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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    City Lights

    Yeah, I wasn’t quite sure where she was coming from on that one, but I suppose the ending can be a little bit ambiguous in that there isn’t a huge moment of “Of course I love you!” I think that, perhaps, this was intentional on Chaplin’s part as a litmus test for the audience’s own cynicism. The entire movie is The Tramp’s journey towards acceptance. When people notice him at all, (as fully himself and not in “disguise” as a sanitation worker or boxer) they immediately judge, ridicule, and shun him. The movie even opens (the statue scene) with him being hidden, revealed, and immediately rejected. This same reaction is echoed throughout the movie in The Tramp’s relationship with the millionaire. When the Rich Man is blind stinking drunk, he accepts The Tramp; but when he is sober, he rejects him. Based on everything we’ve seen up until the end, there’s every reason to believe that The Blind Woman will follow this same pattern. And she does - at first. However, he then asks her, “You can see now?” and she replied, “Yes, I can see now.” (i.e. see him for who he is) And instead of pushing him away like everyone else, she pulls his hand toward her and places his hand on her heart. Does this mean that they are going to fall in love forever and have a million babies? I don’t know. However, I’m not sure if romantic love is entirely the point either. I think her response is our ultimately our response. After everything we’ve seen, do we accept or reject him?
  2. Cameron H.

    City Lights

    I watched both this week as well, and I ended up liking City Lights more. Modern Times was great, but I didn’t find it as emotionally satisfying. It also didn’t feel as cohesive as a narrative - more like a series of bits strung together. That being said, I loved The Gamin in it! She was absolutely delightful. Megalomania aside, one thing I like about Chaplin is he allows his co-stars to really shine. The Kid, The Blind Girl, and The Gamin are all as important to the story as the Tramp himself. I mean, I’m not sure if “billing” was as big of a deal back then (although I suspect it was), but I found it interesting that Chaplin always listed himself and The Tramp last. It felt almost gentlemanly to me and showed off the type of humility that he espoused as being so critical to his success. In fact, one of the main reasons I didn’t respond as positively to TGR as the others is because I found it to be the first movie of his where I felt like the secondary characters were lacking.
  3. I’m sorry to hear your health issues are getting you down. I’ll keep you in my thoughts in prayers that everything works out okay. We’ll be here whenever you feel up to it As far as Chitty, I may not have liked it that much, but I’m glad for the opportunity to finally see it.
  4. Pronouncing Harry Hole, two ball snowmen, and more on this week’s mini-sode! Paul opens up the Explanation Hope Line, goes through Corrections and Omissions for The Snowman, opens up the Mail Bag, and gives his Pick of the Week. Plus, find out which movie we will be watching next week! This episode is brought to you by Mercari (www.mercari.com) and Linkedin (www.linkedin.com/BONKERS). Subscribe to Unspooled with Paul Scheer and Amy Nicholson here: http://www.earwolf.com/show/unspooled/ Check out our new website over at www.hdtgminfo.com! Check out new HDTGM merch over at https://www.teepubli…wdidthisgetmade Where to Find Jason, June & Paul: @PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter @Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on Twitter Jason is still not on Twitter (I hope no one minds I created this thread )
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 209.5 - Minisode 209.5

    My takeaway: I need to see 13 Ghosts
  6. The year is 2263. Tucker Lentz (Colton Dunn), an inept insurance salesman with dreams of being a space captain finally gets a chance to leave Earth when he boards a tourist shuttle to venture into the galaxy. He is heading to the Space Station ASHA, a facility dedicated to studying a wormhole that mysterious appeared near the moon 25 years ago. However, things quickly go wrong and he finds himself thrust into a great adventure alongside know-it-all lead science officer Elsa Rankfort (Felicia Day), a bumbling janitor (Steve Berg), and an Alien AI (Janet Varney), as well as other members of the ASHA crew. These are the crew logs chronicling their voyage… to the stars!
  7. Cameron H.

    Ep. 1 To Space… But Further!

    I actually just had a chance to listen to the first episode today. I liked it a lot and I am looking forward to seeing how it goes.
  8. Cameron H.

    City Lights

    Regarding The Tramp’s voice, I always enheard(?) it as being British. Honestly, Chaplin’s real accent is pretty close to what I hear in my head, although The Tramp would probably sound a little less posh. As people who follow me on Letterboxd know, in preparation for this episode I also watched The Kid, Modern Times, and The Gold Rush and what struck me is just how American they are. I always saw The Tramp as being more of a British creature and thought his movies all took place in England. It was weird to see him in California, Alaska, and whatever city City Lights takes place in. It was also jarring for me when you finally do hear the Tramp’s voice in Modern Times. It was not at all what I was expecting. Granted, the character himself is doing a bit so it might not exactly be his “genuine” voice either. But still...I wasn’t into it.
  9. Cameron H.

    Episode 209.5 - Minisode 209.5

    Not the Serenity you’re thinking of I’d wager...
  10. Cameron H.

    Episode 209.5 - Minisode 209.5

    I think that’s a great idea!
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 209.5 - Minisode 209.5

    Does The Rescue fit? It’s like reverse Red Dawn. Instead of Russians invading America, it’s a bunch of American teens invading North Korea.
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 209.5 - Minisode 209.5

    Good picks! The didn’t do Highlander, but they did do Highlander 2. Check it out if you can! I remember it being really good
  13. Cameron H.

    West Side Story

    Right. I just wanted to clarify. When I read “not upper class” it sounded (to me) like you were implying they were somehow low class rather than relatively lower class, but still wealthy.
  14. Cameron H.

    West Side Story

    When you say “not upper class” you mean in the literal sense, as in “not royalty,” as opposed to “not wealthy,” right? I don’t know that I’ve ever heard them described as anything but being wealthy, high ranking families. Juliet is to be wed to a Count after all, which implies their rank would be right around that - although, admittedly, probably a little below.
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 209.5 - Minisode 209.5

    QotD really should be done...
  16. Things are quickly going from bad to worse on the planet Vox. Can Stew and Sorry undo the damage caused by Tucker and Elsa’s feuding? Find out now!
  17. Tucker and his crew encounter the planet Vox in their search for Earth, where they encounter Palom (Hal Lublin), a follower of something they call The Word. Tensions run high amid Tucker, Elsa and Stew as they discover their different political views. This episode is sponsored by ZipRecruiter (www.ziprecruiter.com/VOYAGE).
  18. This was around the time I started fast forwarding through the songs I’m sorry, maybe by that time they had become relevant, but there were so many numbers that did nothing. “Old Bamboo” and “Toot Sweet” were just spinning their wheels numbers. You could have cut them right out and saved us ten minutes of runtime. And what’s worse, they weren’t even that good. In fact, aside from the title song and “Hushabye Mountain” none of the music was all that memorable. Like, I’m glad I finally watched it, but it was hard to sit through. There’s no way I would have had the patience to watch the thing straight through on Rabbit. You guys are the real heroes!
  19. That was so weird for me. I’m fine with whirlwind romances. They happen all the time in fiction. What was strange was how how DvD tries to force an issue of their class difference when it’s not a problem for her. Then he waits to sign a contract to talk to her and I’m thinking, “Oh, he’s going to check to see if she’s truly (heh) interested in him even though he’s poor,” but instead he’s like, “I’m rich now, baby! Let’s get married!” She never cared about that you dunderhead!
  20. Cameron H.

    West Side Story

    Everyone but Mercutio, that is. He’s neither Montague nor Capulet and the only person to see how ridiculous everyone is acting - and then is killed over their absurdity.
  21. I thought it was a bold choice to show three separate children nearly being run over by cars within the first 10 minutes.
  22. I loved how DvD's accent work was the polar opposite of Bert from Mary Poppins. "Hmmm...Incredibly British father? Incredibly British children? Okay. I'll give this about 2%."
  23. You’ve got to give it to a movie that’s framed as a story being told by one of the characters about the themselves and the other characters - one of whom they just met the day before. I just love the idea of DvD being like, “And after I dropped Truly off at her house, she sang a whole song about how much she wanted me. It went like this...But of course, this was before I entrusted her with my children’s safety and she allowed them get kidnapped.”
  24. Cameron H.

    Episode 209.5 - Minisode 209.5

    I’m so glad @grudlian and @AlmostAGhost enjoyed Rockula so much! It warms my heart that I could bring so joy into your lives!