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Everything posted by thejjar

  1. Scuzzman, remember that episode of everybody loves Raymond where Ray and Debra both wouldn't take the suitcase upstairs so it sat in the living room for months? Who was in the wrong there?
  2. Hey scuzzman, do vaccines cause autism?
  3. Scuzzman, send pics to 718-916-9851 for HONEST ratings. Nudes not necessary
  4. So this bar I was in had a vending machine where if you bought a reeses you could send one to a friend for them to redeem. Sorry Sean you'll get yours next I promise
  5. Greggy are you the me in "Roger and Me"? Did that guy really steal all those cars or whatever?
  6. Cute! Squabbling between the second tier cites is adorable
  7. Dairy Pillows wouldn't disrespect me like this. Where you at bad I'm getting pretty self aware over here Edit: just to take care of this in advance, this is my regrettable drunk Thursday post Edit 2: already super regretting it. I'm gonna leave it up cause my shane should be public but still
  8. Went to look for my picture on this website and I come upon this. I hope it's just not on mobile cause I'm getting pretty pissed
  9. Jesus Christ Muffins, that's super uncool
  10. Good joke blink. I'll accept it. Sometimes you gotta just sit back and take one on the chin. And Steve jets giants in a few weeks. I'm excited to lose some friends that Sunday. And huge jets fans are a real thing. We're the ones who hate ourselves and you can see a glint of early onset dementia in our eyes
  11. So I looked at this thread finally. First off I'm pissed I didn't participate. Second I'm super pissed SteveH is making fun of the jets. What's up with that? I'm a huge jets fan and I'm pretty cool
  12. I knew a girl who got on barstoolsports once. It's a different kind of accomplishment. Congrats to your friend RanRan, I liked that piece on "15 Pitch Perfect gifs that explain Greece's recession". Poignant stuff
  13. Drake the type of fellow to use the word fellow to not offend their forum friends. PS we're those type of fellows Edit: also congrats on the proposal ms Muffins. I'm the type of fellow to say get that prenup girl
  14. Should I go with thejjarvest or thejjarofCranberrySauce or thejjarving of the turkey, or am I not even funny and you guys have better ideas? Edit: the political jjargument?
  15. Surprised Sean fell for this one. Everyone knows that's the lazy picture people use for Hayes photoshops.
  16. I've seen a regular show before. I think it was The King of Queens
  17. Ted Chanson makes me super uncomfortable. Not exactly sure why. It's like I'm staring into the abyss
  18. Grown to love the username! JK how's it going bud?
  19. Mr. McGurl, I just feel like I have to tell you how inspiring you are to me. If I could learn to be half as flippant as you are to anyone you deem as a random sucker I would truly be happy. Until then we're all just marveling in your shadow. Thank you.
  20. In honor of Chanson's birthday I'll personally explain why this episode was funny to any of the female forumers as long as they admit they didn't get it first.
  21. Ashley, I watched your other video about La Croix and noticed you pronounced it incorrectly as La Cross. Pretty embarrassing. How do you respond?
  22. Jeez thanks a lot souprman, I was clearly fishing for compliments but whatever don't include me