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Everything posted by Shampoodler

  1. Shampoodler

    EPISODE 146 — Moon Festival Pt. 2

    No doubt Ken is awesome. He really is the perfect guest for Matt Gourley's I Was There Too. I mean, he was in the classic "Keyser Soze! Keyser Soze!" scene. C'mon Gourley, slam dunk.
  2. Shampoodler

    EPISODE 146 — Moon Festival Pt. 2

    I have seen nothing but glowing praise for the last two episodes of Nerd Poker in every corner of this forum, reddit, twitter, facebook, etc etc. Please allow Dan to DM an original campaign of his own, if he so wishes. Words can't fully convey how refreshing it was to listen to something resembling a plot, a bad guy, a goal, and excited players having actual, unabashed fun. If the cast hasn't gone back and listened to the Dan eps themselves I really think they should.
  3. Shampoodler

    EPISODE 146 — Moon Festival Pt. 2

    These episodes with Dan at the helm have been wonderful. Penislegs sounds like a Thom Yorke / Les Claypool collaboration.
  4. Shampoodler

    EPISODE 145 — Moon Festival

    Dan just casually dropped the funnest episode of Nerd Poker ever like a fucking boss. Great job, Dan, you sound like a born DM.
  5. Shampoodler

    EPISODE 144 — Fart Mail

    It's a little like listening to The Lord of The Rings if Gandalf had Alzheimer's.
  6. Shampoodler

    EPISODE 143 — F#$%ing Bird Cops

    And I get the impression, from following you on twitter/reddit and listening to your quips about listener opinions in the show, that you probably reply to anything you deem as a critical opposing view with a snarky remark before declaring it's not a conversation worth having. C'est la vie.
  7. Shampoodler

    EPISODE 143 — F#$%ing Bird Cops

    Lack of roleplaying hasn't been the common complaint I've seen. The recurring critiques have to do with Blaine not giving you guys much to roleplay against besides combat.
  8. Shampoodler

    EPISODE 143 — F#$%ing Bird Cops

    People would probably donate again if the show was engaging again. Fighting random monsters with no goal for over a year and a half is super boring to listen to. And all of the people who have been saying that on twitter, Itunes reviews, reddit and here are probably the ones who used to donate. Sorry.
  9. Shampoodler

    submit youtube clips for improv4humans

    James Brown loved cocaine