. I’m sure she would be game.
  11. If I know Jessica Fletcher, by the end of the movie she would have confronted Jason in a room by herself, got him to confess, and convinced him to turn himself in.
  12. Based off of what Meghan says at the police station, am I to understand that the head counselors and their staff weren’t expected to arrive at the camp until the night before the kids were dropped off? Were they not planning on doing any kind of preparations or training? What kind of shoddy operation are they running? Those kids would have a terrible summer and I’m glad all the counselors are dead. #jasonsavessummer
  13. I though it was pretty crazy that when the sheriff and his deputies arrive at the camp his first order is “don’t wake the kids.” Motherfucker, there is a sadistic monster on the loose brutally murdering every person that crosses his path! You wake those kids up and get them the Hell out of there!
  14. Yay! I was going to pick this, but I decided at the last second that a vampire musical was the way to go I haven’t had a chance to watch it this year either so this gives me an excuse!
  15. Seeing Jason become ambulatory after a lightning strike reminds me of 19th century galvanism and how parading corpses across Europe and shocking them with electric currents to make them twitch for the gawking throngs was once a real, popular, and extremely macabre pastime. A contemporary source, describing the process being applied to the recently executed murderer, George Foster, once wrote: “On the first application of the process to the face, the jaws of the deceased criminal began to quiver, and the adjoining muscles were horribly contorted, and one eye was actually opened. In the subsequent part of the process the right hand was raised and clenched, and the legs and thighs were set in motion.” Of course, it was these types of experiments that eventually inspired Mary Shelly to write Frankenstein which subsequently led to the whole concept of a lightning strike imbuing a corpse with new life. It’s a trope that’s become pervasive, and it’s incredibly bizarre to me how we all just sort of readily accept it. Anyway, I don’t suppose any of this is terribly relevant to the movie, but I can never pass up an opportunity to point out just how absolutely fucked up and ghoulish our ancestors were.
  16. So, for any one wondering, according to what I could determine through online research, the amount of force it would take to punch straight through a person’s chest and rip out their heart is approximately 50kN (kilonewtons). To put this into perspective, this is about ten times the force exerted by a professional boxer - who average about 5kN per punch - and over twice that of the bite of a Great White Shark (18kN). Furthermore, it would take nearly 1,100 lbs of pressure (far greater than mortal man is capable) to crush a human skull in one’s barehands, and depending on the situation, leverage, and torque, it would take anywhere from 30-200kN to rip a person’s arm from its socket. All this is to say, Jason’s a pretty bad motherfucker. Especially for someone who was, until very recently, a desiccated corpse.
  17. In the climactic showdown, Tommy and his boulder have rowed out to the middle of the lake and have challenged Jason to a final confrontation. Jason, recognizing that he must either accept this affair of honor or forfeit his rights as a gentleman, is quick to oblige and underwater strides his zombie ass to face his foe. As he breathlessly awaits Jason's arrival, Tommy sets the lake ablaze and scans the water for any ripple of movement. After interminable seconds, a flurry of bubbles break the surface of the flaming lake and Tommy leans over the port side of his vessel and prepares his noose. However, both he and the audience are taken by surprise by Jason when he springs up not from the port side, but from from the starboard side of the boat! This is, of course, a classic and well executed misdirect on Mr. Vorhees' part. However, I can't help but wonder what caused the torrent of bubbles to break the surface of the water in the first place. I mean, he can't possibly be in two places at once. Without any other explanation put forth by the film, I can only assume that from beneath the boat Jason was laying down some strategic, underwater farts in order to distract Tommy and get the drop on him. The full extant of Jason's powers are never truly explored, but I think that it is safe to assume that tactical, supernatural flatulence must be a part of his arsenal.
  18. https://forum.earwolf.com/topic/46488-nonplussed-tell-jason/?tab=comments#comment-253936
  19. I don’t think I’ve ever heard the word “snooker” used so frequently in all my life....
  20. 100% agree. Demon Days is one of those rare perfect albums from T to B.
  21. Song 2, I feel like, was such a curse for them. It’s a good song, but really unlike their other stuff.
  22. Cameron H.

    Trailer Talk

    This looks, uh, pretty good...