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Everything posted by Bumpy

  1. Bumpy

    Episode 330 — Peruvian Pullovers

    4 stars. There were a lot of glow sticks.
  2. I know, right? 'Squarespace: Go... put it in your butt.'
  3. Bumpy

    Episode 329 — Too Much Tuna Tour

    This natural ability at displaying things is what seperates a professional presenter like Scott from the amateurs.
  4. Bumpy

    A new PFT show?!

    Well, now those are pictures of wedding cakes. Obviously I'm talking straight out of my ass on this but I would never turn down a 'Gilly Loves Garry('smoney)' podcast.
  5. That got weird in a good way. Definintely characters that could be revisited. The mention of the Grand Canyon in the description was a bit spoilery but knowing where the 'falling out' would occur added a note of anticipation and suspense leading to it. Knowing how they would return to their suggestive word choices gave it another level of entertainment. Also, this exchange amused me more than it should have: "Rick. Chip?" "Clip!"
  6. Bumpy

    Episode 328 — Beatle Heaven

    The Beatles are good rock'n'roll, uh..., music.
  7. Bumpy

    Episode 328 — Beatle Heaven

    I would totally believe Ringo has never looked at his own hands. I guess the year starts with an ominous warning about what happens when you don't respect the floor opening for questions. Hope future guests pay attention to these guys' hubris.
  8. I'm amused by the brief shock/disbelief/disgust both Paul and Scott have when Scott says Andy had to listen to about twenty episodes for prep work. "Twenty episodes? Of this bullshit?"
  9. Aahh... The year kicks off with the titular 'Bang!'
  10. Possibly, although in my experience that sort of attitiude doesn't really fly in tabletop gaming. In-person communities are too social and self-regulated for that kind of thing to flourish. It feels like the sexism stuff could have made a good ten or fifteen minute digression, but it got a little uncomfortable as a whole episode for me. Not enough to give up on the podcast, though.
  11. Earlier tonight I was with my parents and my mother actually said "all of the sudden" about a car pile-up she heard of from the news! This is all the way in rural Maine, so there's no chance she just heard Scott's parents say it, either! On the downside, she might now think hearing about traffic accidents will make me bark-laugh Jimmy Pardo style. What's happening? Are these the end times?
  12. I first started listening to cbb in early 2013 and was fairly picky about which episodes I actually listend to. When last year started I made the conscious decision to listen to more even if I didn't know the guests and IT'S BEEN very satisfying. I'm very happy I've been able to discover all these talented comedians and their hilarious/assinine jokes and characters. Looking forward to what 2015 brings!
  13. 'Oh, Golly' and 'Oh, Golly, You Devil' side by side as they should be. Just like Bald-roid and Dum-brin.
  14. I'm sad we didn't get a Hollywood Facts reprise from Scott and Paul. He got his shirt from the lead singer of U2?! Why didn't he pick up some T-shirts for Scott and Scott while he was there?
  15. Technicality no down boo over?!
  16. Bumpy

    Episode 100 — Junior

    This reminds of when someone hears a celebrity they really like is a scientologist.
  17. Bumpy

    Episode 100 — Junior

    If you don't like this podcast, then you don't deserve to like this podcast at all! I think their discussion about Aerosmith not fucking someone for not being hot enough is failing to give them enough credit for being gross old sex pervs. Sic Semper Gigantis!
  18. I worry Traci is making a mistake by sticking 'Help Me, Rhonda' into a variety of random unconnected podcasts. There's very little rhyme or reason as to where you can hear it every week. I've been lucky and found all the odd-ball shows she's put it on so far but each week it's like a scavenger hunt!
  19. I hope this isn't the last we hear of sad-wife-bone.
  20. Happy holiday! You know the one. I presume Garry Marshall did not tell Paul to please call him Garry since Paul's head is not exploded at present.
  21. Bumpy

    Episode 99.5 — Minisode 99.5

    At the beginning when Paul asks June how she is I could have sworn she said "I'm June-ing well, Paul."
  22. 'Boogershit mash-up'. Whenever Scott gets PFT swearing up and down I'm very amused.
  23. As someone who knows a few twitchy, mumbly teenagers this episode was a little hard to get through. Totally worth it, though.