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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Episode 215.5 - Minisode 215.5

    These are the truest words ever spoken. Oh, and if you want to crumble some of that sweet, sweet BC on a burger, I won’t say “no”
  2. Cameron H.

    Toy Story

    Yes, but are we rewarding the work that launches the career or the pinnacle of their endeavors? I agree with your Beatles analogy, but to my point, it would be like saying the best song The Beatles ever wrote was “Love Me Do” when we all know it was “Honey Pie.” I’m glad TS gave Pixar a future, but Im not willing to say it’s the best or most representative because of that.
  3. Cameron H.

    Toy Story

    Hell Yeah, I want more of those James Marsden/Russell Brand Easter shenanigans!
  4. Cameron H.

    Toy Story

    I also prefer Star Wars (A New Hope) to Empire. Like SyCasey, A New Hop feels more like a complete movie. It’s for that reason I rarely like the middle act of a trilogy.
  5. Cameron H.

    Toy Story

    I would be happy with Wall-E on the list. It's not necessarily my favorite Pixar movie, but I think it is probably the best example of what they do.
  6. Cameron H.

    Toy Story

    I ended up voting “no.” I love the movie, but like they said in a previous episode, if you want to make a list about “first of their kinds,” then cool. Do that. And I’m not saying influence can’t be a part of the criteria. But I would very much prefer the list to be comprised of the best movies - whatever the genre or medium - and I can think of plenty of other Pixar movies that I think are more deserving. Toy Story is a fascinating template for Pixar’s success, but for me, including it would be like saying Da Vinci’s preliminarily rough sketch of the Mona Lisa is better than the finished product.
  7. Cameron H.

    Toy Story

    I agree with you, although I wouldn’t say Toy Story leaves me completely cold. I do, however, prefer both TS2 and TS3. I’m really struggling with whether it belongs on the list or not. I feel like it’s part of the whole “first one” problem. That being said, I ranked it higher than I would have thought on my personal list. Essentially, I kept asking myself “Given the choice between these two movies, which movie would I rather re-watch?” and went through my list until I reached a movie I’d rather re-watch than Toy Story. That being said, all that really proves is that it’s a more enjoyable movie to watch not that it’s better movie. I don’t have a problem with Pixar being represented, I just feel like Toy Story isn’t even the best of its own series, let alone their entire catalogue.
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 215.5 - Minisode 215.5

    What are we talking here? Salad or Wings? With salad, I’m usually going with with a vinaigrette or Caesar. Wings: Blue Cheese all the way. Ranch is for people with broken tastebuds.
  9. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 68 Dance With Me

    Even crazier is he’s fishing in Texas and the competition is in Las Vegas
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 215.5 - Minisode 215.5

    So did you end up punching the bear or lying down on the green?
  11. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 68 Dance With Me

    Early in the movie, Rafael is tasked with decorating the dance studio for their "weekly party." I get that I'm a homebody, but honestly, is there anyone here that would be interested in going to a party EVERY WEEK? That sounds utterly exhausting.
  12. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 68 Dance With Me

    There was a scene at the end that absolutely cracked me up. It was right after Rafael had his blow up with Kristofferson and everyone is in the dance studio is moping around. Rafael comes in and starts giving them this pep talk from behind a beaded curtain, stepping through it as he’s laying out his case. But then there’s a wide shot and you see that the beads are only about 3 ft on either side of this huge 25 ft (unbeaded) archway. I don’t know, I just thought it was hilarious to think he decided to go through the beads rather than just walk a couple of feet to his right.
  13. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 68 Dance With Me

    And she didn’t seem to understand that sometimes you can just dance. Like him, I don’t know technical terms, but I can dance.* Why was that so shocking to her? *citation required.
  14. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 68 Dance With Me

    Two things: 1) Those sprinklers put out a TON of water. 2) Super cool of Williams’ babysitter to be like, “You should go into her house and dry off. Anyway, I’m leaving now...”
  15. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 68 Dance With Me

    I also thought it was a weird choice to pair Rafael with Jane Krakowski’s character. It’s a movie! Why not have your leads together? It’s a weird “I dance, and you dance, but I’m going to dance with that person and you’re going to dance with that person.” I thought the movie was going to be about blending her rigid training with his free-flowing style and that’s how you win. But...no. Not really.
  16. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 68 Dance With Me

    I thought the same thing! Lol
  17. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 68 Dance With Me

    I think he’s primarily a singer now. (At least, from what I can gather from IMDb)
  18. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 68 Dance With Me

    I think my biggest issue with the movie (besides the length) was Rafael was just too perfect. It felt like an old school romance novel where the love interest was completely flawless. Nothing ever phases him. He’s seemingly great at everything from ballet to fixing cars. Even when faced with a potentially awkward social situation he does exactly right. He reminded me of those people that you meet that come off as disingenuous by trying to act perfect. Like that relative’s new boyfriend or girlfriend who gets to the gathering, says all the right things, laughs at the right jokes, and, like, pulls the children away for an impromptu game of hide and seek or whatever. I just don’t trust people like that. It comes off as do phony.
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 215.5 - Minisode 215.5

    It’s, like, I can taste them in the back of my throat, but I have eaten neither...So gross.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 215.5 - Minisode 215.5

    Ugh! I can just imagine slorping it onto a sandwich. These ads are what happen when motherfuckers don’t take those pod survey requests seriously.
  21. Cameron H.

    Episode 215.5 - Minisode 215.5

    Thanks, Elektra! Honestly, I’m less thrilled about the win (although that’s also very nice), and more about making Paul laugh. That’s the real trophy To be honest, I agree with Paul. Last weeks C&O’s were really, really good. I’m proud of everyone!
  22. Cameron H.

    Episode 215.5 - Minisode 215.5

    I love how Paul has incorporated Cody and Devin into the mini-episodes. It’s nice to have their insight as well. Also, just like Paul I grew up with tomato/mayonnaise sandwiches. They are great. Tomatoes are delicious. However, I’m sorry Kraft, but I will never, ever, ever eat one of your weird hybrid flavors. First of all, I think it’s kind of lazy. What, I can’t be bothered to squeeze two different bottles? Get out of here with that shit! Americans need to be more active! And secondly, I’m not sure I trust your ratios. If you put too much ketchup or BBQ sauce or whatever your whole sandwich is gonna be totally fucked. There’s an art to condiments. You can’t just wing it! Also, Ranch is fucking disgusting. You think adding ketchup is going to somehow make that horror show edible? Get the fuck out of here...
  23. Hey all! As promised, I’ve put together an updated Musical Mondays rotation. Nothing really has changed, in terms of order, except I’ve excised the people that can no longer participate. This should help eliminate the need to track people down when it’s their week. Of course, we welcome all our old friends to come back any time they can (as well as welcome new friends as they come ) Below is the current list of participants. If your name is not on the list, it’s because you have either asked to be removed or didn’t respond when I asked people to re-up. If you would like to be added (or re-added), feel free to say so Musical Mondays Cameron H TomSpanks Cam Bert Quasar Sniffer Cinco DeNio JammerLea Grudlian SlidePocket Gigi-tastic Theworstbuddhist AlmostaGhost Graham S
  24. Absolutely! I already thought six months was incredibly lenient. Six years is downright saintly.