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Posts posted by watchayakan

  1. Β 

    What is this game? Tell me more.

    It's a tabletop card game that kind of mocks the idea of games like DnD and the like. Each turn you try to kill a monster to move up a level and level ten is winning. There are cards that can help you or hurt you, other players can help or hurt you, and the rules and the way cards conflict made the game endlessly complicated in the way that arguments pop up even if you have played dozens of times. But at the same time the actual gameplay is simple. There's also tonnes of themed expansions like zombies, western, etc.

  2. All this stand up talk reminds me of the time I did stand up.


    I was in New York back in the early '90s and found myself in a comedy club. There was supposed to be this big star there doing jokes or whatever but he never showed up, so the owner of the club came up to me and asked if I wanted to take his place. I warned him that I had never done jokes before but he said I was so good-looking and cool that he was sure I could do it.


    Anyway, I got up and improvised a totally rando observ that slayed. Then I followed up with a one-two gut punch of bazonko killer funnies, and one guy died of laughing too much. Then there was a guy at the side of the stage and he was on the phone saying "Chris! Chris, it's Marvin. Your cousin, Marvin Rock. You know that new sound you're looking for? Well, listen to this!". They wanted me to sign for Deaf Jam or something but I didn't want to because comedy isn't art.

    not enough likes in the world

    • Like 1

  3. am I crazy or has Matt told the left ear story on an earlier i4h... or on another podcast perhaps? I usually start listening to the show as soon as I wake up so my mind is still somewhat hazy, but it sounded very familiar for some reason.



    also, I'm with him on that snow video... it looks and sounds contrived as fuck.

    He has. That time they went off on a scene where two parents went on vacation and brought back for their son, who has a stump for a hand, a shirt from a bar that has "___'s Stump" as its title. I wish I could remember the episode as it was an awesome scene.


    Also, guys, I didn't realize the Shaq scene was a scene until it was over. Kind of blew my mind.

    • Like 2

  4. Vaccines are crazy these days! What happened to the 1950's when every household had a standard vaccine with the disposable dust bags you would buy at the store and then throw out once they were full!


    Vaccines these days are so hi-tech! With cyclone technology and "just the right amount of suction!" Like, what?!? Please, just take me back!!! And no, vaccine salesman, I DON'T need a mini vaccine to clean the Doritos crumbs that fall on my chest OR an extendable arm to get into the "hard to reach" spots! Dust is good for you and anyone who says different is a whackjob! Next thing you know they'll be saying you'll need to get a vacuum shot at the doctor's office to prevent "dust bunnies!" Aye! Mama mia!!!

    I think you got a little TWISTED up there, Joe. The word you're looking for is vacisil.

  5. Yeah, cause smart folks like us, we were never new. Only a big dumb idiot would be new to the forums. I say we kick out LydonDontCallMeLyndon IMMEDIATELY! #imbeingsarcastic #thereshouldbeasarcasmfont



    Edit: Actually, I think I only like new guys. I'm bored of all you old guys, and that includes me. #stillbeingsarcastic

    So do I still fit that? I want you to like me and I am a fan of the movie The New Guy.

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  6. If Weird Al, Star Jones, Ringo Starr, Warren Buffet and Bart Starr joined Storage Wars and got in a feud outside a celebrity storage facility and cattle ranch over who had the lamest retro Star Wars t-shirt from the Disney retail outlet, would the headline be: Stalwart Steers Stare Where Stars Store Wares as Storage Wars Stars Starr, Warren, Star, Weird and Starr Stir War On Who Wore Worst Worn Star Wars Store Wear



    No, it would not.
