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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Max has already said it's supper time...
  2. Cameron H.

    The Sixth Sense

    I haven’t listened to the ep yet, but I’m shocked (SHOCKED) how high I placed The Sixth Sense on my personal list. I’m not sure it’s one of the best movies of all time, but I feel like it’s a really solid movie. (Are we all still friends?)
  3. That's so crazy - I kind of love it. Their whole town is a testament to a middle-of-the-road kid's movie. It would be like making your house an homage to Blank Check or something.
  4. Smurfs is currently on Starz. Yay!
  5. I think the 14th will be fine. I don’t think I made it through it so...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 46 Enchanted

    Sorry I kind of missed this one. I’ve been dealing with some stuff for the past week. I started watching it, but didn’t get a chance to finish it and my rental period expired.
  7. Cameron H.

    Episode 195.5 - Minisode 195.5

    I'm not saying that it didn't take some time to get used to, but personally, I've been loving the new forum setup. Well done and thank you to Shannon and everybody else involved in the upgrade
  8. Sara, do you mind swapping with Max this week? If that’s okay...
  9. Weird question, does anyone here own the 1980 film Flash Gordon?
  10. Thanks again for the spreadsheet, Jam!
  11. Cameron H.

    Singin’ In The Rain

    Fuck = Donald O'Conner (I could see myself marrying him, as well...) Marry = Debbie Reynolds (I like anyone whose superpower is "charm") Kill = Gene Kelly (I feel like he would critiquing sex all the time. I don't need that kind of pressure. O'Conner and I are going to have a one night fling, but it's going to be casual and a fucking blast.)
  12. Cameron H.

    Singin’ In The Rain

    I totally agree with Amy's take on "Beautiful Girls" as a way of showing how garish it would have all appeared, and quite frankly, how radical a talking picture would have been at the time. I think this take is further supported by the scene where they are first confronted with the concept of a "talking picture." I love how totally off-putting that whole presentation is. It almost feels like a horror movie. Again, I think it's well-done as a way of communicating the unease the characters are experiencing with this new technology..
  13. Cameron H.

    Singin’ In The Rain

    My mind is so cluttered with bad movies that the only thing I could think about during "You Were Meant for Me" was "Suddenly" from Xanadu...
  14. Cameron H.

    Singin’ In The Rain

    Neither did I! I was shocked by that. Personally, I thought all the songs fit perfectly - except for the Melody. ;)
  15. Cameron H.

    Singin’ In The Rain

    That's a really good question. I currently have it at number one on my list, but that's mostly just from (as Paul said) the happiness I get from the movie. Many of the movies on the AFI list are heavy dramas and it's nice to see one that is just light and fun. I agree that "Make 'Em Laugh" is the most impressive number, but "Singin' in the Rain" is straight up iconic. The twinkle in his eye as he splashes through the street like a child makes *me* want to dance. As far as being better than Swing Time, while both movies are on the lighthearted side, this one has the stronger narrative. Swing Time is just about a guy trying to avoid marriage, Singin' in the Rain just has so much more going on. I also think the comedy lands better in SitR.
  16. Cameron H.

    Singin’ In The Rain

    I, for one, encourage differing opinions. As long as it's being done respectfully (which I feel like everyone here has always done), it allows people to get into really talking about the movie, song, television show, etc. If we're all just going to sit here and heap praise (or shit on) a movie, then it's not really a discussion - it's stagnation. I don't think a person can really get to the bottom of why something is good or bad until they are asked to defend their opinion. I know some people don't like that kind of push (I've seen people leave the boards just for being asked to defend their position), but in a healthy atmosphere - which I think we all try to foster here - I see absolutely nothing wrong with it.
  17. Cameron H.

    Singin’ In The Rain

    I'm about 20 minutes from the end of the episode, so I apologize if this gets brought up, but I wanted to get it off my chest. Did anyone else kind of feel bad for Lamont? I mean, by the end she's definitely the villain, but up until then I felt the movie was pretty unsympathetic to her character. It's not her fault that her skill set didn't lend itself to "talkies." Her career is going down the tubes and everyone just makes fun of her for being delusion, untalented, and dumb. One part that really got me was when Zelda rats out Don and the gang to Lamont and Don says something sarcastically like, "You're a real pal, Zelda...." Um, hey asshole, she is! To Lamont! While you were busy trying to undermine Lamont's career, she was telling her friend what you're up to. Zelda = Good Friend.
  18. Cameron H.

    Singin’ In The Rain

    Whenever I think of that scene, I think of a conversation I had with a Theater Major friend of mine back in college.* We were talking about Romeo & Juliet, and the magnificence of Mercutio, when the subject of the "Queen Mab" speech came up. We both loved that speech, but what my friend said she liked the most about it was that it was pretty much Shakespeare writing something "because he could." Yes, it helps establish Mercutio as Romeo's foil, but he could have just as eaisly said, "Hey, bud, dreams are dumb." Instead, you get this incredibly poetic monologue that's there...just because. For me, that's what the Broadway Melody is. It doesn't really tell us anything we don't already know. It's there because Gene Kelly "could." Paul also says that it doesn't make sense for the movie they are supposedly making and that it should have been Debbie Reynolds instead of Cyd Charrise. I mean, their idea for the Dancing Cavalier is pretty suspect, but the way I rationalized it is that in the modern part of the movie, Kelly's character is falling for the wrong woman so that he can be available for Lamont's character in the time-travelling sequence. Besides, it can't be Debbie because she's not even supposed to be working on the film *Incidentally, this was the same friend who introduced me to Singin’ in the Rain
  19. Cameron H.

    Listener Rankings

    I know a few people are interested in ranking the movies covered on Unspooled, and I thought it might be nice to have a thread for us to do so. Please feel free to use this space to share your rankings...and defend your choices to the bloody and bitter end. Here is mine! https://boxd.it/1PHoC
  20. Yay! I added you as well, WatchOut! As far as being welcoming, it’s super easy when the forums attract such high caliber people. We’re glad to have you and AlmostAGhost here with us now
  21. Cameron H.

    Any Thoughts on the 200th Episode?

    Rather than a bunch of guests, I think I would like it if it were more like the Junior ep: in studio, just the three of them.
  22. I added you! Here's the original sign up if you want to see who picked what. As you can see, people drift in and out, so there's really no pressure
  23. No problem! Currently, Slide Pocket is the last person on the rotation. Usually, when I get to the end, I’ll ask if anyone wants to jump in. If by that point you want to make your first pick, you’re more than welcome to do so