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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    This comment deserves a hedgehog! (I think I might be overusing the hedgehog)
  2. Cameron H.

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    I’m sorry so many of you had such shitty things happen to you. I don’t feel like any of my options to recognize what you’re saying (i.e smiley faced “likes”) are really appropriate, but I just wanted you all to know that hear all of you.
  3. Cameron H.

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    Also, I'm not to sure how email worked in the Way Back, but just because he deleted that "Is your cock hard" message, shouldn't it theoretically still be in his Trash folder? This movie would have been ten minutes long if he just went directly to his office and printed out that email (the standard way to imbibe them I've been led to believe) and been like, "Here is time-stamped evidence that right before I went to her office someone sent me this anonymous, sexually explicit message. I sure as shit didn't send it to myself. I'm pretty sure, as a bleeding edge tech company we could figure out someway to find out who sent this." Then again, if Douglas is such a shitty computer engineer not to check his Trash folder, then...he should probably be fired for incompetency.
  4. Cameron H.

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    Absolutely! It’s clear that he doesn’t have separate work and personal email addresses based on the fact that she reads a work email from his home office in the opening scene. Has she been reading all of his emails? Did she read the “Is your cock hard yet” one? Why isn’t he password protecting sensitive corporate and pornographic messages? And don’t tell me he doesn’t get sexually explicit messages from Miller all day long. That was the first person Douglas suspected. Motherfucker is trash! He deserves to be fired!
  5. Cameron H.

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    I still don’t understand why they would lead him on that he was going to get this huge promotion, only to pull the rug out from under his feet. How does professionally and mentally fucking with Douglas benefit the company at all? Also, what kind of company would announce the promotion of an employee to an executive level position without first formally offering the job to that person in private? It drives me fucking crazy that Douglas just drove into work like a cocky sonuvabitch and nary a contract had been signed.
  6. Cameron H.

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    So, what do you all think happens after the credits roll? The movie frames it as a happy ending, and I suppose there is some measure of vindication at the end for Douglas’ character, but ultimately he still works for a company whose Machiavellian CEO and corporate toady sidekicks were more than willing to frame and fire him for incompetence over an allegation that they knew to be false. They clearly preferred Demi for the job, who wasn’t fired so much for what she did, but because she was publicly caught. Why should Douglas think for even a second that there won’t be further retaliation? And even if he made such a good impression at the shareholders’ meeting that he’s effectively proved his worth and saved his job, why would he want to stay there? Fuck that place.
  7. Cameron H.

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    That’s what’s crazy to me too. I was under the impression that Demi was an outside asset or something. Otherwise, I don’t understand how his girlfriend from nearly a decade ago could not only be working at the same company as Douglas but also up for the same position, and he has absolutely no idea about it. Again, Douglas seems to be pretty shitty at his job. Like, the kind of unprofessional, mediocre guy who gets passed over for the position he just sort of assumed he’d get, so he calls a staff meeting so he can throw a temper tantrum in front of all of them like a toddler. I mean, why does he think that he’s such a shoe in for a promotion that he ties it up for work that day, but is also somehow in a scenario that he could feasibly be fired or transferred from his job, and he’s not really all that surprised. Did he not interview for the VP position? They clearly never told him that the job was 100% his. And honestly, unless he had the job absolutely locked, he really should have been on time for work that day. That’s cocky as shit.
  8. Cameron H.

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    Ultimately, I don’t think Moore and Sutherland we’re too off base in trying to get Douglas fires for incompetency. No, the production issues weren’t the result of any direct action of his, but apparently his ex-girlfriend had been busy sabotaging his work in Malaysia for months without him noticing a goddamn thing. He’s the Manufacturing Department Head, for fuck’s sake, and under his purview, drastic changes were being implemented by a freaking outsider right under his stupid nose. I may not know much about the manufacturing of CD-ROMs, but I know ineptitude when I see it. It shouldn’t take a sexual harassment charge to get you to figure out just how badly you’re fucking it up at work.
  9. I thought you were just making the point that you liked Rockula. As you should. It’s cinematic perfection.
  10. They...might. The description definitely said it was Twilight-like. I’m looking forward to the discovery
  11. This is Spinal Rap (pun curtesy of @grudlian. We watched:
  12. Yes, and that really made me stop and consider, but ‘Tis the Season.
  13. Okay, sorry. It took me a minute to settle on what I wanted to do. Most of all, since it will be October, I was looking for something seasonal, something (hopefully) fun, and something nobody has seen. So, without further ado, we’ll be watching:
  14. Cameron H.

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    I can’t say I have much to add that wasn’t discussed on the episode, but I really didn’t feel like The Corridor came off as particularly user friendly. It all felt pretty counter intuitive, Clippie the Angel was practically useless, and Demi Moore proved that using a regular, ten dollar ball mouse was quicker for locating and deleting files than wandering for miles in a Naboo palace.
  15. Cameron H.

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    Naw, man. She and Paul didn’t like Timothy Green. It was Jason and Tim Heidecker that liked it
  16. Cameron H.

    EPISODE #223 - Disclosure (1994)

    I agree with you. On the one hand, they’re both consenting adults, and as such, they should be able to have sex for whatever reason they wish. On the other hand, he purposefully withheld information in order to humiliate her, only to reveal in a particularly vulnerable moment. Just because she’s a piece of crap doesn’t excuse him for using sex as a weapon of retaliation. Even waiting until she’s “hot for him” to spring it on her is pretty bullshit, imo.
  17. Cameron H.

    Shameless Promotion of Self

    Fantastic work, Quasar!
  18. Cameron H.

    On Theï»żï»ż Waterfront

    Paul & Amy fly the coop to 1954's Marlon Brando crime drama On The Waterfront! They ask what the film would have been like with Frank Sinatra in the lead, explore the history of "the Method," and wonder how the ending would change if this were made today. Plus: Paul revisits your thoughts on Lawrence Of Arabia. For North By Northwest week, what is your favorite Hitchcock film? Call the Unspooled voicemail line at 747-666-5824 with your answer! Follow us on Twitter @Unspooled, get more info at unspooledpod.com and don’t forget to rate, review & subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Photo credit: Kim Troxall This episode is brought to you by A Life Lived podcast and Sonos (www.sonos.com).
  19. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 75 Fear of a Black Hat

    Oh geez! I was going to reach out to you today and ask how you were. I’m sorry about your foot, but I’m glad you’re on the mend! Get well soon!
  20. Cameron H.

    Unspooled live show 9/26

    Did they discuss How I Won the War? I’ve always wanted to watch it, but I think it’s out of print (at least, I’ve never seen it available anywhere). I would love to see a transitional Lennon in his only solo film.
  21. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 75 Fear of a Black Hat

    Sorry to hear about your daughter’s fall. Glad to hear she’s on the mend. Yes! I loved the PM Dawn bit!
  22. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 75 Fear of a Black Hat

    Yeah, I liked this movie a lot. It was very much of its time, but for the most part, I felt like it held up pretty well.