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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics 88 Minutes (6/7)

    Yay! That would be awesome Polly! Yes, still rabbit (they’ve changed up their site a bit, but it’s not too hard to figure out)
  2. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics 88 Minutes (6/7)

    That’s fine with me. Grudlian, would you mind?
  3. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics 88 Minutes (6/7)

    Um...does anyone else have Starz (or other means to watch this) and be willing to host? I’m more than happy to, but I’ve been having intermittent Internet issues for awhile (I FINALLY got them to accept it’s an issue with their router) and I don’t want my Internet to be bouncing during the movie. If not, we can make do with mine, but it might be less frustrating if someone has a stable connection.
  4. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics 88 Minutes (6/7)

    It’s on Starz. I’m fine to host unless someone else wants to
  5. I have to agree with you. I enjoyed the episode fine, and I like all their picks well enough (I would definitely put them all on a Top 100 Horror list), but only Night of the Living Dead comes close for me to making it on the actual “all movies/all time” AFI list - and then, only because the other proffered movies were (in my opinion) weak contenders. There’s no way ANY of those movies deserve to be on a list with Citizen Kane or 2001 or most of the movies on the AFI list. I think, in terms of an honest shot, you have to be talking about movies like The Exorcist, The Shining, Alien, or Rosemary’s Baby. Frankenstein (which was on the previous list) or Bride of Frankenstein are also worthy of consideration. But Blair Witch and Scream? Really? I like them both, but on a list of “all time greats” I just don’t see it. Fun and scary? Yes. Great? No way.
  6. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics 88 Minutes (6/7)

    That sucks, Cam I think, since the poll is tied, we should watch 88 Minutes tomorrow since it is chronologically before Pluto Nash. Sound good everyone?
  7. I just finished and while I agree with what most of you have said, I have to defend the modern bits. First of all, I don’t feel like there was ever supposed to be a direct correlation between Nina and Sita’s stories. I actually feel like tenuous connection between the two stories is reflected in the jittery animation of the Nina sections and how they contrast with the sleek, hard-lined, gloss of the Sita sections. The idea isn’t that their stories directly parallel so much as the themes of feeling out of control of your own life after a nasty breakup is timeless and how we can find comfort in storytelling. So while I enjoyed the three narrators and I LOVED the Sita parts, I don’t feel like they would work as well without the modern context. As charming as the narrators were, they were really just an exposition dump. And as wonderful as the Sita portions were, you would have had to add dialogue to propel the story which would have spoiled the effect. I don’t feel like Nina was being egotistical. She was finding strength and comfort and wanted to share that with her audience. She wasn’t comparing herself to Sita any more than I compare myself to Frodo when I read Lord of the Rings. You don’t have to literally carry a ring to a necromancer’s evil volcano to relate to the feeling of being forced to carry a burden. It only matters how we interpret the message for ourselves and apply it to our own lives. And if it grants us some measure of solace or wisdom or whatever then that’s absolutely valid.
  8. Cameron H.

    Halfway There Special

    Here’s my Top 50 (Well, 52 since I went ahead and watched Modern Times and The Gold Rush) https://boxd.it/1PHoC I should point point out, this is what my list looks like today. I tend to shuffle things around quite a bit.
  9. Cameron H.

    How quickly do tickets normally sell out?

    I’ve never been, but from what I understand, they tend to sell out real quick (to the point they don’t announce their local shows because they sell out almost immediately*). I would think a show in Richmond, where - to my knowledge - they’ve never played before, will go real quick. Good luck! Jealous *Correction: they announce them but don’t send out the newsletter for them.
  10. Cameron H.

    Shameless Self-Promotion

    I want to thank everyone for your support. I'm amazed by you all. I just wanted to let you all know that it is now up on iTunes. If you could take the time to rate/review that would mean the absolute world to us. Thank you all so, so much A new episode - the first Magnum ep - should be out tomorrow.
  11. I'm back from vacation now I haven't had a chance to watch yet, but hope to tonight. It looks really interesting.
  12. I figured we’d get a Minotaur, too! When you think this movie is going to zig, it spins around in circle and craps it’s pants. Do you think the sexy iguana costume was a holdover from when the movie was supposed to be a porn? Although, Inprefer the idea that it was made for another movie as I would love to see it. Also, it’s great to have you back Trip!
  13. I have to admit, I was kind of annoyed when Hercules requested Circe to expend her powers to just tie a rope, but I felt better when she made him exert the extra effort to throw them both across the galaxy just for her to tell him that she can’t help him and he has to continue the journey on his own. Touché, Circe.
  14. Yeah, but according to the movie, killing babies is actually a reward and (maybe) a step toward promotion. I feel like Greek Soldier #4 missed the opportunity to become Greek Soldier #3...
  15. Just wanted to say I’ll be out of town this weekend and there’s an extremely good chance that I won’t be around to create the MM thread on Monday. And, well...
  16. Speaking of dumbass decisions destined to bite you in the ass, one of my favorite moments was when an archer takes aim at baby Hercules in his boat, and Minos stays his hand insisting that, “The river will take care of it.” I mean, yeah, but if it’s really that important to you, don’t you want to be sure? The best part is that the movie then cuts over to the boat spinning sluggishly in what appears to be an extremely shallow stream. It actually looks like it might be caught on the bank of the opposite shore. I mean, I’m not advocating for infanticide, but for the price of a cheap pair of boots you could easily wade on over there and take care of this thing once and for all.
  17. Personally, I thought the movie was pretty much flawless, and I simply can’t fathom anyone’s issue with it, but... if there was one thing that I simply couldn’t wrap my head around, it was why the Hell King Minos would send Daedalus home. I totally get that up to that point Daedalus’ mechanized monstrosities have had a less than stellar track record physically stopping Herc, but you may still want to rely on her ingenuity and expertise. Herc has pretty much beaten every single obstacle you’ve thrown at him, so maybe now isn’t the time to get cocky. That being said, what really bothers me is the reason Minos gives Daedalus for no longer requiring her services is that Hercules is about to enter his island labyrinth and he considers him pretty much doomed. Now, I don’t know about you, but if I were Daedalus, I would be fuck-ing pissed! You mean to tell me that I put all this work into creating killer, misfit toys for you when you had a surefire death trap waiting here for him the entire time? What’s even the fucking point? Why are you dragging me out of my chaos dimension? If you were so bloody confident in you hoity-toity maze of murder, then your entire evil scheme might as well have been “wait here, do nothing.”
  18. Cameron H.


    What I love above this movie is the juxtaposition of phobia versus obsession and how it illustrates that they really aren’t all that dissimilar. That they are both the products of a mind’s irrational, and sometimes unhealthy, fixation on a thing without basis in reality . That being obsessively infatuated with a person who you don’t really know makes as little sense as being terrified of heights.
  19. Cameron H.


    I just finished the episode and I think her take is closer to yours than you think. What’s she says isn’t “willing herself to like it,” but “willing herself to figure out why she likes it.” Which I feel like is a little like what you’re saying. That there’s an intangibility to the movie that can’t be defined by plot or anything truly objective. In other words, “I like it, and I don’t know why, but I suppose I should try to put my finger on it.
  20. Cameron H.


    I didn’t listen to Amy and Googled tryptophobia. Now I just want to tear off my skin forever. This is what I get for hubris...
  21. Neat! I’ve never seen this! Looking forward to it
  22. Neither. Sister Act blows them off the stage
  23. She tells him at one point that “fighting temptation makes you strong.” Everyone in the movie seemed to be fighting temptation of some sort - whether that be avarice, covetousness, pride, etc. I think the name, like their final song, was just to acknowledge that nobody’s perfect, but as long as you’re trying your best, you’re going to be God-loved. It’s a weird thing in churches - which I think the movie portrays pretty well - that they often expect you to be perfect in order to attend church rather attend church in an effort to become perfect. It’s the kind of hypocrisy that not only drives people away, but gives the excuse to sometimes look down on people (e.g. “I don’t like homosexuality. I go to church, which makes me perfect, which means I’m right and I don’t need to listen to you at all.”) Did anyone else have an issue with them kicking Paulina out of the group at the end? I get that she was awful, but it felt very bully-ish the way the did it, and not very “Christian.” I think it would be far more emotionally satisfying to see her won over to their way of thinking, rather than just kicking her to the curb and showing us over the credits that in the ensuing 18 months they somehow came to some kind of understanding.