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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    OMG! I was going to buy it, but I just realized there are two different versions! One is David Byrne singing all the songs and one is the more complete version (it looks like that’s the one you got). Now I’m conflicted! Like, I kind of prefer “Puzzlin’ Evidence” and “People Like Us” with just The Talking Heads, but I want all that other stuff too. Decisions, decisions...
  2. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    My interpretation is that she represents potential. She’s dancing in this empty field, kind of like the one where Culver takes the Narrator and tells him to imagine all the houses that could go there (“Here's a field... take a look out. Picture a house... Picture a lot of houses. What else is a field good for but building houses?”). Basically, potential isn’t inherently a good or bad thing, it just is. A thing doesn’t become good or bad until it becomes whatever it becomes, and even then, it’s still subjective - if that makes sense. (“Some people say 'Freeways are the Cathedrals of our time'. Not me.”)
  3. Paul & Amy round out the Best Of 2018 miniseries with an all-star lineup of callers talking about their favorite films of last year! Guests like Damon Lindelof, Lucia Aniello, Leonard Maltin, Reggie Hudlin, Casey Wilson, Chris Gethard and the wonderful Unspooled listeners evangelize their favorite films, from Free Solo and Shoplifters to Searching and Mamma Mia 2. Plus: we briefly preview the Academy Awards this Sunday, and finally talk about Green Book. Next Thursday we’ll be discussing The Graduate, but tune in Monday for a special post-Oscars bonus episode! We’ll be livestreaming it online starting at 10am PST (watch our Twitter for the link), then releasing the episode on our podcast feed later that day. Follow us on Twitter @Unspooled, get more info at unspooledpod.com, and don’t forget to rate, review & subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Photo by Kim Troxall. This episode is brought to you by Caavo (www.caavo.com code: UNSPOOLED), Mubi.com (www.mubi.com/unspooled), Black Tux (www.blacktux.com code: UNSPOOLED).
  4. Cameron H.

    Best of 2018: Listener’s Picks

    If Marvel was smart, two years after Endgame, they should basically do The New Avengers and promote The Defenders to the big screen with Captain Marvel leading the team. You don't even have to kill anyone off. Just say whatever the new threat is going to be (Which I'm guessing will be either Kang the Conqueror - if rumors of time travel in Endgame are true - or a full blown Skrull invasion) took out the original team so they need to step up to save the world. The best part is, if it's Kang or Skrulls, it leaves the door open for older characters to come if they want to. And if it's Skrulls, not only do you leave that door open, but you can get away from some of the poor casting or acting decisions. ("Iron Fist was a Skrull! That's why he sucked! Here's the "real" Iron Fist.)
  5. Cameron H.

    Best of 2018: Listener’s Picks

    I hadn't heard that about an entirely new cast and crew. The last I heard, they just weren't allowed to touch the characters for two years, and the issue was more about cast and crew availability at that time. Of course, this was in regard to Luke Cage and Daredevil specifically and it was awhile ago now, so I could be wrong.
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    That makes complete sense.
  7. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    Did you all see that the phenomenal Stephen Tobolowsky was a co-writer?
  8. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    By the way, my favorite line - or at least the one that gave me the biggest chuckle - has to be : 'I'm 6'3", and maintain a very consistent panda bear shape."
  9. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    That's definitely an interpretation too. It's like the Narrator says: "When I first come to a place, I notice all the little details. I notice the way the sky looks. The color of white paper. The way people walk. Doorknobs. Everything. Then I get used to the place and I don't notice those things anymore. So only by forgetting can I see the place again as it really is" I feel like their are multiple layers running through the movie. Some are nothing and some have meaning. It's all about our own perceptions. Like, depending on who you are, you might view Louis as a creeper, but to others, he might seem like a hopeless romantic. (Personally, I think he's a creeper.)
  10. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 60 True Stories

    I'm not gonna lie, I loved this movie. It was quirky and fun and says so much without saying too much. Plus, David Byrne is so fun to watch with all his anti-charisma! I think one of my favorite bits is when The Narrator and Louis are walking through the mall, and Louis is bitching about not being able to find a good woman. The Narrator then points out two groups of women with a single nod - a group of old, white women in the background and a group of young, black women in the foreground - and asks, "What about them?" He never specifies who he's nodding toward, but Louis automatically answers him with something like, "No, they're too old" - completely ignoring the black women! He doesn't even say they're too young or anything. It's like, for Louis, who's apparently desperate for love, they don't even exist. He looks straight through them. Again, it's saying a lot without really saying anything.
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 207.5 - Minisode 207.5

    That’s what I thought he said. I even tried Freeform, goddamn it! Freeform!
  12. Cameron H.

    Episode 207.5 - Minisode 207.5

    Didn’t Paul say you could rent Harry and Meghan? I only see it for purchase. It’s only 4.99 so it’s not a huge deal, but, like, do I really want to own - forever - a Lifetime movie about Harry and Meghan?
  13. Cameron H.

    Episode 207.5 - Minisode 207.5

    I got some Tagalongs too, and I regret to tell everyone, they’re not as good as we remember Thin Mints are still A-Plus, Number 1, Best Cookies.
  14. Cameron H.

    Episode 207.5 - Minisode 207.5

    Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that it’s Girl Scout Cookie time again. I’ve got a box of Thin Mints (i.e. the perfect cookie) cooling in the fridge right now. Go out and get some you Cookie Monsters!
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 207.5 - Minisode 207.5

    Yeah, I saw that. It’s really sad. He seemed to be really well loved. It’s tragic.
  16. Cameron H.

    Episode 207.5 - Minisode 207.5

    Yeah, it used to be Marissa, but she left soon after the 2nd Howdies. She was super-duper nice. I don’t want anyone to be mad at anyone. If everyone just shakes their fist at the sky for a moment in mock fury, that will be enough.
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 207.5 - Minisode 207.5

    I know. That’s what Jam and I were saying above. I mean, I’ve been posting here long enough. I get how it all works. I’m not angry. I was honestly being (mostly) hyperbolic in my response - lol. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not a big deal. If anything, I would say I am...”good naturedly, but passionately, annoyed.” Normally, I wouldn’t even address it at all. I only responded this time because this kind of thing is a particular pet peeve of mine. (I once got in an email argument with a radio DJ for taking an out of context quote from Obama and making it seem like he was saying something he clearly wasn’t. His argument to me was that he was providing “entertainment” for his listeners, while I contended - that since most people might not have had the opportunity to see the speech in its entirety - he had a responsibility, based on his platform, to give people the full context and not cherry pick clips to strengthen his point. Interestingly, he eventually invited me on to his show to argue with him on-air. However, since I’m not an idiot and didn’t particularly feel like being ambushed, I politely declined.) I’m not even saying that my evidence was even all that good. I’m just saying, it’s a big old eye roll to hear, “You didn’t tell me xyz” when I very much did. It doesn’t really even matter why he didn’t read that part. I know it wasn’t done maliciously. That would be fucking ludicrous - lol. My post was in two paragraphs. For brevity’s sake, I’m sure whoever chose it just took the first part, thinking that the second paragraph was redundant. It was just mildly annoying to hear, that’s all. I was merely indulging myself a bit by being a little over the top in my rebuttal. My computer is safe and sound - lol. Honestly, I’m just touched that Elektra and Jammer even noticed. That made me feel really good Forum people continue to be the best people.
  18. Cameron H.

    Episode 207.5 - Minisode 207.5

    That’s my guess, too. I’m not really mad. It’s just kind of obnoxious.
  19. Cameron H.

    Episode 207.5 - Minisode 207.5

    Whoa, whoa, whoa! I just listened to it! I thought he just didn’t read that bit and maybe it weakened what I was trying to say. But to actually omit the bit where I gave historical context, and then say I didn’t give any evidence and THEN say that I’m “better than that” is some straight up BUUUUUUULLLLSHIT! I mean, no, I didn’t go deep with the fucking microfiche or anything, but I did provide a very relevant example (one that most people would be familiar with without research) with dates - even if only approximate. Look, I’m fully capable of looking like I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about on my own - lol. But don’t give partial context and then say I should have given more or call me out for being lazy. I mean, if it was that bad, don’t read it. That’s fine. But don’t present a false narrative. Gah! His argument doesn’t even address the salient point of my post, which was that they thought that kind of thing didn’t happen that early in history. I point out an earlier example, and he brings up freakin’ Braveheart - a movie absolutely renowned for its historical accuracy - which takes place approximately 1200 years after the events depicted in Dragon Blade and nearly 2000 years after the event I cited. Look, I am open to disagreement. I’m open to debate. I’m open to being called a fucking moron, if you want. But don’t fucking edit me and then tell me I didn’t provide examples. But thank you Elektra and Jammer! I appreciate you both! Thanks for having my back
  20. Why are the wheels on the meals? Sounds gross.
  21. Cameron H.

    Best of 2018: Listener’s Picks

    Holy shit! I have to listen to this episode right now! #MonsterTrucks4ever
  22. I don’t know. There’s a kind of thrill in the anonymity the Internet provides. We can be anyone we want. For instance, you guys have no idea that for all this time, I’ve actual been star of screen and smaller screen Kirk Cameron! (The “H.” stands for Christ. As in, Jesus H.) Gotcha! Now, let me tell you about my favorite fruit: bananas...