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Everything posted by thejjar

  1. The ehhhh wrong from the episode after Pauly Shore "and I do mean pussy juice"
  2. We need all of fight haver Sinbad for sure The phone call to itunes Kim Kardashian "what does she even do!" Bj novak Spiderman story
  3. devscoots, there's something very unsettling about her to me. Gives me the willies
  4. Michael FassBender Rodriguez maybe?
  5. I really got screwed by not getting the pro version to impress my okcupid girl. How the heck am I supposed to get ladies without celebrity endorsements
  6. Maybe you're the one in the coma Steve and this forum is just your subconscious trying to wake you up. I have been noticing some major details missing from my existence lately.
  7. Not really what i expected out of this guy but I'm glad he's doing well for himself
  8. That'll scare em good lily, nice job
  9. I just relistened to that. "Kiss Me" with the Da Vinci lyrics was just fantastic
  10. Are you not? Are you even really a fan?
  11. Look man. I can't be posting my future wife's face all over the internet just yet. I promise you will all be invited to the wedding. You'll see her then
  12. Proof for you haters
  13. God damn it velvet revolver I was literally just about to post this story. I met a girl on OKCupid who already liked Hollywood Handbook. She didn't answer my last message though. I bet it would be real impressive if I got the pro version. Mf3018 if you're out there... whattup whattup
  14. I didn't post last week so I'm not sure if people have softened on your username. I want you to know I haven't yet
  15. jeez you guys are lucky. I'm paying almost 1200 and I have a roomate
  16. Merlot. Am i right?
  17. This new tat is pretty sick. You guys should join up
  18. guys I found this trending at the Yankee game.
  19. Alex, Your show has clearly been adapted from this podcast. Who gave you more inspiration, Sean or Hayes?
  20. Alex you were in the secret life of Walter mitty. Could you tell us about the secret life of Alex Anfanger?
  21. Not sure if you guys are sportsheads (sorry joe mcgurl, I won't use more Sean and hayes sayings) but the rangers just won and I'm gonna get real drunk. Hope we get a popcorn gallery ASAP
  22. Jakal you going for a run tonight?
  23. Ugh, I started this forum at the wrong time. How am I supposed to make a name for my self as being insanely hilarious with silly just killing it?
  24. This is Occupy Wall Street all over again