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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.


    Paul & Amy pull off the highway for a short stay at 1960’s proto-slasher masterwork Psycho. They dissect Alfred Hitchcock’s artful use of misdirection, listen to Anthony Perkins’ pre-Psycho pop single, and ask if there was any value in Gun Van Sant’s controversial remake. Plus: Alexandre O. Philippe, the director of “78/52: Hitchcock’s Shower Scene,” discusses one of cinema’s most infamous moments in detail. What do you think is in the warehouse at the end of Raiders Of The Lost Ark? Call the Unspooled voicemail line at 747-666-5824 and let us know! Follow us on Twitter @Unspooled, get more info at unspooledpod.com, and don’t forget to rate, review & subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts.
  2. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 51 The Rose

    I agree. I think dying alone in a bedroom would have been a step too far for me. I mean, I can just imagine this slow pan out from her body on the floor. The movie is rough enough without that going on too... At least the movie lets her go out in a somewhat triumphant fashion even if its no less tragic.
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 51 The Rose

    No that wasn't the memorial, that was just her old hang out spot. It was essentially her version of Weezer's "In the Garage." I'm not sure why it was in the garage, but I would assume it was either they didn't want all her cut outs on her bedroom wall, they didn't have a bedroom for her, or, in my mind the most likely, that's the space they set aside for her to do her music shit - which can get loud. The people bookending the film are reporters chronicling her life. (I.e. "This is where it all started.."). The pictures on the wall show her idols - the people that had attained the adulation she craved. I didn't catch them all, but I definitely noticed James Dean which seems significant in a "live fast, did young" kind of way. The picture of her at the end suggests that she achieved her goal, but at a cost. I think the saddest thing about that scene for me is the fact that her parents did leave her stuff up. Considering she seemed so keen to avoid them, it appears that regardless of how strained their relationship might have been, her parents never stopped loving and supporting her.
  4. I want to say it was The Christmas Ghost, but I would honestly have to double check that.
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 51 The Rose

    Probably. I watch it from my laptop. I'm not sure how everyone else rolls. And, yeah, it's probably ideal for HDTGM movies since you can usually drift in and out of them. We're usually cracking jokes and whatever. I'm not sure about voice chat, but I'm sure that's something that you could arrange.
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 51 The Rose

    We've only done it for two of the Musical Mondays movies so far, but I'd say it's a bit of everything you've listed. When we do it for HDTGM Classics, though, it's really to watch the back catalog HDTGM movies together. It's a way to have a fun movie night with friends who live all over the world
  7. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 51 The Rose

    I wouldn’t say it’s a eulogy in that sense. More like a song inspired by the movie’s themes. It’s more in the vein of Will Smith’s “Wild Wild West.” It isn’t so much that Jim West is rapping, as Will Smith is rapping about Jim West’s wacky adventures.
  8. ...or The Christmas Prince or Christmas Inheritance - which is one of my most popular reviews on Letterboxd. I described it as a "Rom-Com written by the Alt-Right."
  9. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 51 The Rose

    I think this is more likely. If you listen to the lyrics, it’s not really a love song. It’s a song *about* love (not necessarily romantic love) - and how much love sucks. Or, perhaps more accurately, how our definitions of love are wrong and how, because of this, we cause ourselves pain. It’s about dreaming so hard about what you think love should be, that you either don’t actually pursue it or it passes you by. The songwriter suggests that love is actually a a flower and you are "its only seed." So in a kind of weird, love-ouroboros way, love requires itself in order to blossom. In a movie about a person desperate for love and acceptance, I’d say the song is thematically appropriate even if it isn’t period appropriate.
  10. Paul, if you're reading this, this is all we want for Christmas this year...
  11. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 51 The Rose

    None of the above. I wish we could have learned more about her lesbian affair.
  12. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 51 The Rose

    BTW - Exactly how many times did you watch it? How are you holding up?
  13. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 51 The Rose

    They never come out and say it, but yeah. Also, I never really felt like this movie was set in the Sixties. I mean, I got that people were calling her “hippie,” but nothing else felt Sixties-ish to me. It felt much more Seventies to me and it’s not there weren’t still hippies in the Seventies (and today)
  14. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 51 The Rose

    As someone who’s lived there, I can confirm that Jacksonville is a total shithole. Also, did anyone else listen to Janis Joplin when they were done?
  15. Already in my queue...
  16. Here's some concept art! (Hopefully, that won't make you die. Maybe just, like, really, really sick )
  17. It's pretty harrowing...
  18. Right now there is an alternate reality in which Mike the RA plays Hobbs in the Fast movies...
  19. Oh, I’m deadly serious. I will start a gofundme right now to see a shot for shot remake of Skyscraper staring Haskins. As for The Rock replacing Mike, I’m gonna need to see his mullet game first before I commit.
  20. Dennis Haskins IS Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in SAVED BY THE SKYSCRAPER!
  21. What does your heart tell you?
  22. Sorry to hear that. Get well soon