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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. I feel like Steph’s arc is going from being, out a sense of abandonment and isolation, a loner to a team player. She’s says her parents stranded her in England, she can’t reach her girlfriend, the kids at school bully her over her sexuality, and the principal is out to get her. I feel like she’s walled herself off, but by the end of the movie, when it might have been easier to just leave Anna and Nick, she saves their lives. As far as the title goes, I’d guess it was mainly picked for alliterative purposes. Then again, just because Nick and Steph survive, doesn’t make it any less Anna’s movie. But that’s just my opinion.
  2. Absolutely! I kept expecting something like that to happen, but “Soldier at War” is the only song to overtly mention “zombies.” (Technically, the principal’s song does too, but it’s more figurative.) Every other song could have been written for another movie altogether. Even the Shaun of the Dead-ness of “I’m Turning My Life Around” is solely due to the direction of the scene rather than the lyrics of the song.
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 221.5 - Minisode 221.5

    It might be a little of both, but I’d lean heavily toward story. At that point, Henson had already proved he could do feature length movies using puppetry and none of those feel like a drag. The story is both plodding and inscrutable at the same time. It takes an extremely simple premise, but in my opinion, loses itself up its own butt with lore.
  4. I didn’t mind how Duckie died simply because in that moment, the movie was serving its High School Musical influences over its zombie movie influence. For a moment, the characters have forgotten what type of movie they’re in, and by engaging in the Musical tropes they have forgotten about the horror movie tropes, and that’s what kills him. My biggest issue is the movie doesn’t have MORE of those types of moments. Like if you are watching it because you like Musicals, you’re going to be disappointed, and if you’re watching it because you like Horror/Zombie movies, you’ll be likewise unsatisfied. It lacks a good balance of the two. I would have liked to see these things bounce up against each other more often - like in the “I’m turning My Life Around,” “Soldier at War,” and “Give Them a Show.”
  5. Such an underrated song
  6. On the one hand, I appreciated they had the guts to off Duckie, but I agree, if they were going to make Zabka an important character, they really needed to establish that earlier. What the movie really needed was a big opening number that introduces us to everyone. Like, it wouldn’t have hurt to have a song where - even in a single line - we see Zabka and his father together. And also, maybe a small nod to the fact that his feelings are sincere, but he’s got to hide it to be cool. Basically, Zabka needs to Zucko it.
  7. You know something Cam, “Last Christmas” is a great Christmas song. He *gave* her his heart - as a present. You’re just bitter you weren’t in Wham! (emphasis theirs)
  8. I think he meant Repo: The Genetic Opera. We did that one awhile ago. I mean, I liked the ending. If you’ve got 45 more minutes, I’d say it’s worth it. Then again, I think I like the movie more than anyone else.
  9. Agreed. I touched on that in my LB review where very few of the songs felt specifically written for the movie. I liked most of them, but there wasn’t anything that was specifically “zombie Musical” about them. Zabka’s song, and one by the principal, are I think the only songs that specifically comment on what’s happening in the movie. Like the song in the bowling alley was fine, but it felt kind of like a stretch as far as being narratively important. For me, this is one of the biggest dings against it. (Although, I always appreciate a solid penguin rap.)
  10. That’s true and didn’t make much sense, but I did like the thread of “Yes, killing your zombie-parent is the sensible thing to do, it’s still going to leave you emotionally fucked up.” In most zombie shows/movies when these scenes inevitably play out, yes, there’s some guilt, but ultimately they get over pretty quickly. I appreciated this movie actually showed that it really wouldn’t be as easy all that and it’s not something you just move on from.
  11. I think the scene that nailed what this movie should have been doing more of was the “Turning My Life Around” scene.
  12. I didn’t just because the movie was more focused on her independence than on her being attached to anyone.
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 221.5 - Minisode 221.5

    The pacing is my biggest issue with the original, as well. I’m not saying I only like frenetically paced movies, but TDC feels glacial.
  14. This is the cover of the album - which I now own
  15. I wanted to bring that up. I feel like the point was to show that in a real apocalypse the Duckies are way less likely to survive than the Billy Zabkas ( sorry for mixing my 80’s archetypes). On the one hand, I thought that was pretty likely, but I also felt like they made him TOO much of an asshole ( a Dickie?) to really make his redemption arc work. I mean, I didn’t think she belonged with Duckie, but I didn’t like him getting picked on either. I’m also not sure that they end up together at the end as a couple, just that they both survived. I could be wrong though.
  16. Overall, I really liked it. There were a few things I think needed to be tightened up, but otherwise, I feel like it accomplished what it set out to do. (I also might have bought the soundtrack )
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 221.5 - Minisode 221.5

    Yeah, on paper, I should be very much into it. I’m just not.
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 221.5 - Minisode 221.5

    Finally catching up on some ‘casts and just wanted to congratulate @PollyDarton for her win! Also, I tried watching Netflix’s The Dark Crystal show and I’m really not into it. Artistically, I appreciate it a whole lot, but I really can’t get into it. Anyone else feel that way?
  19. Cameron H.

    Lawrence of Arabia

    After watching LoA last night, I updated my Letterboxd account to include it in my Top 4 movies. I also have To Kill a Mockingbird and Psycho in my Top 4. After listening to them talk about how simple LoA and Mockingbird are, plot-wise, in today’s episode, I’m starting to feel pretty freaking basic
  20. Cameron H.


    Amy & Paul surf through 1976's Sidney Lumet TV news satire Network! They explore how writer Paddy Chayefsky came up through the TV trenches, listen to modern media figures who took inspiration from Howard Beale, and ask if the film has become too real to work as satire. Plus: Orphan Black's Tatiana Maslany talks about what it was like to reprise the Diana Christensen role onstage. If you haven't seen Lawrence Of Arabia, what do you think it's about? Call the Unspooled voicemail line at 747-666-5824 with your answer! Follow us on Twitter @Unspooled, get more info at unspooledpod.com and don’t forget to rate, review & subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Photo credit: Kim Troxall This episode is brought to you by M&Ms Hazelnut and Hawthorne Men’s Products (www.hawthorne.co code: UNSPOOLED).
  21. Awesome! Although, you will technically go in two weeks (we announce a movie then give people a week to see it) Great to have you aboard
  22. Do you want to be added to the rotation, Graham? Now would be a great time as you would be next
  23. This is available with an Epix subscription. Sounds like I’m due for a 7-day trial
  24. Very cool! I'm not sure I've heard of this one. Sounds interesting