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Everything posted by thejjar

  1. What happened you guys did such a bad job with the call in show that they scrapped it? Way to go boners
  2. I liked it bonetti, but this forum yelled at us for referencing top tier basketball players. Minor league baseball references are tough for them to swallow
  3. I did! Foiled again by Aliza Green...
  4. Spent my day making this Mac n cheese casserole. Has a bunch of pancetta hiding down there. What's everyone else cooking?
  5. That platter's too small. Those mangos are gonna fall right on that garage floor.
  6. Ashley are you just recruiting people you know to give you more likes/start some sort of forum war? I would do the same but whenever I try to tell people about the forum they say "Sir if you're not going to buy something you need to leave Linens n Things"
  7. Shouldnt the angry cup people just tell Starbucks people there name is Christmas so then the cups do have Christmas on them? But I suppose they might end up saying cripsmiss or something (get it guys? It's that joke that baristas can't spell or hear right). Well it doesnt matter cause I go to local coffee shops, cause I live in Brooklyn and we don't like popular stuff
  8. Agreed but I just find that most people that criticize the quality of The Simpsons today just don't watch it anymore. It's obviously not as good as it was. The Simpsons in it's prime was some of the funniest TV ever. I was more just making fun of people's reaction to bringing up the Simpsons is pretty much "LOL remember when it was good!" and they go on to further stroke their superior ego.
  9. Totally! Have you also heard that The Simpsons isn't as good in it's 27th season as it was in it's 7th!?!? I just thought of that!
  10. I hate when people shit on SNL. Every era of SNL has had good skits and bad skits, it's just you only remember the good ones from the past so you're underwhelmed when you watch a full current episode. You would probably be equally underwhelmed watching any episode ever. SNL still produces quality stuff from really funny people. It's just easier to say stuff like "it hasn't been good since Ferrell left" and have a bunch of people who also don't watch agree with you.
  11. "Jim Carrey responds", was my favorite line
  12. You guys think we're getting an ep of Talkin Turkey tomorrow?
  13. Jakal and I have an understanding. Everyone's trying to break us apart.
  14. Shit... I thought you were still in Scranton... we bonded over homestar runner once. Thought that was enough to prove I'm dedicated to #teamMcGurl. It's ok I'll prove myself
  15. We're rooting for you two! I wish I had some New York area forumers to hang out with but I think SteveH changed his number
  16. C'mon guys go easy on him. Remember when he called someone a homo last thread and how hilarious we all thought it was? SMH these forums are really what have you done for me lately
  17. He looks like a Cody to me. Pretty sure that's how they found him too
  18. Anyone know if Joe ever beat that volcano? Feel like it was a big mismatch Edit: while I have you here, I need to ask the ladies what they think of this line. I'm pretty proud of it
  19. Don't worry I like James bond villains too
  20. He's on the second team with Gallinari, Landry Fields, and Josh Harrelson. Real workhorse scrappy lunchpail type players. Respect the game.
  21. So I was playing PlayStation and when I switched back to cable it was frozen on this image I'm pretty happy about it
  22. Yea Sean took it in the direction of an affair but I felt like Hayes was trying to lead it another way. I only say that because I felt that Hayes had that stifled nervous laughter he gets when he knows hens saying something that pushes the line ala "Oh you mean those kind of dogs". I gotta listen again though. Only listened once
  23. I think at first Sean just brought it up to pretend like he predicted the upset first, but then Hayes made it so it seemed like Sean was trying to establish an alibi for something. Hayes might've been trying to do something on the terror attack. Pretty dark but they did do that segment on Reality Show Show joking about the Boston Marathon bombings like the week after it happened. But he might have just been saying any sort of crime