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Everything posted by ArchdukeJFranz

  1. Arial’s Aerial Arial is an excellent typeface for skywriting!
  2. Hello, it’s me. Todd Rundgren. You know, from “Hello, It’s Me”?
  3. I like my eggs hard boiled and my detectives scrambled
  4. ArchdukeJFranz

    Plugs Theme

    Link Thanks for listening!
  5. A pirate out at sea is the bearded boy for me!
  6. Please excuse my dear Aunt Tilda. She lived through the Great Depression.
  7. You can't spell "slaughter" with a proper education so get out there and learn!
  8. I mean, are nouns really more proper than the other parts of speech?
  9. Slow and steady is no way to go through life, son.
  10. Face down, ass up! Those tomato seeds aren't going to plant themselves.
  11. Well, well, well, we'll wheel well walls well, well, whenever.
  12. Jane feigned pain when rain stained Shane's suede cane. "That plain cane's vain!" she explained.
  13. You know me, just working for The Weeknd's new record label.
  14. Father, Son, and Holy Ghostess with the Mostes.
  15. I've got 99 ideas but a pitch ain't one, so now Comedy Central won't take my meetings
  16. "I've got 99 ideas but a pitch ain't one." was the sentence that got kicked me off Shark Tank
  17. The midwife's life was rife with strife, so she robbed a store with her shiv knife and got twenty to life.
  18. That anagram was almost wordplay, but there's only one "A" in "Team", Murdock.
  19. I tried to cash that checkered flag, but the bank doesn't take bronze!
  20. Hell yeah, she was a great layer cake. Ms. Pastrypants was delicious!
  21. Yes! Yes! A million times times four hundred is larger than any number in the known universe!
  22. Katie, do you want to come upstairs for a knee cap? I think you'd look good with a tiny hat on your leg.
  23. A stone's throw away is an ironic distance for Mick Jagger.
  24. My life is so great, I'm in talks to do a sequel!
  25. The last time I sawed you was when you were in my magic act!