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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics: TBD

    Just a reminder that this is tonight!
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 208.5 - Minisode 208.5

    I just want to second this! I love it when Elektra is here! Elektra is so smart and witty! She makes me jealous.
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 208.5 - Minisode 208.5

    Nooooooo! Lol Ive already used up my free 7-day preview too
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 208.5 - Minisode 208.5

    Same. I had it in my watchlist FOREVER! I think it moved to Cinemax though if you have that (I don’t )
  5. Cameron H.

    Saving Private Ryan

    We got you
  6. “I forgot what these peppers represent.” We watched:
  7. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    I just saw this and it really gave me the giggles...
  8. Cameron H.

    Saving Private Ryan

    Yeah, I found it bizarre where his wife is like, "Hmmm...Capt Miller. Neat." Weren't you wondering why he dragged you all the way to France or why he's leading you to a specific grave? Regarding the eyes thing, I bet if you were to ask him, Spielberg would give you some answer about how the eyes are the same because they've seen war or some BS. But it definitely appears like Ryan is flashing back to someone else's memories. It's...kind of lame.
  9. Cameron H.

    Saving Private Ryan

    Don't let him manipulate you like that. It's overrated
  10. Cameron H.

    Saving Private Ryan

    That’s what I mean, though. I agree he’s (normally) very good at it. I just don’t think he’s as good here because you can see the cracks more due to the weaker story elements. Saving Private Ryan is no Jaws. ETA: I just noticed we both did a parenthetical “normally.” I don’t know why, but that makes me giggle We’re parenth-buddies.
  11. Cameron H.

    Saving Private Ryan

    Yes, and really, you could argue that’s the point of all movies. They’re all trying to make you feel one thing or another. While I can’t speak for anyone else, I think my problem was that the manipulation wasn’t as well hidden as it could or should have been. It was kind of smacking you in your face the whole time. From the opening and closing shot of a faded American flag blowing in the wind. Dont get me wrong, I voted for its inclusion on the list. At least, as the list stands now, I don’t see any reason to drop it. I’m just saying, if you were to drop a Spielberg movie, this would probably be my choice.
  12. Cameron H.

    Saving Private Ryan

    Oh, man. I HATED that! It had been awhile since I've seen this, and I had totally forgotten about this moment. It was just too convenient. Or, if you'll forgive me, a bit too "cutesy." It's one of those things where someone will point out, "Oh, but something like that actually happened," but it's also one of those things where writers (should) go, "Yeah, but no one will believe it." It took me right out of the moment when I was like, "Wait! Isn't that the guy..?" Like you said, I like the idea behind it, but in execution, I found it to be a bit clunky. I also agree, if you're going to take off a Spielberg movie, this is the one I would take off.
  13. Cameron H.

    Saving Private Ryan

    I think we’re on the same page - although I ranked this higher than Platoon and Apocalypse Now on my personal list. It felt very manipulative to me. I mean, it’s effective, but kind of cheap. I remember watching this movie the first time and it was so obvious which characters were going to die and when. It’s like whenever a character revealed anything about their past, they were painting a target on their back. I mean, when Ribisi tells the story about his mother, who didn’t predict that he was next on the chopping block? The movie (almost) seems to be aware of this too - what with Miller withholding his past from his men. Like the reason he’s survived so long is because he’s kept his past private. And once he reveals his past... I like it, but I’m not completely sold by it either. ETA: After thinking it over, I just dropped it below Platoon.
  14. Honestly, I'm pretty much done trying to figure this out - lol. I'm trying to accommodate everyone the best I can. I appreciate what you did, but at this point, I'd just say let's stick to the schedule above and we can circle around and maybe do Supes 3 in June if we feel like it.
  15. Cameron H.

    Saving Private Ryan

    I've only listened as far as the intro, but I'm going to have to go ahead and call a bit of shenanigans regarding the Mrs. Robinson Incident (MRI) from last week. I take issue with the hosts basically dismissing what was said by saying, "that's not what the filmmakers were intending" and how they wouldn't have "viewed it as sexual assault." I'm sorry, but even so, isn't applying modern day moral attitudes to historical films pretty much what this podcast has been doing since day one? The listeners and the hosts. Every episode begins with Paul specifically stating that they are watching these movies to see if they stand the "test of time" and if they are worthy of inclusion on a list of the all time best American movies. This, to me at least, suggests that there should always be at least some discussion on how the themes and plots of these movies relate to present day. To just say, "well, that's not how it was originally intended" could basically be used as the argument for EVERY movie they have discussed so far. (e.g. "Stingo was a creep." "Yeah, well that's not what the filmmakers were intending, so...") I just find it disappointing. What happens in The Graduate is absolutely relevant to the #MeToo movement - which is happening right now. In my opinion, I enjoyed the movie even more because of those parallels. And I'm not saying, and I don't think anyone was suggesting, that the whole episode should have been devoted to it, or that the hosts would even have to agree, but I feel like to completely ignore it or dismiss it a huge oversight. Also, a huge issue people had wasn't just the idea of the sexual assault, but the suggestion of "why him?" Even if the filmmakers' intention wasn't to show sexual assault, I really don't think their intention was to write How Mrs. Robinson Got Her Groove Back, either.
  16. I don’t think Saturday is going to work since most of us planned for Friday. How about this (since we can’t do Supes, Catwoman, or Trespass) • Friday Night - Abduction (it’s on Prime) • Saturday Night - Long Dumb Road (for those who want to and can make it) • April - Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 (This gives people a month to run the series while it’s available and we only watch the last one) • May - Cool as Ice Sound good?
  17. Yeah, I won’t be able to make two. I’m just trying to figure out what’s happening.
  18. Supes isn’t available to rent. Well, Cinco said it’s available on Vudu, but I’m not sure if that’s rabbit compatible.
  19. Okay, so I guess the choice is: Long Dumb Road in lieu of Cool as Ice or in addition to (I.e. one on Friday one on Saturday)?
  20. I think that’s what we’re trying to figure out. Do you want to do Long Dumb Road instead of our normal “classic” or do we want to watch Long Dumb Road on our own and watch our classic - whatever that turns out to be? My rabbit complaint was the chat wouldn’t automatically scroll as you guys would post. I’ve never had an issue before the update. So, I would feel like you guys were being quiet or something then realize I needed to manually scroll down. It made it really difficult to keep up.
  21. Part 2 has a good balance of watchability and insanity. Part One is a lot of wedding planning, chess playing, and debates about abortion. Part 2 is much better.
  22. Part 2 is pretty good. I just binged them all a few months ago. It’s up to the group if you want to do it. It’s not one I would recommend (due to length) but it’s really up to the entire group.
  23. I don't know if Vudu works. I know iTunes does not. Also, I've looked ahead, and we have a lot of unavailable movies coming up (at least, as far as Amazon is concerned.) Twilight Breaking Dawn: Part One is the next one up that we could rent (although, I own it , Although, I'm not sure if on a Rabbitable platform.), but I'm not sure how fun that one will be. It's super-duper long and kind of slow. The next, what I think, viable movie would be Cool as Ice since we'll probably save Jingle All the Way for next December. It's kind of a shame too. I don't really mind missing a re-watch of Tresspass, I was looking forward to seeing Catwoman again.
  24. It's just been brought to my attention that Supes isn't available to rent right now, so maybe this is the way to go.
  25. When was the plan to do this then? Friday? That was the day we were going to watch Superman 3, but if everyone wants, I guess we could do a showing of this and hold Superman for next month.