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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. That’s insane! Walken should have foreclosed on those deadbeats YEARS ago!
  2. I could be wrong, but I thought it was six months. That would make it a little more than $3,000 a month. Not bad considering the venue and property, but maybe a bit trickier
  3. Cameron H.

    Midnight Cowboy

    While I think my opinion mostly aligns with Paul, I’m in the “Amy has swayed me” camp too - lol. I’ve gone through an evolution of sorts with MC. The first time I watched it, I hated it. The second time, I enjoyed it a little more, but could easily take it or leave it. And this time, while I wouldn’t say I “loved” it, I certainly appreciated it more. Like others have said, it really sticks with you afterward. Hearing Amy discuss it just confirmed for me that it definitely belongs on the list (even if I don’t have any plans to re-watch it any time soon).
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Updated Rotation

    No problem! I’ve always wanted to go to Norway!
  5. Cameron H.

    Midnight Cowboy

    By sad coincidence https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hollywoodreporter.com/amp/news/sylvia-miles-dead-midnight-cowboy-star-was-94-1139055 RIP Sylvia Miles
  6. Cameron H.

    How do you know what the Movie is for your live show?

    They announce them on Twitter about a week beforehand. Have fun at the show
  7. Dance With Me is free on Crackle (w/ commercials of course)
  8. I hope you have pictures! Cam Bert and the fam at the Country Bear jamboree sounds like a real kodiak moment
  9. Ha! Sorry! Polly asked to be taken out of the rotation for a bit. I’m going to get an updated rotation out soon (maybe tomorrow). That means it’s actually your turn Slide
  10. I totally forgot it was Monday
  11. Sorry it's been taking me so long to get this up. I've been (unexpectedly) super busy this week. I haven't even finished Fighting Temptations much less Vertigo and Hercules Anyway, does this day work for everyone? Are we good with Birdemic or would you all like to watch something else? I think the next movies up (after Birdemic) are 88 Minutes and Adventures of Pluto Nash. Let me know how you all feel. I'm looking forward to hanging out, hanging out, hanging out with all of you.
  12. You know, I can accept a lot from movies. Like, I really don’t have a problem with a kids movie about country music singing bears living among us and everyone in the world just accepting that as normal. As long as the movie abides by its own logic, I’m happy to go along for the ride. No, what bugs me is when a movie just expects to swallow a whole bunch lunacy without explanation. For example, at the end of the movie, they arrive at Country Bear Hall to discover that it empty and that their promoter, Rip, has been cahooting with Christopher Walken. Everyone is suitably bummed, but then Big Al says that people are there they just parked in back to keep off the grass. And they all just kept quiet out there in the dark...because Al likes to play cruel, soul crushing practical jokes on his friends, I guess. I mean, it really doesn’t even bother me why their fans were happy to sit outside and wait as much as, if as the movie states, there has been zero promotion, how the fuck did they know to be there in the first place? In the movie’s universe, no one has spared a thought for the CB’s in ten years, and the first time they are brought back into the public’s consciousness it’s in connection to kidnapping and child endangerment. Nothing on the news ever clarified that this was all in service to a show meant to save their music hall. The movie should either never have brought up the notion of show promotion or those bears should have been playing for a room full of goddamn crickets.
  13. I still don’t understand why Beary, or the Country Bears, can’t just explain what they’re doing. It’s weird, yes, but no one has actually been kidnapped. As far as I can tell, no crimes have been committed. I’m not even 100% sure the CB’s even know Beary has a family at that point. I think they just assume he’s an orphan or something. Once that news report came on they should have been like “What the fuck, Beary?” They could have the whole thing explained and sorted out in less than 30 minutes. Their behavior makes absolutely no sense. The only reason the Country Bears are treated like dirty, kidnapping deviants is because they act like a bunch of dirty, kidnapping deviants.
  14. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics 88 Minutes (6/7)

    Thank you again for hosting, Polly
  15. I’m a bit out of my depth here, but while watching Country Bears I couldn’t help but wonder what the Force of Impact would be from a rather large, stage-diving, harmonica playing bear upon an average concert goer. In an attempt to suss this out, I figured the average weight from five different types of bears - from pandas (the lightest) to brown bears (the heaviest). The result being an average weight of ~528lbs or ~240kgs. Based on what’s shown in the movie, I also estimated the height of the stage to be approximately 1.5 m. Which (based on this formula) would suggest that a 240 kg sentient bear hurled bodily from a height of 1.5 meters would achieve a velocity of 5.4 m/s (meters per second) just prior to impact. Long story short, when Fred Bedderhead spontaneously launched himself into the air he would have plummeted upon the unsuspecting audience members with a Force of Impact of about 35,280 Newtons or 7931.26 lbs! Again, I can’t say that I’m incredibly well-versed in the world of physics and people more knowledgeable than I are more than welcome to check my math. However, I do think that the biggest takeaway from all of this should be that those people Fred landed on are most likely dead or seriously injured. I also think that we can now surmise that the most likely reason for the Country Bears break up was Ted Bedderhead’s exasperation at the constant tide of civil suits brought against the band by all the grieving families his brother so callously crushed into quivering puddles of goo.
  16. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics 88 Minutes (6/7)

    cool! It's still going which is weird...
  17. Yes, I believe that was Diedrich Bader.
  18. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics 88 Minutes (6/7)

    Yes’m. (I meant to reply the time to Sara )
  19. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics 88 Minutes (6/7)

    If it’s okay with you, we were hoping you would host 88 Minutes. If you can’t, then Grud will host Trespass. Is that cool?
  20. “And, uh, at Country Bear Hall you could be different and still fit in. Yup. Different. Mm-hmm...Unless of course your one of them filthy, no-good, bamboo pooping Panda Bears! They want our jobs and our women! No Bears but Country Bears! MCBGA!”
  21. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics 88 Minutes (6/7)

    Glad you’ll be there! You’ve been missed
  22. Something that I’ve always found perplexing is when movies written with a specific audience in mind go out of their way to disrespect that very audience. For example, in Country Bears when they discover that Ted Bedderhead (that name!) is a wedding singer, one of the Bears remarks: “at least you’re not doing children’s birthday parties.” So, let me get this straight: in a G-rated movie filmed and marketed exclusively for children, there’s a joke about how children’s entertainment is demeaning and shameful? What the fuck is that even about? That would be like if in The Avengers: Endgame, Captain America and Iron Man took a moment to snatch a comic book out of some poor kid’s hands and called him a fucking dork.
  23. While it doesn’t make a case for a thriving population of sentient bears, it’s worth noting that the reason given for Trixie leaving Tennessee was that she ran off with a panda bear who is described as being a “rich, millionaire, real estate guy.” It’s also worth pointing out that the Country Bears’ response to this is this derisive exchange: “What's with the pandas? They get everything.” ”You're telling me...” It’s incredibly depressing to me that even in such a small community, the Bears aren’t immune to the corrosive specter of racism.
  24. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics 88 Minutes (6/7)

    Okay, let’s try that then. Polly, does that work for you?