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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. It's at minimum a ten cat gif movie...
  2. We can watch it together! I've got us cute outfits...
  3. Youā€™re gonna need ā€˜em for this one. Itā€™s...pretty grim.
  4. Damn, Tom, itā€™s like you donā€™t even read my posts anymore...
  5. First of all, Fast movies? Yes! That's a great idea! Second, have any of you motherfuckers seen this?!?
  6. Omg! Omg! Omg! This looks like the best movie ever made! Thank you for bringing it to my attention. http://youtu.be/_aMZ37kiIKU And it says the production company is The Asylum. Am I to understand the makers of Sharknado are now making Christmas movies?
  7. Fuck yeah! Amazon knows what's up. I swear to God I would start watching them now, but I'm trying not to burn myself out on Christmas on the third day of November. I saw 12 Dates of Christmas come up the other day (thank you, Sara K) and I was so tempted to watch it. I hope there will be a new Christmas Prince this year. That movie was amaze-balls. 2 more weeks and it's on...
  8. I keep trying to watch it, and every time I try, something comes up and I have to stop watching. I think Iā€™ve made it 1/4 through. The thing is, though, if I were really into it, I feel like I would remember to finish it. Yet I never do. I know everyone seems to love it, and I want to love it too (if only to validate our friendship), but maybe I just...donā€™t. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ
  9. Question for you all. Now that Halloween is over, I need a new theme for the movies I watch (because my life demands order). Since there arenā€™t that many Thanksgiving Movies - besides Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, Dutch, and the Charlie Brown and Garfield Specials - Iā€™m trying to find movies that are at least generally about gratitude, generosity, family, and thankfulness. Itā€™s more the theme that matters, not the genre. Iā€™ve never seen them, but Iā€™ve already placed Eat, Pray, Love, Tyler Perryā€™s Family Reunion, and The Pursuit of Happiness in my queue. Can you all think of anything else/better? Thanks, guys! I know I can count on you! (Of course, I only need enough for a few weeks, because once T-giving is over [maybe even slightly before], I am 100% on the Hallmark Christmas movie train and Iā€™ll be on that sucker for the rest of the year )
  10. Oh my God! It's been too long since I've heard that "What's its Mission?" clip. I'm dying. That's still so amazing. And Jason's laughter for "What's a Street Fighter" is pure joy. Thanks for 200 episodes!
  11. Cameron H.

    Duck Soup

    He's a god, not *The* God (I don't think...)
  12. Cameron H.

    Duck Soup

    I just wanted to say I'm enjoying the conversation. Whether we agree or not, I love the passion.
  13. Cameron H.

    Duck Soup

  14. Cameron H.

    Duck Soup

    I actually had one of these during Duck Soup! Iā€™m a huge fan of MST3K and Rifftrax and one of their running gags is if a couple characters (usually one is a monster) suddenly and awkwardly start wrestling, one of them (Usually Mike Nelson) will say, ā€œCan't you see what I'm trying to tell you? I love you.ā€ For some reason, I always thought it was a Cary Grant line.
  15. Cameron H.

    Duck Soup

    Regarding pathos, Iā€™m not saying it thereā€™s anything wrong with Comedy for Comedyā€™s sake. But when weā€™re talking about the *best* movies, I think a broader pallet enriches the product. Iā€™m not saying Hitchcock should be romantic, but his best movies do tend to include romance, and humor, and action, and so forth.
  16. Cameron H.

    Duck Soup

    No, thatā€™s cool. I think youā€™re right about the Comedies having *something* but Hell if I know what it is. Like, I can already see my future hypocrite arguing against you all for one of the other Comedies on the list - lol And honestly, I hope you all know Iā€™m not trying to be difficult. Iā€™m just trying to understand.
  17. Cameron H.

    Duck Soup

    Honestly, I was just being sarcastic with the wordplay thing. My point is, this movie doesnā€™t feature a lot of the things we tend to include when judging the worthiness of these movies, but suddenly itā€™s okay that those things arenā€™t present. Despite all its brilliant use of lighting, Psycho maybe shouldnā€™t be included because the second half quite isnā€™t as memorable as the first, but Duck Soup is...funny? Thatā€™s where Iā€™m stuck. Harpo is wonderful. They are all great. And Iā€™m only saying that again because I feel like this has begun to boil down to ā€œI like it and you donā€™t,ā€ but thatā€™s not what Iā€™m saying. Itā€™s great. Iā€™m just having trouble understanding why it should be considered one of the best American film beyond and I havenā€™t heard anything really compelling beyond ā€œI like it and it makes me laugh so it should be there.ā€ I mean, I like Miami Connection, but I donā€™t think it belongs on the AFIā€™s list -lol.
  18. Cameron H.

    Duck Soup

    We are part of a blessed tribe.
  19. Cameron H.

    Duck Soup

    I smiled indulgently.
  20. Cameron H.

    Duck Soup

    I need to party with your mom
  21. Cameron H.

    Duck Soup

    Yeah, that's not quite what I'm saying. I'm not saying they were lucky necessarily. I'm not saying they weren't brilliant and don't deserve to be recognized. I just don't know that Duck Soup, as a movie judged on its own merits - and not just as a Comedy - deserves to be on a list of best *movies* ever. All these movies we talk about always seem to have to jump through so many hoops to be included. We all bring up the lighting, the camera work, the writing, the mythology, the labor, the acting ability, but for some reason this one gets in because of clever wordplay? I'm not judging it against Animal House; I'm judging it against Schindler's List. On this thread, I've already put forth three other comedies I'd rather see, and since I brought up Brooks, I'd add Young Frankenstein to that list (although Blazing Saddles is probably the more obvious choice). That's not to mention non-comedies that are probably even more deserving.
  22. Cameron H.

    Duck Soup

    Neil Diamond version? But, yeah, my parents didn't really introduce me to many (if any) movies. Or music for that matter. I had to pick it all up on the streets.
  23. Cameron H.

    Duck Soup

    Agreed. My problem with Comedies is that so few of them, for me anyway, are actually re-watchable. It's like going to a party and a person tells you a funny joke and then running into them a few weeks later and they tell you the same joke. It's just never going to be as funny the second time you hear it (never mind the 5th, 6th, 7th, etc,). That's a big reason why I feel like Comedy benefits from being more well-rounded. Amy has brought it up before, but I would fully support When Harry Met Sally on the AFI list. It's very funny, but even when you know all of them and can quote them by heart, there's still a really strong story about love and relationships at its core. I don't need to bust a gut laughing with every re-watch because it's built on something far more tangible than just "I'd love 'eliminate.'"
  24. Cameron H.

    Duck Soup

    I approve of your swapping them out for Buddy Holly. That's probably a bit more fair. Gee, that's a great question. Maybe you're right with Woody Allen. I mean, from the limited amount of movies I've seen, he's not exactly my cup of tea either, but you're right in terms him making comedy more artistic. Maybe Mel Brooks, too - although he might be too similar in style for this analogy.
  25. Cameron H.

    Duck Soup

    Mine too