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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. There is a danger out there. An invisible danger and it has it’s greedy, no-good claws into the nation’s children. Of course I’m talking about: dabbing...and also
  2. Cameron H.

    IMPORTANT: Forum to be updated 7/4/2018

    I agree with you. A "dislike" button just seems to kind of negative. I don't know if I would want to bring that in here. I'm of the mind that if you don't like something that someone is saying, either ignore it, or if it is bad enough, report it.
  3. Cameron H.

    Episode 193.5 - Minisode 193.5

    Jason = Tibetan Terrier?
  4. Cameron H.

    Episode 193.5 - Minisode 193.5

    Are you suggesting that there should be an animated movie staring the hosts of HDTGM as anthropomorphized animals.? If so, I'm into it. What animals would represent Paul and Jason?
  5. Cameron H.

    Upcoming Episodes

    All About Eve. They Tweeted out the change.
  6. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    Yeah, I saw that "rising star" thing too, but they seem to be doing very well for themselves at the beginning with their Easter shopping sprees and canine accessorizing. They seem to be as risen as they were ever going to get...
  7. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    By some weird coincidence, this is the second movie in a week that said putting a hat on the bed was bad luck (the other movie was Shadow of a Doubt). I just found that odd since I had never heard that before and here it was twice in close succession. I guess that's been a superstition for awhile, but maybe it was particularly a big deal in the Forties. If you're wondering, this is what Dr. Internet has to say about it:
  8. Cameron H.

    Episode 193.5 - Minisode 193.5

    I think it just feels long. He said that the edited version cuts it by 40 MINUTES! That's a lot of opera for an hour and fifty minute movie...
  9. Cameron H.

    IMPORTANT: Forum to be updated 7/4/2018

    A notice when I hit my profile the words there are now kind of dim. Sorry. ETA: And another quibble, when I quote your post I can barely read it in the editor. It looks fine when it's posted, but if I wanted to just respond to a specific thing and not your entire post, it makes it a bit difficult. Also, when you click "Insert Media" that is really dark as well. I'm sorry... ETA: It's getting really close, though. It's looking great!
  10. Cameron H.

    IMPORTANT: Forum to be updated 7/4/2018

    Please don't drive yourself crazy, Shannon. We're a patient bunch. You're doing great
  11. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    Did the waiter’s salad shtick remind anyone else of Harvey Corman’s bantha cooking bit from The Star Wars Holiday Special?
  12. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    I don't know about charming, but definitely charismatic. There was a scene after his first rehearsal with Hannah and I was like, "Yo, Astaire is kind of scary."
  13. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    I didn't feel like he was a cad. He just didn't seem all that interested in Nadine. I don't think he would have broken Hannah's heart necessarily. I felt like it was the 1940's equivalent of being friend zoned.
  14. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    This actually sounds true to character to me
  15. Cameron H.

    IMPORTANT: Forum to be updated 7/4/2018

    Yeah I noticed that, too. At first I thought they had been removed, but then I highlighted that area with my mouse. I've been using muscle memory to navigate
  16. Cameron H.

    The Shawshank Redemption

    Up probably would be better. I knew I was forgetting one. i think that’s exactly what they’re doing with Star Wars and LotR, but that calls into the arbitrary nature of the picks. I don’t think they want to waste space on multiple movies from the same franchise if they can avoid it, but they also don’t want to suggest a sequel. I guess the only exception would be The Godfather 1 And 2, but I suppose those movies are different enough.
  17. Cameron H.

    Your Updated AFI List

    I don't know. Shawshank didn't win an Academy Award for anything. Both Shawshank and Logan won some other awards, though. So maybe that counts?
  18. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    This movie is a bit My Fair Lady, isn't it?
  19. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    Not only that, but did you feel like Astaire's turn around on Hannah was...abrupt? He was annoyed with her for so long. Then he disappears for a couple of days and he comes back and he's like, "No, I wasn't mad. I was apparently falling in love with you." Honestly, I thought the movie was going for "these people all love the wrong person" thing. I thought Hannah and Lawford were going to end up together and Astaire and Nadine. I was really, really wrong....
  20. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    YES!!!! What was with that guy? I'll be honest, I was having a myriad of playback issues, so I was afraid I might have missed something, too. I was like, "Does she have a chain smoking body guard now?" Initially, when I saw the smoke, I thought Astaire had somehow caught fire - lol
  21. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    I just feel bad for all the people who lost their jobs to Big Mannequin.
  22. Cameron H.

    Musical Mondays Week 44 Easter Parade

    Unless I missed something, they never really explain who he is either. He's just this friend (groupie?) that shows up for seemingly no reason. Like are he and Astaire supposed to be the same age or something? Why is this famous song and dance guy friends with this random college kid?
  23. Cameron H.

    The Shawshank Redemption

    This is a really good point, Cam. It kind of defeats the purpose of having a Jesus figure if he's going to be guilty. But, for those who want Andy to be guilty, I suppose you could subscribe to the A Place in the Sun philosophy of (SPOILER ALERT for a 67-year-old movie) "He had murder in his heart so it doesn't really matter if he actually killed her or not."