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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Upcoming Episodes

    The reanimated corpse of Groucho Marx?
  2. Cameron H.

    Episode 199.5 - Minisode 199.5

    Yeah, I think some people do need that period of adjustment - especially if they were really social to begin with. I feel like having kids is a lot like graduating from school or transitioning from one long term relationship to another. You have your life before and your life after. Some people have trouble letting go of the past and neglect to appreciate what they have in their present - as if their past was somehow “better” when in reality, it was just different.
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 199.5 - Minisode 199.5

    Still though... I mean, you wished him a happy birthday. As far as I'm concerned, you've done your part - lol. I guess the only thing I could think of is did they do anything big for your birthday? Or for any of the other friends? Did they use their baby as an excuse? I don't know. A lot of this stuff seems silly to me as an adult, much less as a parent. It would be like bitching that Santa doesn't bring you presents anymore (although, sometimes he still does ). When you become a parent you have to except that your life has changed. It's not about your birthday, because it's not about "you" any more - or at least, it shouldn't be. And you can't expect your non-child having friends to drop everything at the drop of a hat because a specific time is convenient for you. Again, if they want to try to plan a friend get together just to have a good time that's one thing. There's no pressure. There's no time constraints. And it's about the group rather than the individual. However, this just seems to be all about this guy and what he wants to do (or what his wife would like to do for him or whatever). Why can't the basketball game be a different day? Why does it have to be a part of his birthday celebration? It just seems really self-centered.
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 199.5 - Minisode 199.5

    I think I’d be more sympathetic if they were like, “Hey, I miss you guys. We’re all adults now and have responsibilities, but I really don’t want to lose touch. We should really figure out a time when we can all get together and just hang out.” The fact that it seems to be framed as, “You fuckers need to celebrate *me* and *my birth*” makes me roll my eyes. For my birthday, I usually get a couple of gifts, and whatever dinner/dessert I want. That’s it. And I’m totally happy with that. If a friend of mine (or my mother) remembers to text me a “Happy Birthday” that’s just a bonus.
  5. Cameron H.

    Episode 199.5 - Minisode 199.5

    Birthday party? For me?
  6. Cameron H.

    Raiders of the Lost Ark

    Sorry about that Honestly, I think the biggest issue with the prequels is that they are so ambitious, and I guess, he felt like they had to be a Trilogy. There was so much he was trying to accomplish that things often seem oddly paced - simultaneously fast and slow. Sometimes you just have to accept things as they come. That's why I highly recommend The Clone Wars - especially seasons 3 on. It fleshed out a lot of the things that seemed rushed or half-formed. You also get more of a sense of where Anakin was coming from, and how, in his mind at least, the Jedi failed. If you're looking for Prequels with better writing and execution, that's where you'll find them.* I mean, I get people were disappointed. I just feel like people kind of need to get over it now. Someone born when TPM came out is of voting age now** I find grown ass adults complaining about a 20-year old kids movie far more annoying than Jar Jar Binks any day. (ETA: Just to clarify, I 'm not saying that's what's happening here. This might be the one place where it's actually appropriate to have this conversation.) And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the Prequels are perfect. I'm just saying, if we're being honest with ourselves, they're not drastically worse than the originals. *There are a lot of silly episodes, too. But Star Wars has always been a bit silly. ** Please vote
  7. I’ve always liked them, but I’d say my appreciation for them has really grown in the past year or so. They really were the whole package.
  8. ...but he put it on backwards! Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck. (Seriously, I’m not surprised to hear that the writers had done cartoons before this as the “jokes” in this movie were straight-up Flintstones)
  9. I threw that gif up and now I’m just lying in bed listening to TLC...
  10. I would have freaked the fuck out if she had put Miller in her father’s night shirt...
  11. Cameron H.

    Raiders of the Lost Ark

    I will defend the prequels to the bitter end - lol. I honestly don’t think they’re as bad as people make them out to be and any deficiencies in them are absolutely present in the OT. Making fun of the Prequels has become low hanging fruit. It’s boring band-wagoning. People do it just to do it, but no one ever actually says anything new. It’s armchair quarterbacking at best and cruel, uninspired bullying at worst. It’s tired. All I can say is that they made a ton of money, they introduced tons of characters, worlds, and races that we still reference, and we still discuss them nearly 2 decades later. I only wish I could fail so hard.
  12. No way! I’m silk jammie-jams like TLC.
  13. She seemed almost charmed by his alcoholism. (Just wait until she finds out how terrible he is with money - Ooh-la-la!)
  14. Wow! Okay, we all need to really be keeping an eye out for this kind of stuff. I would have loved to own those! Thanks, Ghost
  15. When Jerri is nursing Miller back to health, Fats comes in and gets pissed that MIller is wearing pajamas. In defense, Miller asks, "Do I look like the type of guy to wear stripped pajamas?" Um...anyone care to wager a guess what that means? What's wrong with stripped pajamas? Are they too hip? I just found it odd especially considering she bought those pajamas (and others) for her brothers and father - which is also fucking weird.
  16. Cameron H.

    Celebrate #HDTGM200 !!!

    I'm so glad you were finally to come aboard. It's been great to have you here! Like I said, HDTGM attracts only the best.
  17. Cameron H.

    Celebrate #HDTGM200 !!!

    I feel 100% the same way. Love you, guys.
  18. I don’t know a lot about the jukebox industry, or the famous Jukebox Wars, but I can’t imagine they held so much clout that they could make or break a music. Nor do I buy that musicians were forced to sign deals that contracted their music to only be played on a jukeboxes built by a specific manufacturer.
  19. I just want to give a quick shout out to the couplet in "Cool It, Baby:" I love your eyes, I love your lips. They taste even better then potato chips. First of all, I can't think of a less romantic/sexy food than potato chips (except maybe coleslaw). And secondly, it's not entirely clear if it's just the lips that taste like potato chips or if the eyes do too...
  20. Cameron H.

    Celebrate #HDTGM200 !!!

    Thanks, Shannon, for putting this together I'm not even sure where to start with this...but I'm sure I'm going to write too much. What was your first episode of HDTGM? - Honestly, I can't say that I remember - probably Godzilla or one of the others that I was already familiar with. What I remember more vividly was seeing this crazy banner ad on Cracked.com of three people (I didn't know who they were at the time) Photoshopped up to look like the movie poster for Junior. To be honest, it was a long time before I mustered the courage to click on that link. But day after day, it was there - luring me in with its siren song. I don't know who made that graphic, but they did an amazing job. It caught my eye and held my attention - demanding that I give this thing a chance. Favorite catchphrase? - June - "He's so small?" ; Paul - "Hello, people of Earth..." "When I worked at Blockbuster..." ; Jason - I can't think of anything specific, but I have always loved Jason's quieter moments. Especially in studio episodes, he'll say something quietly that kind of goes under the radar, but is really funny. The one that comes to mind right now was in I Know Who Killed Me and he says something like "I yelped. I Yelped Thai food restaurants because I was hungry..." Jason is incredibly witty and I love when that side of him shines from beneath the bombast (which I also love ) A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) - It's probably cliche at this point, but listening to them unravel the relationship of the people in the boat in Sleepaway Camp is pretty epic. The episode you revisit the most - I've always had a soft spot for Safe Haven. I also love Stayin' Alive and Tyler Perry's Temptaion: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor. The movie that you loved or hated watching - HATED: Hard Ticket to Hawaii and Ninja Terminator; LOVED: Rad, Last Dragon, Miami Connection What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff - I'm not even sure where to begin... I discovered HDTGM a little over four years ago. At the time, I was working a job that essentially had me behind the wheel of a car for 9-plus hours a day. While the job itself wasn't terrible, it was a pretty lonely existence. But one day, to my great fortune, I discovered this silly little bad movie podcast. Suddenly, the hours I spent on the road weren't so lonely. I had three or four friends in my ear discussing the types of movie's that I loved with the kind of humor and intelligence that I hoped I did when speaking with my own friends. And it wasn't just that they were funny, which, of course they were, but that they were legitimately good people. You could just tell. The way they spoke and presented themselves came off as so genuine - so caring. They lacked the artifice that one often expects from celebrities. So, the weeks began to fly by. I would laugh and feel so much joy and it made the whole work week that much more bearable. I couldn't wait for the next episode. Often, I would lay up somewhere and just listen through the newest episode before getting started with my day. It wasn't long before I wanted to be a part of the discussion. So I joined the Earwolf message boards, and, without hyperbole, it was one of my best decisions. Since then, coming to the boards has become a daily ritual for me. It's here that I've witnessed Paul's kindness and generosity first hand. And, for anyone who hasn't had the pleasure, Paul Scheer is, no joke, a genuinely good dude. He's always been encouraging and indulgent of us silly little forum people -our little community of continuity obsessed dumb-dumbs. It is also here on the message boards that I met some of the best people I have ever met. (Although, I've always maintained that HDTGM has always attracted a higher quality of fan, so I guess it's not that surprising.) There are literally too many people to name, but people whom I've formed real, lasting friendships with. People that I can't imagine going a day without speaking to at least once. The people on these boards have been with me through so many of my personal joys (the birth of my second son) and tragedies (the near-death of my father a couple of weeks ago). I know that with these people, I always have someone I can rely on. Whether it be a gif battle to pass a boring workday or a PM to ask if I'm doing okay, they are always there when I need them. These friends, whom I sincerely love, would not be in my life it weren't for HDTGM and that's something that is absolutely immeasurable. My life has changed so much since that day I wrote my first C&O on the side of a deserted country road. The job has changed. The kids have grown up (at least a bit). And the free time I used to have to listen to episode after episode has all but evaporated. But whereas other podcasts have been dropped, and I may not have the time to listen right away anymore, HDTGM has remained a fixture in my life - and will continue to be for as long as it exists. It brings me joy. It makes me laugh. And that's a priceless commodity. Every week, HDTGM pushes back on all of life's bull shit, and for an hour or so, you can forget about everything else as Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Jason Mantzoukas take you by the hand, look you square in the eye and ask, "Where does the butt start?"
  21. I was about to say the same thing regarding “Jailhouse Rock.” This movie was released right as Elvis was becoming a thing.
  22. Can't sleep. Thinking about Musical Mondays...
  23. I think what I would have enjoyed more is if Fats wanted her to be a famous singer like Julie London, but she wanted to sing Rock and Roll. Fats could still hire Miller, but when Miller realizes what Jerri wants, he secretly helps her to become a Rock singer instead. Fats gets angry when he finds out, but when he sees her on stage, he realizes they they want different things. I feel like this would give Jerri more agency and a reason for her to fall for Miller other than her character is "supposed" to.
  24. I think I might have also liked the movie better if I had a better grasp of what Jerri sees in Miller - aside from his crippling alcoholism that is.