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Everything posted by thejjar

  1. Didn't sign up my ass. Whatever "Red"
  2. Without the new episode I've had to resort to getting entertainment by writing stupid things on yahoo news stories Ive become the lowest form of internet user. I think I need help
  3. Anyone else seeing star wars tonight? Pretty excited. PS: I wanted to add "No PHOmo"
  4. so now cody knows you're single, live in Portland, go to this restaurant, and will be buying birthday cakes tomorrow. Making it too easy for him. I don't even feel bad anymore
  5. I can only speak as someone who feels like he shouldn't like womptaculars but does anyway. But yes it was good Edit: this was a weak 300th post
  6. Forum's getting weird without a new ep. The episode usually allows us to hit the reset button before we get too far off the rails. Two weeks is too much, by Monday we'll have reverted into some sort of primal state.
  7. We're all a little on edge silvr. This is the longest ive gone without fresh HH content in quite some time and I'm taking it out on those who are closest to me
  8. Seriously. Soup can be hilarious. you guys every seen this one?
  9. So on the CBB special when Gino mentioned McHebes at Hofstra, I actually did yell out cause I went there but then Scott made fun of people yelling out so I really got faced pretty hard.
  10. Finally got that pro version! Thanks guys!
  11. Fuck man this life just ain't worth livin
  12. Nice! Just one more year Silvr!
  13. Tbh I wouldn't eat old oyster shells regardless of accompanied bugs. That's just me though
  14. Don't be prejudiced. That was funny
  15. Well now I'm excited. Speaking of which no HH references in the new episode of Serial. Oh well maybe next week
  16. Wouldn't it be funny if there was a guy named Warren Christmas. He'd feel pretty relevant these days
  17. I don't think any of us should decide on this Andrew v. Andrew situation until we determine which was real. Pretty sure I've seen some tv tropes where they cover this subject.
  18. I remember when I first got my badge. Word to the wise don't ask why it's cut poorly. They're just learning on how to use the big guy scissors.
  19. Sorry I called you guys boners last week you all did very good and were unlike boners Houston and Joe I ranked you on how I imagine you would do
  20. I have a The Grinder profile to support our intrepid hosts. I choose fred savage as my avatar. PS: look guys I made the joke Sean didn't want us to make!
  21. I woulda gone with the encyclopedia brittandicka but I'm old fashioned
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GdzbCIxkzo Get with the times girl!
  23. Today just got a lot less interesting
  24. Also loving the obscure sports references. Sean hanging out with the huskies AND Hayes proving his strength to Tony Kornheiser in one ep. This is slowly turning into a sports show before our very eyes.
  25. Saying Wolfpop was entertainment for girls was pretty hilarious