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Everything posted by thejjar

  1. This is marzipan Hope this helped
  2. Union Pool is pretty dope. I can do that show
  3. Gotta keep it going brother. Just a glass of whiskey will solve that easily
  4. I want to give a top 10 list as to why I like the Hollywood Handbook forum 10. I have gotten a bunch of likes on my "photoshops" which are quite clearly done on Microsoft Paint. 9. The everlasting hope I feel that I will eventually get the Pro Version 9. Sillylillyquee's beautiful drawings 9. The fact that I often side with SteveH even though I'm pretty convinced he's on his way to becoming a supervillain. 9. The amazing stories by the forum elders, I haven't been included in one yet but I know my day will come. 5. I am way more respected than "Hayes N Sean". 4. "Great first post" 3. Discovering more about Chanson every day. 2. The brilliance of Dixon gifs And the number 3 reason why I like the Hollywood Handbook forum is.... 3. Sean or Hayes finally gave me a like on this post???? (please, please, please be true)
  5. Chanson was that Male Rights Activists thing a reference to you? Have you seen Mad Max?
  6. thejjar

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    I just keep telling myself "Lions don't concern themselves with the opinions of sheep" It gets tough but we can ignore him friends
  7. Kittens, that's such a complicated question. Please don't trust me. I'm not trying to hurt again. All I know is that you're amazing.
  8. Guys I'm really drunk and I have work very early tomorrow. I was gonna ask you guys for advice but I saw kittens has a way more serious problem. Kittens, you're way too good for you.
  9. thejjar

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    This Sitwell guy's really riling me up right now. I'm gonna go for a walk to calm down
  10. I edited a Beatles album too. Try to be nice. I worked really hard.
  11. thejjar

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    Points, Valerie, Points.
  12. Brett, bragging is not a great look for you
  13. Well I do gotta say I value Joe McGurl likes pretty highly. I've never gotten a Sean or Hayes like so that's been the next best thing
  14. thejjar

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    Agata can you keep us updated on all the creepy responses you get to that craigslist ad?
  15. thejjar

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    That's freaky Ronnie. I can only imagine how powerful the boys would be if they shared an arm
  16. thejjar

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    What's ADUB stand for anyway? Asshole Doesn't Understand Brilliance???
  17. thejjar

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    Is this that antihumor I've heard about? I don't understand your angle
  18. thejjar

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    Does she work for you greggy? I'd love to get her to record a personalized message I can use for my voicemail
  19. We should start voting now. Get ahead of the curve
  20. thejjar

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    Guys we would appreciate any help you could offer. It's really not that much. Support local artists!
  21. Do we discuss this here? Do we go over to the other forum? Are they gonna be cool to us?
  22. If Sean and Hayes aren't the CBB guests by the time I wake up I'm gonna lose my shit.
  23. I think Neil Campbell would be good. His characters are so outrageous, I think he would play off Hayes and Sean well. Honestly I'd be fine with the full show just being them and Scott though.
  24. Has this been brought to people's attention before? It seems significant http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chanson
  25. Keep on trucking Brett!