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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Well, now you’ve got me curious... I checked out his post for The Lake House, and was pleased to discover that, not only was I the only person to like “Dan’s” post, I suggested he should have it submitted to The New Yorker - because it was written in a lovely free verse. Which means, while Elektra may be inadvertently stalking Mr. Radcliffe, he and I obviously share an ineffable, metaphysical connection that none of you plebs can ever even begin to understand. We are bound for one another like Keanu and Sandy-B. Fact. (And, if it turns out forum Dan isn’t, like, Dan Dan, then that’s cool, too. I’l take any Dan in the storm really. I’ll horde all the Dans.)
  2. I just want to say, the Jim Dale narrated series is pretty great. He does a phenomenal job.
  3. “Exquisite. Like an orgasm in reverse.” We watched:
  4. Cameron H.

    Ep. 2 Worst Contact, Pt 1

    After leaving the Wormhole, Tucker, Elsa, Stew and the other crew realize the anomaly has vanished without a trace. Now they’re stuck in some unknown part of the galaxy with no way home. What’s worse, Sorry informs the crew that the ship is dangerously low on fuel and they must seek the aid of the inhabitants of a nearby planet. This marks first contact for humans with an alien race. And so, our adventure begins… Featuring special guest Amir Talai.
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 59 Passing Strange

    I like the music more and more each time I hear it! Thanks for picking this as I would not have known it existed
  6. I just got live footage of Cam Bert...
  7. Were they confused by that line? I must have missed that. But, yeah, 100%, he’s asking to be mercy killed. He’s been hanging there crucified, blind and bleeding, for what appears to be days. Furthermore, if Brody went the traditional crucifixion route, which is likely, he would have also broken Cusack’s legs. This would be more painful and would have expedited death by asphyxiation. And, considering Brody is portrayed as one of those cruel and psychotic Romans in the vein of Caligula, there’s also a very good chance that he got even more exotic and shoved a stick up Cusack’s dick - something that has been reported as a thing that happened to some crucifixion victims. So, like, I get they thought it lame that Chan didn’t put more effort into saving Cusack, but honestly, there’s not much he could have done for him. Homeboy was already dead.
  8. The gang seemed confused by the idea of massive armies sending out a champion to fight a battle for them. Daniel concedes that this probably happened, but everyone agreed that it probably didn't happen until later in history. First of all, I don't feel like the idea that each side would send out a champion is really all that crazy. The rationale being: if our very best guy can beat your very best guy, then ultimately, we'd would probably win the battle anyway, so why bother with all the bloodshed? As far as it not happening until later in history, according to Judeo-Christian history, the story of David and Goliath (perhaps the most famous example of this kind of thing) was said to have occurred around 1025 B.C. - approximately 975 years before the events of this film. Whether or not you believe in David and Goliath as historical fact, it would have been a story circulating for almost a millennium. To me, that at least suggests that the idea of sending out a Champion to fight a proxy battle for your army wasn’t something that would be completely unheard of at the time.
  9. First of all, I just wanted to say that I thought Erin and Daniel were fantastic guests! I loved the energy they brought, and I really hope that they can be brought back sometime in the future. In defense of John Cusack's accent work, or lack thereof, I have to admit that I was totally cool with it. The movie had already made the decision that English was going to equal Roman/Latin, but back then, just because someone was "Roman," didn't necessarily mean that they were "from Rome." The Roman Empire stretched from the Portugal to the Middle East and from the British Isles to Africa. Once a culture was conquered by the Romans, they weren't expected to completely abandon their native language, so I'm sure that a pure "Roman accent" would be pretty hard to pin down. I mean, how many accents are there in the America? Hell, accents can change within the same state. So, maybe, in the world of Dragon Blade, to show a difference in class, Roman's born in Rome - like Brody's character - have English accents, while Roman's born in Gaul or some shit have a more Chicagoan, every man type of flavor. The fact that they all sing in Latin still makes no fucking sense though...
  10. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 59 Passing Strange

    I just wanted to say I just bought the soundtrack and I love it 🥰
  11. Cameron H.

    Best Of 2018: Blockbusters

    I thought I’d go ahead and creat this Paul & Amy travel to the distant era of 2018, with a look back at last year’s 20 biggest movies! They cover everything from Bohemian Rhapsody to Aquaman, A Quiet Place to Black Panther, with an eye on which films deserve to be placed on a future AFI list. Plus: Listeners resolve a musical mystery from One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. Next week we continue our miniseries looking back at the films of 2018, with an episode focusing on critically acclaimed films. You can find a list of the top 20 films we’ll be discussing here: https://www.metacritic.com/feature/film-critics-list-the-top-10-movies-of-2018 [metacritic.com] Read Amy’s expose on Tom Cruise’s couch moment here: http://www.laweekly.com/news/how-youtube-and-internet-journalism-destroyed-tom-cruise-our-last-real-movie-star-4656549 [laweekly.com] Follow us on Twitter @Unspooled, get more info at unspooledpod.com, and don’t forget to rate, review & subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Photo by Kim Troxall. This episode is brought to you by Caavo (www.caavo.com) and Black Tux (www.blacktux.com code: UNSPOOLED).
  12. Cameron H.

    Best of 2018: Critics' Picks

    Hearts Beat Loud was maybe my favorite movie of last year
  13. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 59 Passing Strange

    I literally didn’t catch that until the last song
  14. Cameron H.

    Ep. 1 To Space… But Further!

    I literally just discovered this podcast existed! I am so excited to listen. The cast and concept sounds amazing.
  15. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 59 Passing Strange

    I hope the comment card said: "You don't know me and I don't know you...so, please, tell me something about yourself."
  16. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 59 Passing Strange

    Regarding the filming , unless I'm misunderstanding the complaints, I kind of respected the fact that Spike Lee didn't try to inject too much of his own style upon it. It shows a level of respect for the material to allow it to stand on its own rather than just be another "Spike Lee Joint." I also don't know how you would film this movie in any other way. So much of it relies on metatextual asides and band and audience interaction. I don't know if numbers like "Is it Alright" would work as well if wasn't for the audience getting out of their seats and clapping like they were having a religious experience or something. I mean, I suppose the same thing could be done with actors, but there's something more visceral about seeing people being moved in a genuine, rather than artificial, way.
  17. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 59 Passing Strange

    So I was reading through the Wikipedia plot synopsis and it says this about the end of the play: "The Narrator and the Youth confront each other directly and in a serious moment for the first time as the Youth copes with his grief; dealing with the loss of the same mother, it is clear now that the Narrator and Youth represent the same person at two different times in his life ("Passing Phase")." Like, no one was actually surprised that they were supposed to be the same person, right?
  18. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 59 Passing Strange

    Mr. Franklin is very much every church music director I have ever known
  19. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics: The Wicker Man

    I Know Who Killed Me is definitely one of those movies where you’re better off just listening to the episode. The last time I listened to it, I was like, “I have to see this movie! It sounds bananas.” And it is, but not in a very interesting way. I found it to be pretty dull overall.
  20. Cameron H.

    Episode 206.5 - Minisode 206.5

    100% It took me three attempts just to get 30 minutes and I still have like 45 minutes left. If anything crazy has happened, there’s a real good chance I nodded off and missed it.
  21. Cameron H.

    Live Shows Not Yet Posted

    I still think they’re holding them back. By Paul’s admission, even the recent “in studio” episodes recently were taped awhile ago. Cellular was done back in November, and while he didn’t say when, Paul said they recorded Little Italy some time ago. Without getting too deep with the speculation, I would guess one or more of them plan on being busy for awhile and they’re stockpiling episodes so there’s no lull in the content. For example, I don’t know how large Zouks’ role is in John Wick 3, but maybe he needs to do promotion and won’t be available. Or, maybe more likely, Paul has something coming down the pipe. I mean, they’ve done episodes without Jason and June (at the same time even), but if Paul isn’t around, I doubt Jason and June would record an episode. Honestly, I wouldn’t worry about it. Unless something got messed up in the actually recording (worse even than Top Dog and Theodore Rex) I’m sure they’ll be released someday. And I doubt it will be through Stitcher Premium. The only reason Valerian was exclusive is because it was part of a festival. As cool as they’ve been about rotating their back catalogue from behind the paywall, I seriously doubt that they’re going to start holding back live episodes just for subscribers. That’s never been their style.
  22. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 59 Passing Strange

    I just wanted to say, everything Colman Domingo (Mr Franklin/Joop/Mr Venus) did was amazing. The whole “Arlington Hill” number (“Coward’s ain’t got shit. Cowards only have...consequences”) was incredible. I also thought Eisa Davis (Mother) was pretty great. I feel like that could have been a pretty thankless part - considering the things everyone else got to do - but she imbued the role with so much gravitas and humanity. It was lovely work.