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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 76 I Kissed a Vampire

    I looked up her other credits, but there were no other credits. This was it.
  2. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 76 I Kissed a Vampire

    It is NOT worth it! I appreciate the effort, but feel free to skip it
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 76 I Kissed a Vampire

    I couldn’t help wondering who this movie was for. It was too sexual for kids, too immature for adults, and far too lame for teenagers.
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 76 I Kissed a Vampire

    Tre Sylvania is the worst vampire ever - and I’m including Emmet from Twilight in that
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 76 I Kissed a Vampire

    Also, just FYI, when I write the word “rock” my predictive text comes up with “Rockula” just so you know the life I’m living.
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 76 I Kissed a Vampire

    Right off the top, I’m chagrined that this movie has the gall to all itself a “rock” musical. Not that I expected Quadrophenia or anything, but High School Musical rocked harder than this.
  7. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Resurrection!

    Yay! I’ll try to take a look at it sometime today
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 223.5 - Minisode 223.5

    Oh, absolutely! I wasn’t trying to be too much of a Debbie Downer - at least I hope I didn’t come off as such Mostly I was bringing it up in the conversational nature we’re all talking about. I was just curious how everyone else felt.
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 223.5 - Minisode 223.5

    I hear you. It can be a real luck of the draw. I’ve had posts that I thought were killer that get ignored and others that I considered kind of duds that ended up being read. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Good luck for Star Crash though
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 223.5 - Minisode 223.5

    Gorsh...Thank you
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 223.5 - Minisode 223.5

    Actually, the MST3K version is on Netflix with Jonah Ray!
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 223.5 - Minisode 223.5

    Hey man, speak for yourself!
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 223.5 - Minisode 223.5

    Absolutely! For example, the second part of ChunkStyle’s response (the bit about “resting and vesting”) was in response to one of my posts which I wrote as part of the grand, inclusive conversation we were all having and wasn’t necessarily written with the thought, “Gee, I hope this gets read.” Of course it’s lovely and fantastic when he does read one of my posts, but even if he doesn’t, my good time doesn’t hinge on it. I just like talking to you all. When you call in, it’s not about community, it’s about “me.” I guess there’s nothing inherently wrong with that way of thinking, but my personal preference is, “Come have fun with us first, worry about getting on the Minisode second.”
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 223.5 - Minisode 223.5

    I think I remember when that happened. It’s happened a few other times as well. I want to say it happened to Taylor Anne relatively recently, but I could be mistaken. But, yeah, that’s kind of my feeling as well. Join the conversation! We’re all pretty welcoming here (except for the truly troll-ish, but they’re pretty easy to ignore). I mean, I assume the argument would be something like, “Well, not everyone has time to be on a forum” but I mean, neither do any of us really. My initial post on this topic was delayed for a while because as I was writing it I had to pick my kid up from school and run some errands. My first post on Disclosure wasn’t until a few days after the episode because I didn’t have the time to listen to it first - and I try not to post until I’ve listened to the episode. We make time to be here, you know? Not that it’s a chore, mind you. It’s an absolute pleasure. I enjoy goofing with you all. And because I like you all, as you’re all real people to me - some of you people I’ve known for YEARS - and not disembodied voices, I get defensive when I feel like one of you is being slighted. If someone here goes through the effort of composing a thoughtful post, I’d like to see that effort recognized over someone who calls in and “ums” and “ahs” their way through the same point. And I don’t think it’s really a matter of getting angry at these people. For instance, I don’t think the any of the callers today copied anyone on the board. I just think it’s annoying. I mean, if they call in with an original, mind blowing take that no one else has, go for it. But I think if it’s a matter of saying, these two people said the same thing, then maybe give it to the person who took the time to be a part of the overall conversation. Like, whether I have a C&O read on a Minisode or not, I still have fun discussing the movies with you all. Calling in is ultimately a one-sided conversation. I don’t know, maybe that’s crazy.
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 223.5 - Minisode 223.5

    Call me crazy, but I’m just a fan of 100% honesty in a relationship. If it’s nothing, then it’s nothing, but you can’t just cut this other person out of the equation when it comes to decisions concerning *her* life. You’re not the arbiter of what she “needs to know.” Fuck that. Let her decide. Trying not to “create drama” is bullshit. Maybe there will be drama and maybe there won’t, but she has a right to decide what she wants for her life for herself. How dare you take away her agency. Who are you to determine what’s “best” for her? Maybe the reason they are having intimacy issues is because SHE’S having second thoughts! Maybe the best thing for both of them is not to get married! But if you decide, “Oh don’t tell her” then you’re basically saying, “I’ve decided you should be with this questionable person rather than go out there and find the RIGHT person.” Ugh! The more I think on this the more annoyed I’m getting - lol ETA: And allowing a person to grope you up to three times before you say anything is fucking insane - LOL
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 223.5 - Minisode 223.5

    Maybe. Personally, I’m not a huge fan of the phone calls in general. I don’t think they really work. Even on Unspooled, I find them a bit obnoxious. It’s usually a bunch of dudes who think they’re far funnier than they actually are. However, I get that’s just my personal bugaboo, and I can skip them if I really want. On the boards, the regulars at least and not just the one-timers, we all try our best to bring something original to the table. I know that if someone brings up something up I was going to say, I either toss that point away or I try to add to it. Phoning in bypasses all the etiquette we’ve established that makes this forum the best place, full of the best people, on the Internet.
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 223.5 - Minisode 223.5

    I think Paul’s answer sounds logical, but obviously if this guy is discussing “intimacy issues” and then suddenly gets all handsy, it bespeaks an underlying issue that really needs to addressed. I don’t care if he was “drunk.” There was at least some level of premeditation there. Even if it was “Let me drink with her so when I come on to her I can blame it on that.” Also, the fact that the caller really went on about how nice this guy is, as if *they* were close friends, screams of a “Duckie Scenario.” Like maybe he was into the caller first, was rebuffed, and then settled for the friend. But the fact he was sober enough to discuss relationship issues says a lot. I don’t know. I don’t trust “accidents.”
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 223.5 - Minisode 223.5

    Man, I hate to gripe because you all know how much I love HDTGM, but I really wish that if they're going to take phone call C&O's they weren't using the calls that are points people brought up on the boards. Of the three calls, two of them were points brought up by forum people (specifically @Vegas820 and @RyanSz). And, of course, the third call was actually brought up on the show, so I don't even know what was up with that. I mean, I'm not saying that I brought the heat this week, I know I didn't, but there were plenty of other people here who did. I'm not sure why their observations were bumped so someone could bring up something that was literally brought up on the show. I get trying to pick posts that give Paul something to bounce off of, and I get that people can come to the same conclusions independently, but it really bums me out when people take the time to come onto the boards to share their funny and insightful observations only for someone to just call in on their way to work or something and gank their point. (This isn't even to mention the amount of times some of these calls he been almost verbatim recitations of things people have written here, but that's a whole other bag of worms). I don't know, it just kind of annoys me. But congrats to @Cam Bert, @Smigg, and Justine for the win!
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 223.5 - Minisode 223.5

    The MST3K version is on Hoopla. It might make it a little more watchable (although they might edit it a bit)
  20. Cameron H.


    Amy & Paul fight for 1960's Roman epic Spartacus! They discuss why Spartacus isn't usually considered part of director Stanley Kubrick's canon, learn about Kirk Douglas' heroic efforts to get the film made, and liken the movie to a good casserole. Plus: Thomas Doherty, author of Show Trial, talks about how screenwriter Dalton Trumbo was affected by the Hollywood Blacklist. Next week is Some Like It Hot week - help us come up with a better title for the film! Call the Unspooled voicemail line at 747-666-5824 with your answer. Follow us on Twitter @Unspooled, get more info at unspooledpod.com and don’t forget to rate, review & subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Photo credit: Kim Troxall This episode is brought to you by Sonos (www.sonos.com) and M&Ms Hazelnuts.
  21. OMG! I forgot I was up, and I’m trying to decide between three movies. Will update later...
  22. According to Wikipedia, it was a three part web series that they combined to make a feature length movie. It was released in theaters, but as I said on Letterboxd, it only made something like $1750 (seriously). It is currently the second lowest grossing film in history. I would recommend it for HDTGM, but if they’re going to do a vampire Musical, then I want them to do Rockula.
  23. The truth behind those lovely French lyrics and more on this week’s mini-sode! Paul opens up the Explanation Hope Line, goes through Corrections and Omissions for Unforgettable, and gives his Pick of the Week. Plus, find out which movie we will be watching next week! This episode is brought to you by SweeTango Apple (www.SweeTango.com/bonkers) and Hotel Tonight (www.hoteltonight.com). Subscribe to Unspooled with Paul Scheer and Amy Nicholson here: http://www.earwolf.com/show/unspooled/ Check out our tour dates over at www.hdtgminfo.com! Check out new HDTGM merch over at https://www.teepubli…wdidthisgetmade Where to Find Jason, June & Paul: @PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter @Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on Twitter
  24. Cameron H.

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    Hedgehogs forever!!!