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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Theme Month: Jan. 2019 - Westerns

  2. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 55 Rockula

    I’ve got a couple of other questions. At the end of the movie, Mirror Ralph - before he breaks free - says he’s locked in the dressing room. First of all, who locked the door? Can something in the real world affect Mirror Ralph’s world? Could it be that vampires actually have reflections, but they all just got locked away someplace? Also, does Mirror Ralph eat - the denizens of Mirror world or otherwise? If he were to get locked in that room indefinitely, would he starve to death? I mean, theoretically, if a month later Ralph Prime finally remembered Mirror Ralph was trapped in Club Hell’s dressing room, if after all that time he looked in that mirror, would he find Mirror Ralph’s emaciated corpse? Also, speaking of Club Hell, you’ve got to love a club that bounces you for being a dork one night and then introduces you as the next big thing the following night. I mean, Mona’s been, presumably, working toward playing there for years, and in a matter of 24 hours, all her hard work is diminished and upstaged by a corny novelty act.
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 55 Rockula

    I meant to respond to this yesterday. I don’t disagree that he was off-the-wall, but I think I really liked that about him. He amped up the absurdity level to 11. I think it worked well for the film. That being said, Madam Ben Wah (heh) didn’t really need try all that hard convince him to kill his girlfriend, did she? ”You should kill her.” ”I should?” ”Yes.” ”Okay, I can see the logic in that.”
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 55 Rockula

    Maybe his full name is Ralphesmee.
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 55 Rockula

    No, I think there was a pirate originally, because the legend was that she was in love with the pirate first. But, yeah, I think the mother is responsible for all the subsequent murders. Which is pretty fucked up when you consider that when Ralph says he’s not going to find her this resurrection, she convinces him he should because she’s going to die in two weeks anyway. It’s like, well, not really, because you’re the one setting it up for her to be murdered. If he doesn’t go out and find her, she has no reason to have Stanley kill her. I’m just saying, all of this should have really gone into Ralph’s decision to forgive his mom.
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 55 Rockula

    You mean the video that she says she’s been waiting to make her “entire life” which turns out to be a duet with a man she’s only known for maybe 48 hours? Ralph also says the homeless kids were Mona’s idea. I’d kind of like to know more about where she’s coming from.
  7. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 55 Rockula

    I would also like to point out that - based on the lyrics - he’s less “Rockula” than “Nerdula.” And while he’s clearly not a singer, I noticed Dean Cameron (Ralph/Rockula) co-wrote a number of the songs.
  8. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 55 Rockula

    I loved the fact every time he walked to the stage, there was always someone in the hall offering to suck his toes.
  9. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 55 Rockula

    That’s a great point. What exactly does he eat? Like I get they get blood bank deliveries, but he says he faints at the sight of blood. He’s also really fond of cooking with garlic. So, can vampires actually eat whatever they want and just choose to murder?
  10. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 55 Rockula

    I love how quickly Ralph forgives his mother (on Mona’s behalf, too) after admitting that she’s been the mastermind behind 15 or so murders.
  11. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 55 Rockula

    Okay, here’s my new Mirror Ralph theory: All vampires have sentient reflections, and the reason they never see a reflection, is because their mirror self is off living their own lives. But...that doesn’t really make sense either, because mirror Ralph complains about things being backwards. If he was a mirror person, you’d think he would be used to it. So...I’m back to not knowing. I am curious as to where Mirror Ralph meets women. Does that mean there’s a woman out there without a reflection? Is she a vampire? Is she also cursed?
  12. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 55 Rockula

    I loved how his long haired band mate during “He’s the DJ, I’m the Vampire” was only onstage to give him high fives.
  13. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 55 Rockula

    This is a great question. Especially, when you consider there’s a whole scene at the beginning where his mom complains that she can’t see her reflection. I mean, there’s a throw away line that it has something to do with the curse, but how exactly? And considering Mirror Ralph breaks free at the end, does that mean he’s Ralph’s twin brother or has his reflection been granted full autonomy?
  14. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Gigli

    I’m glad you guys “liked” Rockula anyway
  15. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Gigli

    Ha! I just walked in the door. What happened to make you all bail?
  16. I don’t know how helpful I’ll be. It might be nice to do it next week, but then Tom will have to postpone to get us back on track. Maybe we should do mine next week and Tom could announce her pick at the same time. We’d be doing two MM’s back 2 back, but it would get us back on track. Thoughts?
  17. And you were like, “Wait. I need to savor this.”
  18. “Art?” Why, yes, I think that’s a perfect way to describe it... And, yeah, I would hold off until we find out what tomorrow brings.
  19. Cameron H.

    Upcoming Episodes

    For people who have iTunes, Last Picture Show is currently on sale.
  20. Lol - Yeah, this is a Cannon film, so you know what you are getting into here. I’ve wanted HDTGM to do this movie forever.
  21. I’m so sorry for your loss, @gigi-tastic. Take care.
  22. No, I like the idea, but at the moment, I have a hard enough time keeping up with what everything as it is. I may follow along unofficially, but I just can’t promise a commitment for the time being. I do have some Jimmy Stewart westerns on my watch list, though. So I may just bump them up
  23. Okay, cool. I’ll just go ahead then. (Cinco, could you please edit the thread title?) I’ve been promising this one for two years. It’s time to watch some trash.