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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    It's A Wonderful Life

    Exactly! When he has his moment with Violet, it’s a reaction against his feelings of being out of control of his own life and not out of any genuine (romantic) affection. While he loves Mary, he’s resistant to being with her because he knows the feeling is real and he’s afraid it will just be another thing that keeps him tethered to Bedford Falls. But there’s never any doubt that they are meant only for each other.
  2. Cameron H.

    It's A Wonderful Life

    Amy says that Clarance can’t wait for Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to come out and she was confused as to how old he was when he died. To my understanding, Clarence is as old as he says he is. He never mentions Huckleberry Finn. He says: “You should read the new book Mark Twain's writing now.” As in, Twain is writing a new book - in Heaven. My only confusion is how can a person read a book as it’s being written. Is the Heavenly Host just a bunch of beta readers? That seems like an extremely inefficient way to get any writing done. At least let him run through a draft or two first.
  3. Cameron H.

    It's A Wonderful Life

    I’m still only in the first third of the episode, but I disagree when they say Mary wouldn’t/shouldn’t have become an old maid and would have married Sam “Hee-Haw” Wainwright. Here’s dialogue from the film: George: Wh-Why in the world did you ever marry a guy like me? Mary: To keep from being an old maid. George: You could have married Sam Wainwright and anybody else in town. Mary: I didn't want to marry anybody else in town. To me, her becoming an Old Maid doesn’t suggest that she’s incapable or falls apart without him, but rather that George and Mary are soul mates and destined to be together. They complete one another. If he doesn’t exist, she doesn’t just get another true love, because, as the movie stresses, everyone is special. Everyone is important. And everyone has a role. So, no, she’s not going to marry Sam, because that wouldn’t be right for either her or Sam. When George sees her as the Old Maid, he finally appreciates just how much they compliment each other. I don’t think it would be as effective if it was like, “Yeah, she got married to someone else and she’s doing great.” Then it’s just torture for him, but the whole point is interconnectedness. I also don’t think it would be fair for her to end up in a loveless marriage either. As for being skittish? Hell, I’d be scared to live in Pottersville. That place is sketchy as fuck. I’m sure it would be terrifying for her. She would probably be better off if the town had remained Bedford Falls, but with George not existing, and the town going to shit and all, that isn’t really in the cards.
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    Maybe...It’s just a lot of these movie *do* entertain me - just maybe not in the way the filmmakers intended. Like, I’ll watch Batman & Robin anytime and have a great time. So, in a way, it is successful. Kind of what you were saying earlier, I guess the only movies I would consider “bad” are movies like Hard Ticket to Hawaii. Movies that were never meant to be good, just exploitive. I mean, of course there are movies that are more to my taste than others, but I don’t know that I like the idea of ranking movies as being “bad.” I feel there’s a fine line between teasing in a playful manner and bullying, and I try (although I don’t always succeed) to stay on the more positive side as much as possible.
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    Is it weird that I’m feeling very protective of these movies? I think I’m getting to the point where I don’t like calling movies “bad.” I feel like people are being mean.
  6. Cameron H.

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    I don't mind the Twilight movies - although it took me a while to come around on them. They're fun to tease and they obviously mean a lot to many. I have to admit, the last time I binged them (in August), they really worked for me - unironically. They fulfill a niche and she (Stephanie Meyers) obviously caught lightning in a bottle when she wrote them. No judgements from me That being said, I had a lot of fun watching Holiday in Handcuffs, too. It might just be that I like bad movies - lol
  7. That’s right! I’d forgotten about that!
  8. You can try hitting up Shannon, but I think they had a third party working on it. I’m not sure what they can do at this point.
  9. In at least one version (Grimm’s maybe...), the fairy godmother is her actual mother, so that kind of makes sense.
  10. Yeah, I was going to say something similar. Like I recognize my normal barista, whom I see often enough, but if I saw her out and about, I’d probably be like the prince, “That person seems familiar...” I mean, they only met the one time for a minute or two. How many people, regardless of how attractive they are, would you be able to meet once for a couple of minutes and then immediately recognize them on sight a few days later? I also agree about the steps not recognizing her. They were pretty far away. And in the original fairy tale, Cindy was always dirty and covered in ash. It may just be they didn’t recognize her all cleaned up. I’m also cool with love at first sight. Sometimes you just know, you know? My wife and I moved in together after 3 days and one “real” date. We married a year later and have been together ever since. We’re best friends and barely ever fight. I’m not saying that it works that way, or should work that way, for everyone, but I personally can’t dismiss love at first sight out of hand. That being said, I’m not a huge fan of Cinderella (the story) overall. There’s not a lot of drama in it beyond “get your man/woman.” Which is why I guess the animated version is 70% about her vermin friends and not her.
  11. Cameron H.

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    You just haven’t developed an immunity to these movies yet. I prescribe one Holiday Romance a day until Christmas. You’ll be as right as rain in no time
  12. Personally, I really enjoyed this version far more than the animated version - even with the distracting “Nineties-bass.” Regarding the slipper, I think that’s a holdover from versions of the tale that weren’t based on magic. However, as far as this telling goes, I think it just says that the Fairy Godmother actually had the power to keep Cindy a princess if she wanted to, but if she did, there might always be a question as to whether the Prince’s love was unconditional or if it was only because she was princess. The fact that Cindy is of a lower station is an important part of the story, so it’s important that the Prince accepts her for who she really is. Also, placing the shoe in his hand forces him to be proactive. Like, he could have just been like, “That sucks. Oh well...” The shoe shows to what lengths he’s willing to go to find his one and only. At least, that’s my rationale
  13. Thank you so much! Unless Fister makes a reappearance, I should be next in line.
  14. @taylorannephoto Would you mind swapping MM weeks with me?
  15. Cameron H.

    Episode 203.5 - Minisode 203.5

    I am thrilled to watch this movie again! A movie which I described on Letterboxd as: “...the film equivalent of a Taco Bell Cheesy Gordita Crunch. It's all kinds of gross and definitely terrible for you, but every once in awhile, you've just got to indulge.”
  16. Are there any other movies that I’m missing? Is Winter’s Tale Holiday related?
  17. Rich People Problems: The Movie We watched:
  18. Come on in! https://www.rabb.it/CameronH
  19. Cameron H.


    Oh, I’m including that in the second “run.” I guess I should have really said the “Gonna Fly Now” scene. I just meant there’s not a lot of time devoted to training in the movie at all. Like Cam Bert said, the other movies are more about the “fight,” so the training is more center stage. The fight isn’t really the point of Rocky.
  20. Cameron H.


    When I watched it this time I thought to myself, “I there being way more training.” I guess I got it confused with the other more montage heavy sequels, but it’s really just the two runs, the meat thing, and the rope/balance thing with Mickey. That’s pretty much it.
  21. Of course! I’m all set with the room.
  22. No apologies necessary Life gets in the way. We all know we all need to pop in and out from time to time.
  23. Cameron H.


    Honestly, I think he’s been crushing on her his whole life.