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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    North by Northwest

    Amy & Paul traverse 1959’s Alfred Hitchcock blockbuster North By Northwest! They discuss what makes Cary Grant’s suit one of the greatest in cinema, ask why so many Hitchcock films feature women betraying men, and draw a line from this film to the Coen Bros. Plus: Daniel Raim, director of “The Man On Lincoln’s Nose,” talks about Hitch’s famed art director Robert Boyle. For Spartacus week, what do you think the film is about? Call the Unspooled voicemail line at 747-666-5824 with your answer! Follow us on Twitter @Unspooled, get more info at unspooledpod.com and don’t forget to rate, review & subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Photo credit: Kim Troxall This episode is brought to you by Bombas (www.bombas.com/UNSPOOLED) and M&Ms Hazelnut
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 222.5 - Minisode 222.5

    @PollyDarton: “And, thus, perched as a bird as I was, I was granted the eldritch avian insight necessary to allow me to reach into the profound thaumaturgical well-spring of C&O consciousness and compose the perfect post.”
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 222.5 - Minisode 222.5

    I’ve always wanted to watch Disclosure. I’m pretty psyched about this
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 222.5 - Minisode 222.5

    Congrats, @PollyDarton! C’est bon!
  5. Recorded live from Durham, North Carolina, Paul, June, and Jason discuss the 2017 drama thriller Unforgettable starring Katherine Heigl. They talk about cyber sex, Chapter Pad, and why the movie is called Unforgettable. This episode is brought to you by Great Moments in Weed History Podcast, Squarespace (www.squarespace.com/BONKERS), Hotel Tonight (www.hoteltonight.com), Away (www.awaytravel.com/bonkers code: BONKERS), and Betterhelp (www.betterhelp.com/bonkers). Subscribe to Unspooled with Paul Scheer and Amy Nicholson here: http://www.earwolf.com/show/unspooled/ Check out our tour dates over at www.hdtgminfo.com! Check out new HDTGM merch over at https://www.teepubli…wdidthisgetmade Where to Find Jason, June & Paul: @PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter @Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on Twitter Jason still not on Twitter
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    Did anyone else want to puke whenever Julia’s husband referred to her as “Mrs Connover” like he was bestowing some kind of fucking honorific upon her?
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    To be fair, she left the second margarita almost completely untouched. Sorry, no screen grab, but I did note that it was mostly full because I’m almost 100% certain Tessa stiffed Julia with the bill. As far as the vaping, I thought it was hilarious as well and that it was somehow a comment on her artificially versus Julia’s more authentic pack of cowboy killers.
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    I still think it’s bonkers that Julia works in publishing - digital publishing no less - and has zero online presence. Not even a work Facebook account or Twitter...
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    I just found exclusive footage of the Unforgettable script being written!
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    I’m 100% on Julia’s side, but it really was goddamned irresponsible of her to lose track of child in a public area because she had to answer a call from an “unknown” number. You don’t *have* to answer every phone call - especially coming from an unknown number or a number you don’t recognize. That call from the people informing you your car’s warranty is about to expire really isn’t worth a child’s life. No matter what else Tessa did, that fuck up was still on Julia.
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    This movie would have been crazy dark if the movie had ended with the police shooting Julia. From their point of view, after being released for suspicion of murder, this person rushed over to Tessa’s house, murdered her, beat and tied up her husband, and seems to be in the process of burning evidence and kidnapping their daughter. She never speaks to the 911 operator, so for all the police know, Tessa was making the call! Honestly, I thought that’s where the movie was going and that Tessa’s final line was almost a fuck you. “I won’t let my daughter remember me as the crazy one. She’ll remember you as the person who killed her mother!”
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    Right up top, whether or not Julia and Copperhead Brew had sex in a coat room or a bathroom, homeboy was definitely headed toward the bathroom, presumably to use it. Maybe I’m alone in this, but if I’m getting up to use the restroom, that’s going to be a big “no, thank you” from me regarding spontaneous dinner party sex. Anyway, I get why it was maybe more interesting to intercut the sexting scene with the bathroom sex scene, but it also presents a super convenient clue that would have helped clear Julia had the police bothered to do - like Castle - a modicum of police work. Had they looked at the time stamps of the conversation, they could have asked any of the ten other people Julia was busy schmoozing with at the time if she seemed unusually preoccupied with her phone during the course of a moderately fancy business dinner. And even if someone was like, “Well, she did disappear for a few minutes” I’m sure Copperhead Brew could have corroborated her whereabouts. Sure, it might be embarrassing, but Julia has a really strong alibi for what she was doing at that specific time. Not only that, it’s not like identity theft is completely unheard of or that Tessa doesn’t have any motivation. A detective worth his salt would have at least listened to her side of the story. I feel like everyone in the movie was way too quick to dismiss Julia right out of hand.
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    In the universe of the movie, Tessa is described by the people around her as being pretty much flawless, but during the margarita confessional scene, she describes Julia as being “gorgeous, talented, and effortlessly beautiful.” I guess she’s not so perfect that she can’t come up with a string of three adjectives where two-thirds of them don’t mean the exact same thing, huh? That being said, I would be pretty impressed if this was intentional flub as a subtle put down of Julia (i.e. refusing to call her intelligent) or as a way of further characterizing her shallow nature. However, without reaction or comment from anyone in the movie, a line that is essentially saying, “You’re pretty, talented, and pretty” comes off pretty lazy, clumsy, and careless.
  14. Cameron H.

    The Visitor Seattle HDTGM show

    Oops, I posted in the wrong thread
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    If you’re in any doubt just how rigidly put together Tessa’s character is, I’d only point out that she’s the type of person who uses correct punctuation whilst sexting - and I appreciate that. That being said, and I get there isn’t an MLA Handbook for this kind of thing (although there probably should be), if you’re going to punctuate at all, maybe use some exclamation points? Putting a period after “harder” feels a bit like sexting a neutral faced emoji.
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    I hate to correct Paul on this since he had so much trouble getting it out, but the cake says: GOODBYE-ISH JULIA WE’LL MISS YOU REGARDLESS. There isn’t a comma between “you” and “regardless.” (Although there probably should be one between “Goodbye-ish” and “Julia.”) All they’re saying is that even though she’s not leaving the company, they’ll miss seeing her around the office. (I can’t seem to take a screen shot, but the time stamp is 3:58)
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    I was 100% expecting this - lol. I kept thinking, “Oh my God, why isn’t this ending? This should be over. What’s going to happen now?” Lovey was fine, but I was literally thinking “Friday the 13th” too.
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    I believe (I could be wrong) Amazon Worlds has been shut down. From what I understand, it was some fan fiction, but it was also books just based on different “themes” or “worlds.” It was a way for indie authors to get their work in front of eyes that might better appreciate their genre. So, for example, if you were into Dinosaur porn books, you could have your book included in the dinosaur porn “world” for people to easily find. This was, for awhile, a pretty good way for indie authors to get noticed and make a decent living. Ultimately, its downfall was that each “world” had a head author whose responsibility was to curate the work being uploaded. Essentially, they acted as the EiC and it was their job to either approve or reject incoming submissions. The catch was, for each book uploaded to their world, the head author would receive something like fifty dollars - whether that book was profitable or not. Unfortunately, as you might suspect, this lead to a lot of abuse when many of these (not all) head of world figures would accept a ton of books without regard to quality. (i.e. Lots of dinosaur porn books, just not *good* dinosaur porn books) This created a situation where no one was really making money except these heads of world, so Amazon shut it down. To my knowledge, some of these worlds do still exist except now the *author* pays the head of the world instead of Amazon - which is in itself pretty shady.
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    I get that. It’s certainly not a “fun” movie to watch - certainly not “ridiculous” fun. I’m horrified by what is happening to Rosario. Tessa just threw her goddamn self down the stairs, and I am a ball of unraveling anxiety yarn.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 222 - Unforgettable

    I’m not quite done with the movie, and therefore haven’t listened to the episode yet, but while on an intellectual/technical level I wouldn’t call it a “good” movie, I think it does work on a gut/emotional level. The main reason I turned it off last night was I was getting so upset and anxious by what was happening that I didn’t want that to be the last thing I was feeling before bed.* Dont get me wrong, there are plenty of things not right about it, but as a piece of Art (Oh boy, where am I going with this?) meant to evoke certain feelings, I think it works pretty well. *ETA (after finishing the ep): Heigl nailed it.
  21. Cameron H.

    Lawrence of Arabia

    Paul and Amy journey through 1962's David Lean WWI epic Lawrence Of Arabia! They ask if this can fairly be called a "white savior" film, learn about the many injuries Peter O'Tools endured during the shoot, and compare the film's structure to Citizen Kane. Plus: A brief look at the controversy around the Joker premiere. For On The Waterfront week, what are times in your life you could have been a contender? Call the Unspooled voicemail line at 747-666-5824 with your answer! Follow us on Twitter @Unspooled, get more info at unspooledpod.com and don’t forget to rate, review & subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Photo credit: Kim Troxall This episode is brought to you by Sonos (www.sonos.com), Beach Too Sandy, Water Too Wet Podcast, and Away (www.awaytravel.com/unspooled code: UNSPOOLED).
  22. Cameron H.

    Shameless Promotion of Self

    Very cool
  23. Oh, I don’t know if that’s right - lol. Just my take.
  24. A movie that knows how to deal with a Duckie. We watched: