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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    I feel like sheā€™s just fine. She made her peace with Laurel and indicated that she was over Elvis.
  2. Cameron H.

    Boston shows

    This is a damn perfect movie. I have no idea what theyā€™ll be able to say about it...
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    Ooh yes we're comin' in loaded, Ooh yes we're comin' in loaded I'll hold the boat steady brother like a rock Full speed a head until we hit the dock We're heading for home, the fishing was great We're comin' in loaded 'cause we're all out of bait Well, well, well, well, well Oh well now yeah! We gottem packed to the water-line Some got away but the catch was fine Never saw such big ones, m'man oh man, We're comin' in loaded just as fast as we can Well, well, well, well, well Oh well now yeah! I'm gonna see my baby soon as I get back Knock on the door with my pockets packed She'll look at me well she can't say no We're comin' in loaded so come on let's go Well, well, well, well, well Oh well now yeah! Oh well now yeah! Yeah! we're comin' in loaded
  4. Cameron H.

    Boston shows

    From what I understand, they are supposed to be revealing all the movies on HDTGM Info sometime today.
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    Man, I feel like I wasnā€™t paying attention! Youā€™re right. Thatā€™s a song about tuna fish.
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    Tuna doesnā€™t rate a single song, so...pretty low
  7. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    OMG! I forgot about the Greek family! They just disappear after the party, donā€™t they?
  8. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    Heā€™s horny for that boat. Itā€™s actually kind of crazy he gives it up in the end. Like the moral isnā€™t ā€œItā€™s okay to accept help from time to time to achieve your dreamsā€ but ā€œIf your dreams require someone else then itā€™s better to just let them go.ā€
  9. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    My favorite line is from Laurel when sheā€™s mocking Elvis and says, ā€œI hope youā€™re not dreary about money. ā€˜Weā€™ll go where I can afford or we wonā€™t go at all!ā€™ā€ Um...yeah. Weā€™re going to go where I can afford because Iā€™m fiscally responsible.
  10. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    I think itā€™s equal. I mean, the Chenā€™s took him in after his father died so Iā€™m sure he really cares for them. BTW - does anyone else like going outside and watching thunderstorms? I love the rain (I just realized I was beginning to write the lyrics for ā€œEscape (The Pina Colada Songā€))
  11. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 69 Girls! Girls! Girls!

    It was weird how much more I enjoyed this on my second viewing. I even ended up bumping it up a few notches on my Elvis List. Iā€™m also fascinated by the idea of hat stores offering to set up accounts. That is intriguing...
  12. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Pluto Nash 7/12

    I donā€™t have any particular issue with that. Ghost is in Norway too. He might be back by next week. Is the 12th cool with everyone?
  13. Iā€™ve never heard of any particular weirdness between him and his mom, but like I said in the mini side thread, my kids come into my room nearly every night. Most kids want to sleep in their parentsā€™ bed. It feels safe. I know a lot of parents where they experience the same thing. Itā€™s like when you had a nightmare as a kid, you would maybe crawl into your parentā€™s bed. For me, itā€™s not really weird until itā€™s weird, if you know what I mean? I would have to hear more species to be really weirded out about that. Also, speaking as a parent, itā€™s hard to not want to keep an eye on them at all time. I drive my son to school, but if he had to walk, I would walk with him. And if he said that it embarrassed him and asked me to stop, I canā€™t say I that wouldnā€™t still follow him.
  14. Yeah, itā€™s nbd. Every thing is supposed to be super casual. If people need to miss a week itā€™s cool. Also, sometimes people are willing to set up a rabbit viewing for people who need it/want it. I say pick what you want. People can work it out.
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 216.5 - Minisode 216.5

    I just want to say, one or both of my boys sneak into my bed almost every night (usually around 2:30 AM). I feel that callerā€™s pain. I have woken up screaming the last two nights in a row. Literally screaming. Last night to my eldest son staring at me creepily in the dark, and the night before when my three year old ran in like he was goddamn Chucky or something. I also 100% agree with Paul, anytime after 6AM is fine. Before that though is rough. Iā€™ve actually gotten out of bed to sleep in their car beds a few times. #parentinglife
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 216.5 - Minisode 216.5

    Oh shit! I own this movie!
  17. Cameron H.

    Do The Right Thing

    FWIW, Iā€™ve been thinking about this, and I think - within context of the movie - itā€™s definitely the right thing to do. Salā€™s Pizzeria represents a kind of entrenched racism. Itā€™s something thatā€™s always just been there. Everyone has just lived with it. Itā€™s an institution. Mookie repeatedly tries to talk to Sal, tryies to get him to understand, but heā€™s just not willing to listen. Sal doesnā€™t understand the urgency and why thereā€™s a need to upset the status quo. Of course he doesnā€™t! Why would he? Heā€™s doing great. Heā€™s taking advantage of the fact that thereā€™s no competition in that neighborhood. He admits that, compared to other pizzarias, his pizza is more or less unexceptional. In order for there to be real change, Lee is telling us that everything needs to be burned to the ground and rebuilt. Trust and respect has to be earned. Then, maybe, weā€™ll all finally be on equal footing. Itā€™s also why I liked the filmā€™s coda. Mookie is only asking for whatā€™s his. Whatā€™s fair. Nothing more. And then Sal mocks him over giving him an extra $250 dollars which just reminded me of the whole argument over reparations going on right now.
  18. Cameron H.

    Do The Right Thing

    This is true. Because you can really find something to like or dislike about everyone in the movie. I feel like Sal represents a kind of underlying streak of racism - which is almost even more insidious. He acts like heā€™s an ally, probably even believes he is, but if you push his buttons enough, he shows his true colors.
  19. Cameron H.

    Do The Right Thing

    Just to clarify, I re-read my OP and I think it might have come off like I was criticizing the movie or the characters. Like the movie was somehow being dumb for including the quote but not showing people practicing what it was saying. My point was the opposite. I suppose I shouldnā€™t have used the word ā€œinteresting.ā€ I guess it sounded like I was saying, ā€œGot you, movie!ā€ Which wasnā€™t what I meant. I liked the juxtaposition. Iā€™ll edit the OP to clarify.
  20. Cameron H.

    Do The Right Thing

    This was my point. Itā€™s misdirected. Itā€™s not rational. Iā€™m not saying that it should be rational. Itā€™s human. Thatā€™s what makes it good. Iā€™m not condemning them. Iā€™m saying, as people, we sometimes get caught up in a moment of passion and we end up doing the wrong thing or attacking the wrong target. Burning the pizzeria does nothing. It doesnā€™t help anyone. Itā€™s not going to improve their situation. Itā€™s just masturbatory violence. Itā€™s all release - nothing more. The time for violence (and of course Iā€™m talking in hindsight) was when Radio was being choked. Yes, maybe more of them could have been hurt, or jailed, or killed, but MAYBE Radio might have lived. Thatā€™s when the violence might have done some good. Itā€™s not just we should listen to MLK and Malcolm, but we also have to know when to apply their teaching. In this case, the people are passive (aside from yelling) as their friend is murdered, and violent when itā€™s just destruction for destructionā€™s sake. I think a lot of what Lee was saying was that we have to get our priorities straightened out (ā€œWake up!ā€). If we donā€™t have our heads on right, not only will things not get fixed, weā€™ll only make things worse. Itā€™s a cautionary tale. Pick your battles and fight smart.
  21. Cameron H.

    Do The Right Thing

    Yes, but the store didnā€™t murder anyone. The reaction should fit the offense. Physical violence with physical violence. A boycott would have been a more appropriate response to Salā€™s transgression. The solution, according to the movie, isnā€™t MLK or Malcolm, but MLK and Malcolm.
  22. Cameron H.

    Do The Right Thing

    What I like about this quote being used here, and its context in the movie, is how the violence at the end, while understandable, feels misdirected. Based on what Malcolm X was saying there, violence as a recourse is fine as long as itā€™s in service of defending yourself from the people in power trying to hold you down. However, in the movie, they fail miserably at this. Salā€™s power is illusionary. He runs a pizza shop. He doesnā€™t have any power over anyone outside of his own tiny shop. And even then, what power he has is challenged by pretty much everyone - including his sons. No, the time to act was when Radio Raheem was being choked to death. That was the moment. And they miss it completely. Everyone was so busy yelling that they forgot to actually do anything. The violence comes AFTER the moment. The end up attacking the symptom and not they disease. In a depressing way, again, this reminds me of where we are in America today. We stand by helplessly while horrific atrocities occur right before or eyes, and our immediate response is to what? Shoot off an angry 240 character missive into the void, as if that means anything. All that does is satisfy our own ego that weā€™re saying the right thing, that people will witness us saying the right thing, but it doesnā€™t mean weā€™re actually doing the right thing.* *I honestly didnā€™t intend to finish this post with this phrase.
  23. Cameron H.

    Upcoming Episodes

    Iā€™m excited because itā€™s been awhile since I havenā€™t seen the movie being covered, and now there are TWO coming up! I bought Virginia Woolf and Bringing Up Baby when they were on the cheap, but Iā€™ve held off on watching them until they were going to be covered on the show.