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Cameron H.

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Everything posted by Cameron H.

  1. Oh my gosh! I'm sorry if it sounded like we were being ungrateful. We are. We appreciate everything you do!
  2. Cameron H.

    The Shawshank Redemption

    I'm not sure how. There are definitely times when I would have loved to create one, though. ETA: NM - I figured it out
  3. Cameron H.

    The Shawshank Redemption

    Honestly, it doesn't surprise me that The Shawshank Redemption is number one on IMDb. Like Paul said on the episode (and as I implied in my Letterboxd review), for a movie about someone falsely imprisoned, it's very relatable. I think most people can empathize with a genuinely good character who is the victim of injustice. It's basically the story of Job - a person suffers at the caprice of Fate, but is ultimately rewarded for their Faith. That doesn't necessarily make it the best movie ever made, but it's something that people can relate to on a gut level. Certainly moreso than sociopathic space computers or Billionaire newspaper mogels and their fetish for winter sports equipment. And just because it's relatable doesn't make it bad. It's just a catchy tune. There's a time for "Hey Jude" and there's a time for "Revolution 9", you know? Just because something is commercial doesn't make it better or worse. So, yeah, number one on IMDb? Sure. I get that. Does it belong on the AFI List? For me, yes. It's not the greatest film of all time, but I feel like its cultural impact alone warrants it a spot.
  4. Cameron H.

    The Shawshank Redemption

    Sorry, the forums have been down all day so took the liberty to create a thread for us. I'm looking forward to talking to you all about TSR tomorrow
  5. No, apparently it’s not required. It just surprised me the first time Most of all, I miss the white text on the gray background. The white feels a bit harsh on the eyes.
  6. Oh! Okay! I get it now. I can click on that star (only in Chrome) only if there's a new post (i.e. the star is yellow). I guess I wish I could do the same thing even when it's grayed out. I know I can just click on the last page. It was just nice to be able to click the title and be shuffled right there. (Sorry to bug you with this, man. I'm sure you weren't really wanting to field this crap right now.)
  7. Nothing is happening when I click that star. Perhaps the issue is on my end...? ETA: On Edge that Star isn't even showing up. ETAA: Do you guys really need a reason for editing?
  8. Thanks for my quotes, Dan! I'm still looking for that dot. I just found the quick links at the top of the page "Home Earwolf Productions How Did This Get Made Musical Mondays..." Maybe I'm just missing it? I tried on Chrome and Edge (Chrome is better)
  9. Oh! And my quotes! My precious quotes are gone! Noooooooooooo!
  10. One thing I miss is clicking on the thread title and it taking me to the last post I read. I clicked it now and it brought me to page one, post one. That's going to be annoying. Maybe I have to follow the thread?
  11. LOL - And I'm going to be like "Who did I make cry? Was it you, Cam? Was it? Huh?"
  12. I will be using all of these new "Like" buttons. Including the one that looks like it's crying. Nothing personal.
  13. But now I can award you trophies (or something)
  14. This is awesome, Jam! I'm not familiar with Google spreadsheets, but if we don't have any volunteers, I'd be happy to learn.
  15. Cameron H.

    IMPORTANT: Forum to be updated 7/4/2018

    Shannon, please thank whoever’s responsible for us! I’m sure it wasn’t easy.
  16. Cameron H.

    IMPORTANT: Forum to be updated 7/4/2018

    I'm just trying to get my sea legs. It took me a minute, but it's growing on me. I especially like what you guys have done with the mobile app. It looks pretty crisp.
  17. Cameron H.

    Episode 193 - Blues Brothers 2000: LIVE!

    For people who don't look at the front page: So...get your nonsense out now.
  18. Cameron H.

    How Did this Get Graphed?: The HDTGM Infographic Project

    I meant to post that in the main thread -- lol.
  19. Cameron H.

    How Did this Get Graphed?: The HDTGM Infographic Project

    For people who don't look at the front page: So...get your nonsense out now.
  20. Cameron H.

    The General

    Just a head's up for iTunes users. iTunes is having a HUGE sale on a lot of the movies on the AFI list. So far, I've bought The Apartment, Bringing Up Baby, 12 Angry Men, A Night at the Opera, and The Wild Bunch for 4.99 each. Usually they can be anywhere from 9.99-17.99. Of particular note, Nashville is 4.99. It's usually (I think) 12.99 and it doesn't have an option to rent. I didn't get it simply because I hate MASH just that much, but I thought I would put it out there. I'm also thinking of getting one more. What do you guys think? Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf or Network?
  21. This makes sense. I feel the same when I watch some garbage movie and I see one of you clowns gave it four stars but no review. I just feel like shouting, "Explain yourself!"
  22. Lol - it really doesn’t sound like something you’d say.
  23. Very cool pick. I’ve never seen it, but it looks like fun.
  24. Thanks, Cinco!