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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. I watched it with Starz. The best thing to do with free trials is to sign up and then *immediately* go to your Amazon account and cancel. You’ll still get the seven days but it won’t charge your account when the trial is over.
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 201.5 - Minisode 201.5

    I own San Andreas and I like it quite a bit. I think it's fun in a dumb way. I liked Skyscraper, as well, but it wasn't particularly memorable for me. I found it to be a bit ho-hum to be honest. Of the two, I thought SA was much more enjoyable, but that's just me. I'm a sucker for disaster movies.
  3. Cameron H.

    Live Shows Not Yet Posted

    Nah. I want to say they did something similar when June was expecting, but I might be misremembering. I do know there was a time (around Monkey Shines I want to say) when their release schedule wasn’t as consistent. Like, it would sometimes be a month between episodes. But since then, I don’t think they’ve missed a single week - partially I’m sure- to bottling episodes. Also, welcome to the boards
  4. Cameron H.

    Live Shows Not Yet Posted

    I imagine they’re just bottling them for the future. They might have filming coming up or just taking some time off for themselves for whatever reason. This way new content will still be released.
  5. Cameron H.

    Listener Questions Special

    In this week’s special episode, Paul & Amy are answering all of your questions, submitted by Unspooled’s Facebook group! They reminisce about the origin story of the podcast, explain which documentaries they would add to the AFI 100, and tell each other their favorite movie snacks. Finally, they celebrate the first 25 episodes by unveiling their official ranking of every movie covered on Unspooled so far. Next week’s movie is “Mr. Smith Goes To Washington,” so call the Unspooled voicemail line at 747-666-5824 with your best campaign speech for Jimmy Stewart (in a Jimmy Stewart voice!) Follow us on Twitter @Unspooled, get more info at unspooledpod.com, and don’t forget to rate, review & subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts.
  6. I've been meaning to create this thread all week, and with one thing and another, I kept forgetting. Anyway, next week is the first Friday of the month, but it's also a short week. Would you guys prefer to get together on the 2nd or the 9th?
  7. Cameron H.

    Listener Questions Special

    Okay, I’ve thought about this some more and I would like to re-adjust my stance on this (again). I now disagree with Paul (and my previous post) because by only allowing one movie per director that suggests that the director, and no one else, is responsible for a movie’s quality - and that’s bullshit. I mean, it would be one thing if every director worked with the same cast, crew, and scriptwriter on every film, but since that’s not the case, disallowing a film because it shares the same director ignores the contributions of everyone else who worked on that film. For example, even if all the other elements were the same, I doubt Raiders would be on the list if it starred Gary Busey or Rear Window if it were written by E.L. James.
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 201 - Skyscraper

    I watched this last week and I’m having trouble remembering everything, but I think the issue is that the problems with the building could only be because of that iPad. Since no one knows it was stolen from him, and it required his facial recognition, it looks like he’s responsible. So it’s not coverage of of a theft, but of a terrorist on the loose. Which, incidentally, was a big source of humor for me when the crowd starts getting on his side. They’re essentially cheering on what they think is a terrorist...
  9. Cameron H.

    HDTGM Classics Vol 14 Skyline

    Hey, Tom, U Up?
  10. Cameron H.

    Listener Questions Special

    For people who are buying these movies on iTunes (like me), Bridge on the River Kwai is currently on sale for 4.99. Its regular price is 17.99. So, if you’re interested, I’d jump on that now
  11. Cameron H.

    Listener Questions Special

    You truly are the Xamot to my Tomax... First the AFI list, then - The World! COBRA!!!!
  12. Cameron H.

    Listener Questions Special

    That’s cool. I didn’t really want to pollute our hive mind I agree. I was a bit resistant to the idea at first, but when Paul brought up E.T. as being quintessential Spielberg, it turned me around. It might not be the “best” Spielberg movie ever, but it is the best in terms of getting across his reoccurring themes. And I feel like most artists, even when working across genres, have certain themes that appeal to them, so maybe we should just present one movie as the Platonic Ideal of what the director has to offer. (i.e. “We know Spielberg is a great director with many great films, but when we think of Spielberg, what movie best sums him up?”) I mean, I am kind of annoyed that Godfather 1 and 2 are both on the list. I love both of them, but it’s like, “Yeah, we get it...”
  13. Cameron H.

    Listener Questions Special

    Me and Cam Bert
  14. Cameron H.

    Listener Questions Special

    I wasn't thinking of A Clockwork Orange, no. I think it's going to be pretty low on the list, but it's been a really long time since I've seen it so I couldn't honestly tell you if it's going to go above or below Titanic. I can tell you the movies I'm thinking about if you want or i can keep it a surprise. I will say, Intolerance was the one you got right. I prefer Stagecoach to The Searchers, but I like The Searchers more than Titanic. Like Amy, Martin Scorcese isn't really my favorite. I would be fine with just Taxi Driver on the list and nothing else. That being said, since it *is* on the list, it's probably going to be pretty low on my list, but I would have to watch it again to say whether I'd put it above or below Titanic. It really could go either way.
  15. Cameron H.

    Listener Questions Special

    I know I did feel the need to explain though.
  16. Cameron H.

    Listener Questions Special

    I mean, yeah... Honestly, a grown-ass man (a professor) shocking an undergraduate so he can seduce another student just seems really distasteful to me - especially in 2018. It doesn’t read as “charming rogue.” Just gross. So, like, in the first scene, you’ve already kind of lost me. I’m not saying Val is perfect in RG, or that the movie is perfect or deserves to be on the AFI list, but he isn’t an adult in that movie. He behaves, more or less, like a shitty college kid - particularly a shitty college kid in an 80’s movie.
  17. Cameron H.

    Listener Questions Special

    I’m afraid you’re only 1 for 3...
  18. Cameron H.

    Listener Questions Special

    I think my tastes have changed... My son loves the New Ghostbusters - a lot. He is 6 (oddly enough), and like you, he will watch it, and then put it on again immediately. So this Halloween, I thought I’d show him the original movie and he didn’t like it. He asked that we put on *the real* Ghostbusters. Anyway, maybe it’s because I’ve seen it too much, but the original wasn’t doing anything for me. It was kind of boring and Bill Murray just came off like a smarmy asshole.
  19. Cameron H.

    Listener Questions Special

    In my defense, 3-stars is still pretty good and I know for a fact there are at least three movies coming up that I’m going to rank below it.
  20. Cameron H.

    Listener Questions Special

    For anyone interested, and to save people the trouble of looking up my list on Letterboxd, here's my list: 1. Psycho ★★★★★ 2. Raiders of the Lost Ark ★★★★★ 3. Lord of the Rings ★★★★★ 4. ET ★★★★★ 5. Singin' in the Rain ★★★★★ 6. All About Eve ★★★★★ 7. African Queen ★★★★★ 8. Citizen Kane ★★★★★ 9. Double Indemnity ★★★★½ 10. Wizard of Oz ★★★★ 11. Platoon ★★★★ 12. 2001 ★★★★ 13. Taxi Driver ★★★★ 14. Shawshank Redemption ★★★★ 15. Bonnie & Clyde ★★★★ 16. Apocalypse Now ★★★★ 17. High Noon ★★★★ 18. Duck Soup ★★★½ 19. The Sixth Sense ★★★½ 20. King Kong ★★★½ 21. The French Connection ★★★½ 22. Ben-Hur ★★★½ 23. The General ★★★½ 24. Swing Time ★★★ 25. Titanic ★★★ Even writing that out I kind of want to move a couple of things around - lol I will say, if I did, it wouldn't be anything too drastic. Mostly within their own groupings. So I might shuffle the 5 star movies around, but I probably wouldn't bring a 3 star movie all the way up to the Top Ten or anything. ETA: Also anything from about 16-18 down, I wouldn't lose any sleep over if they were removed from the next iteration of this list. None of them are bad, but I'm kind of apathetic to them. I don't feel like they NEED to be there or anything.
  21. Cameron H.

    Listener Questions Special

    Awesome! Because when she mentioned it I was thinking I should really check it out. I also agree with Robin Hood being on the list. I just watched it recently and it is just a lot of fun.
  22. Cameron H.

    Listener Questions Special

    Yeah, it's kind of a bummer, but I get it. I think the difference is that the Facebook thing was a grassroots, fan-built group whereas the forums were provided for us - whether we use it or not. I think it must be very flattering to create something and then have a group of people build a community around it. Also, because more people are already on Facebook, it has the potential to reach more people. That being said, I prefer the forums, and I will never, ever, ever, create a Facebook account. Ever. Like, ever. Ever, ever, ever.
  23. Cameron H.

    Listener Questions Special

    Wow! The poll is neck and neck...
  24. I’d be happy to write one. I’m thinking either - Hannukkiss Me; My Menorah For Ya; Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel: A Hanukkah Fable.