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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 45 Oliver & Company

    And because Jammer hasn't gotten Ram yet... (Goddamn it, guys! I'm trying to finish Double Indemnity! Don't make me choose!)
  2. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 45 Oliver & Company

    Tough question. At times I think it would have been amazing had the Beatles stayed together because you'd only keep the solid solo stuff and get rid of all the filler. McCartney, Tug of War, Flaming Pie, Band on the Run, and Ram are all solid. Ram has some of my absolute favorite solo Paul songs with "Dear Boy" and "Back Seat of my Car." Flowers in the Dirt has some fantastic songs, but a lot of meh. I love "Put it There," "This One," and "We Got Married." I also think New is a solid (full) album - which is why I'm probably a little more disappointed in Egypt Station than I would be otherwise. Honestly, though, I can probably find something I love on every album - even Press to Play
  3. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 45 Oliver & Company

    Totally. I’ll take what I can get, but this really isn’t his best work (I do like them more than Driving Rain, though) ETA: Okay...”Fuh You” is starting to grow on me. It’s kind of a fun (if stupid) singalong
  4. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 45 Oliver & Company

    So weird. And because I’m a big ole fuddy-duddy, I looked up “fuh” in Urban Dictionary (SPOILER ALERT: it means “fuck”) Now I’m thinking Paul’s just trying to be cool. Next thing you know he’s going to write a song about being “on fleek.” Also, it calls into question his other song on the album “Come On to Me.” It feels like Paul got old - and incredibly horny.
  5. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 45 Oliver & Company

    LOL - Nope, I pre-ordered it and that's the title and those are the lyrics. I agree, the music is fine, but you're right, the lyrics are something else. I guess (maybe) the way he sings "I wanna Fuh You" kinda sounds like "I want to love you" so it can be taken both ways. I don't know. I just find this whole thing so shocking!
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 45 Oliver & Company

    SIDEBAR: Grudlian, what is happening? Is Paul singing about fuckin’? At least give a metaphor, bro!
  7. Cameron H.

    All About Eve

    Re: the rear projection I noticed it too, but I figured it was so they could pass beneath the marquee with her name on it. I’m not sure why they couldn’t just do it without the rear projection, though. Was it still difficult to mic people outdoors in those days?
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 194.5 - Minisode 194.5

    Why not?
  9. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 45 Oliver & Company

    Sorry, I’ve been mostly MIA today. I’ll probably have more to add tomorrow, but for now, did anyone else notice that one of the screenwriters was James Mangold?!
  10. Cameron H.

    All About Eve

    I agree. What's great about All About Eve is that Margo and Bill are established as equals right from the start. He never once tries to convince her that in order to be happy, they need to get married or anything like that. He respects her decisions, and he never pressures her. The movie allows Margo full agency. She's making decisions on her own terms. And as long as that's the case, it doesn't matter what decade the movie was made or released. Marriage isn't inherently sexist. If they're going into it as partners, then that's great and we should be happy. Now if everyone had been telling her "Why don't you quit this life? Settle down and get married" and she was like "No, no, no." Then, at the end of the film, because of their pestering, she quits acting and marries Bill and is like, "Oh! Now I know true happiness! Why didn't I do this before?" THAT would be a problem.
  11. Cameron H.

    All About Eve

    This is how I felt as well. She’s making the decision to get married based on what *she* wants - not Bill, or societal pressure, or whatever. Feminists are allowed to fall in love and get married, too
  12. Cameron H.

    All About Eve

    I get that, but the way I took it was less "giving up the spotlight" and more accepting that fame is fleeting. She realizes that her star is fading, but rather than obsess and drive herself crazy about trying to maintain something she has no control over, she decides to look forward to a new era in her life. It doesn't mean she's giving up on theater altogether, just that it's not going to be her sole focus anymore.
  13. I wonder how Stan would feel about all this?
  14. It is here! https://www.rabb.it/CameronH
  15. Cameron H.

    All About Eve

    I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, but I thought it was interesting that the play Margo was called Aged in Wood when, generally speaking, wood tends to get stronger as it ages.
  16. We're all set for tonight! I'll post the link for my room around 8:45PM
  17. Cameron H.

    All About Eve

    "The Theater, the Theater! What book of rules says the Theater exists only within some ugly buildings crowded into one square mile of New York City? Or London, Paris or Vienna? Listen, junior. And learn. Want to know what the Theater is? A flea circus. Also opera. Also rodeos, carnivals, ballets, Indian tribal dances, Punch and Judy, a one-man band - all Theater. Wherever there's magic and make-believe and an audience - there's Theater. Donald Duck, Ibsen, and The Lone Ranger, Sarah Bernhardt, Poodles Hanneford, Lunt and Fontanne, Betty Grable, Rex and Wild, and Eleanora Duse. You don't understand them all, you don't like them all, why should you? The Theater's for everybody - you included, but not exclusively - so don't approve or disapprove. It may not be your Theater, but it's Theater for Somebody, somewhere." Honestly, in light of Shawshank, Titanic, and (sure to be soon) Sixth Sense controversies, I'm surprised this monologue wasn't brought up. I absolutely cannot stand snobbery, and Bill just breaks it all down here. I loved it.
  18. I remember when you first changed your name to CakeBug, and I resisted the change. Now Kit Walker just feels weird. Hope your parents are enjoying their stay! And, of course, we're always here for you.
  19. I just realized this was Vol 12 (Deck the Halls didn’t count as a “Volume”) Have we really been doing this for more than a year? That’s awesome! Thanks for hanging with me, guys
  20. Cameron H.

    All About Eve

    Circling back to Eve and Phoebe, unlike Amy and Paul, my interpretation of that final scene wasn’t so much that Eve was obvious to Phoebe’s machinations, but rather that she was so alone that she just didn’t care. Eve’s whole journey is about seeking love and adulation. When she sees the way audiences respond to Margo, she sees that as fulfillment. However, if instead of trying to emulate Margo she actually listened to her, she would have realized just how hollow and unsatisfying that affection is. What Eve wants is Margo’s fame, what she needs is Margo’s support system.
  21. Cameron H.

    All About Eve

    Oh, okay. I have no idea what’s going on over there in Facebook-Land. I just thought it was odd when he brought it up. Kind of like “I guess I should be clarifying this...” and I really didn’t understand why the onus should be on Paul and Amy. It’s not like they’ve been secretive of where they’re pulling the movies from. I guess some people just like to be spoon fed.
  22. Cameron H.

    All About Eve

    Amy spoke about it in the episode, but my personal take on the Eve/Phoebe dynamic at the end wasn't just about how the "new young thing" seems to be coming more rapidly, but specifically how it applies to Hollywood and its treatment of women over a certain age. To me, it felt like All About Eve was essentially saying, "You think it was bad for Margo? At least she was able to have a successful thirty-six year career. In Hollywood, at twenty-five, Eve might already be considered over-the-hill."
  23. Cameron H.

    All About Eve

    I get that. This was my second time watching it, and I got a lot more out of it. (It just supplanted Citizen Kane at the top of my personal list )