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Spunky Foonerism

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Everything posted by Spunky Foonerism

  1. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 70 — Seth Morris, Our Close Employee

    Speaking of Thanksgiving, I'm giving thanks that when Thanksgiving rolls around I'll be able to think back on this joke and give thanks for it. Officially. Any thanks I give before then are probationary at best.
  2. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 70 — Seth Morris, Our Close Employee

    I'm a regular listener, and I just stumbled across this episode. I see what they are trying to do, and I think Seth is really great and I'm a big fan of Hayes and Sean. 1/5 stars, too lazy. Keep up the good work!
  3. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    Jumping from 3 women to 5 is pretty huge, and I don't want to be a buzzkill, but we're still nowhere NEAR 600. Edit: I just figured out this joke: the number 69 looks like two people rubbing their butts together!
  4. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    Even better. I can't wait for the day when I can marry the hell out of a whole bunch of goats! I think that's what people are referring to when they talk about "the singularity."
  5. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    A lady with a man's name? We really are living in the future. What's next, will a man be able to marry a horse? A male horse? I, for one, can't wait!
  6. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    Yeah, they are a great way to transform an apartment into a smoldering heap of ashes! Don't be a pawn of big candle! #firehazard #alsosmokestainsontheceiling Edit: sorry for flying off the handle like some kind of Delino DeShields. It's a sore spot in my own relationship with my wife, and it is unfair to take my frustration out on you.
  7. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    I will be happy to post pictures of my dogs, weekly or even semi-weekly. I can also be technical consultant on your script if you'd like pointers about their real-life personas, but if you'd rather not know so their characters can start from a blank slate, I totally understand. Edit: Here's a picture from today's edition of the internet homepage of a local news channel. No big deal, Hurricane Dennis is just super famous as best Ewok now.
  8. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    Ooh, how do I get that? That sounds somewhat better, a portion of the time!
  9. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    Wait a minute, how do we know you're REALLY from Ireland? He said "Lads," it's okay everyone, his story checks out.
  10. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    I would be interested, but I'm expecting my depression to wrap up in the next few days, so it probably won't be that relevant to me. I mean, it isn't like depression can just go on FOREVER, right?
  11. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    Solid reference! I didn't laugh out loud, but I recognized where it came from and laughed inside my mind.
  12. Spunky Foonerism

    A forum for bears to post in!

    Ok, so where is the forum for bears? Or are you just bragging? Edit: I just figured it out. It's THIS forum, isn't it!
  13. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    I kept looking out for a giant pencil, but figured I'd missed you. It was hectic but a ton of fun. Hurricane Dennis was definitely the unofficial champion of Barkus, and Ross the Dog was the best Hans Solo in the whole parade!
  14. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    More like Penny looking in a mirror! That is a great photo of a great doggy. Also, my dog Ross's full name is Ross the Dog. It's on his mail and everything, seriously. So maybe he and Penny are cousins. Also, you're only as new as you think you are. Or as new as we tell you you are. Edit: your D is good too. And your M.
  15. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    Too late! I'm normally a pretty calm and non-confrontational guy, but this is the last straw that really steams my goat!
  16. Dennis says "Wuf!*" *"This Linus The Shield-Guy should have his own show on QVC, because he keeps telling everyone what the deal is." PS here's Ross too, even though nobody asked to see him.
  17. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    Yeah it makes me think, it makes me think that the Wolf Den knows that Sean and Hayes are hot on their heels, and so they come in here sewing subversive ideas like "don't go into other forums and sew subversive ideas!" Edit: I love the designated villain idea, btw. My 'tar already has a mustache! Now I just need to figure out how to make it less old-timey and more evil. Edit: Alternative idea, Hayes could strike up a secret deal with DeLoreanShields to come in an kick the hornets' nest a few times a week and inspire hella riffing. I think this may already be happening.
  18. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    There's been some discussion about this and we think it might be Michael Bay of Pigs, but nobody's been willing to try it and find out. Godspeed, friend!
  19. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    You're killing it all right. And by it I mean me, and by killing me I mean with laughing too hard. Impotent rage, stubbed toes...friggin' hilarious. It's so relatable!
  20. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    No, I think lampoons is ok. PS I was about to look for an image for a lamb-poon joke but thought better of it. So I do have at least a LITTLE discretion.
  21. Back on track! Also, if you need anything from the top of the building this angry guy is on, you're in luck because he's ready to throw down.
  22. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    All I ever wanted to do was have fun and laughing with my friends (including mods), and to defeat angry guys. And frankly, just trying to keep track of posts on this thread and the TGIGOTGOST thread has been exhausting, I shudder to think about participating in even more forums. I don't like to admit I was wrong, but I AM very good at admitting i was wrong. Just please don't make me do it here in front of everyone.
  23. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    Nice goat reference, and also a valid point about the mods being people too. And I think they SHOULD be paid full-time. Just take it out of some of the pro-version $$.
  24. ...especially if you are under 15 or just really like lazy humor. (Sorry for ruining your sincerity, Honlads) Edit: ok, now I actually do feel guilty for derailing your sincerity. Hollywood Handbook is a fricken' good SHOW! If you like things that are GOOD, then LISTEN to it! Seriously!
  25. Spunky Foonerism

    Episode 69 — Betsy Sodaro, Our Close Friend

    I'm pretty inspired by how much fun energy and comedic goodness was generated in this thread by random angry guys barging in. To foster more of that sort of positive interaction, i think we should meet up in the forum of a different podcast each week to annoy and alienate people (by being awesome and hilarious in our own unmistakable way). That way, they'll come here, say mean stuff to us, and then we'll all laugh and be better friends than ever! Seriously, though, it seems like each angry guy inspired several first-time-long-times to get off their butts and make an Earwolf account, so they could reset the karmic balance with their excellent first posts. So that actually is a pretty sweet side benefit of angry guys. Maybe we really DO need villains.