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Posts posted by Mongoose6

  1. when i was watching this i was reminded of the quest and the discussion about the time it would have taken the characters to travel from location to location back in the 1930's.


    the time spent travelling would have been weeks right?


    looking at ads from the time it say it takes less than a week to go from america to africa or india in one of those "planes with boots on"




    so in real time this is how it would have played out ...


    big action scene in africa ... now spend days travelling to the new york ... more action ... then a week to travel over to thailand ... big action scene .. then bring the phantom back to africa


    i was just wondering ... what did they do as they were travelling? what did they talk about? what was the in flight entertainment in the 1930s? ..



    Well we know from the movie that the in flight entertainment was to annoy bologna sandwich by farting and blowing smoke rings

  2. I have an omission


    During the scene where Billy Zane steals a horse and is then pursued by two motorcycle cops, he leaps a hedge with the horse. This is perfectly plausible. We all know that horses are adept and leaping over obstacles. However, the two cops on motorcycles ALSO leap over the hedge. So my question is, are we to assume that 1940's motorcycles had the ability to go go gadget jump over things or are we to assume that 1940's New York was littered with random ramps?

    • Like 2

  3. I normally end up enjoying the movies from HDTGM. This one however.....ugh. I think a majority of my dislike for the movie stems from Rowdy Roddy Piper substituting awkward fake smiles for any attempt at acting. Reaction to this? Awkward fake smile. Response to that? Awkward fake smile.

    • Like 1

  4. Unfortunately I was born with an ass for a face so I guess I'll have to look for acceptance elsewhere.....and also save my comments about the movie itself for the full episode thread :)


    I will say this. I'm a heterosexual man and I'm very comfortable with my sexuality, but I would straight give it to 1986 Jason Patric.

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    From what I understand, the movie was putting forward that whatever ticking-time-bomb of a spinal cord abnormality he had magically allowed him to telepathically link with the monkey.


    Yeah is that like a real thing? The conginital paralysis defect? (not the monkey telepathy, I know that's real) I should get myself checked out just in case. Also, if that were true, then Geoffrey would also need a spinal defect to monkey meld and not just an injection? I dunno lol.


    It was also a story thread that had no real payoff. Why did we even need Stephen Root's character at all?


    I think he was there to establish that Geoffrey was in a time crunch and getting a bit desperate to produce results.


    There was the bit in the movie where Allan says to Geoffrey "What have you done to us? To me?" or something to that effect, and I thought that somehow implied that Geoffrey did inject Allan as part of his experimenting? Or am I reaching too much here?


    I do remember that scene, but I don't think we can assume that Geoffrey ever injected Allan. It would be too easy to explain that off in the movie to simply omit it as an occurance.

  7. The science in this movie seemed a little sketchy. I think the premise was that injecting a girl's brain cells into the monkey's leg gave the monkey human intelligence and a psychic connection with a random human (Allan). Is that really a thing?


    Not only that, but apparently anyone could mind meld with the monkey simply by injecting the syrum. Allan never took the syrum though. That was actually my biggest complaint with the movie, they just kinda half assed the explanation of all of that. Ella gets injected with random human brain cells, forms a telepathic link with allan as a result, but then Doug can get inside Ella's head by simply injecting the syrum into himself?

    • Like 3

  8. I am also obsessed with the choice to film multiple close-up shots of unshaven lady-thighs during the sexy sex scene. I really hope this is brought up.


    I think the unshaven lady thigh close ups were nessecary in order to let us know that 1. Allan isn't averse to putting his mouth near anything hairy and 2. Even in his current medical state, Allan has strong neck muscles that give him the ablility to whip his mouth to and fro.

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  9. The writers of this movie did some research! It is indeed possible for individuals with quadriplegia to have sex and orgasm. It can be very difficult to do, but much like baton-twirling and playing the pipe organ, that doesn't make it fun to watch.


    He doesn't get any though. She simply uses his face as a sex toy and that's it. Seems like a uniquely unsatisfying relationship.

  10. I don't remember if we see the actual landing or just the hilarious dive through the air, but is it possible that he was taken out in a horribly ironic way, like impaling his back on that huge sack of pointy bricks that he was wearing?


    I don't think we actually see him hitting the ground, just doing that perfect gymnast spin through the air whilst spewing bricks from his backpack. We do get a close up of one of the bricks shattering on the asphalt, I think your theory is not only possible, but highly probable.

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  11. I actually enjoyed this movie. I recently got into HDTGM and this is the first time I've watched something specifically for the podcast. This movie was NOT what I was expecting.


    Allan seemed to really be destined for paralysis, whether its congenital, getting hit by a truck, or from routinely running several miles with an unpadded nylon sack of bricks on his back, he was going to end up in wheelchair no matter what it took.

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