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Spunky Foonerism

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Posts posted by Spunky Foonerism

  1. Jokes aside, I'm worried that S&H are taking a Christmas holiday at the worst possible time. I am very excited to hear you all on the call in episode, but more than that I really don't know what to think about the upcoming war between North Korea and Sony. I mean, is Hollywood really so craven that they will stop movies entirely, just because some 4chan dorks threaten that Dennis Rodman will beat up anyone who goes to a movie theater? I need the trusted voice of a Hollywood insider to explain and reassure me that this isnt the end of movies forever. (I hope it is just until King John Un is dead.) Anyhow, Sean and Hayes if you are out there, maybe you can pop into the forum to tell us if its ok to go out at Christmas and look at some movies.

    • Like 3

  2. My favorite joke/prank is when I go to restaurants that only serve Pepsi. I'll purposefully ask for a coke and the waiter/waitress will say, "Is pepsi okay?"


    It's at this time that I take my sunglasses off, look right into the camera and say, "No, Oklahoma's OK." Then we both laugh and I say, "No but really, I don't like Pepsi all that much so I'll just have a Dr. Pepper and if you don't have that just a water with lemon, please. I'm waiting for like 3 other people and they should be here soon. Yeah, just give them like 10 more minutes and I'll keep looking over the menu while we wait. I mean, I think I've made up my mind about what I want to eat but it doesn't hurt to keep looking. OH! I didn't even ask what your lunch specials are today. DO you have soup? No I probably shouldn't have soup, I made some pea soup in the slow cooker last night and I was planning on eating that for dinner tonight and I don't think I'm a 'two-soup a day' kind guy, ya know what I mean? Haha, alright, let me send them a text to see how long they're gonna be. Maggie and Dave said they were almost here like 15 minutes ago and Brady was right behind me when we left the parking lot at work so I don't even know how he isn't here haha. Ugh! Classic co-workers, right?! It's like, 'Yeah, let's have an office lunch outing' and then they totally flake. So frustrating. Well, I shouldn't say that they flaked yet, there might just be some traffic on I81 or something cause I know they've been doing some construction on it for the past few months so maybe it's just like lunch rush hour traffic or something. Okay, so like just check back in like 5 minutes and if they aren't here, I'll order some appetizers to munch on in the meantime. Do you think I should just order them now? But like if I order them and they show up then they'll be like, 'Oh what you just order without us? This is why we don't invite you out with us dude, you're always pulling shit like this. Way to ruin another lunch.' OR, they could be like, 'Oh wow! You ordered us some sick apps! Nice we were all starving waiting in that traffic and you were so cool to order us some mozz sticks and mini sliders! You're the hero of the day bro, you saved lunch!' Yeah. I think I'll just order the apps now. So, mozzerella sticks and the mini sliders please. Hey, what's the word on the Dr. Pepper? You never brought me my drink. Oh, I guess you never actually left the table to get it did you? My bad haha. Alright. Remember when I was like, 'No, Oklahoma's OK!' when you asked about Pepsi? Sorry if that like totally fucked you up, I just thought it was really funny. Anyway, can you please just get me a drink now, I'm really thirsty. Thanks. Oh and put that app order in too!"


    That's my favorite joke/prank to pull



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  3. Β 

    I googled "I've got your nose" and found an intriguing wikipedia page about it. http://en.wikipedia....e_got_your_nose

    I love it and so I've added it to my shtick. Thank you!


    I too love to cackle at my own jokes. It's pretty annoying for others...fun for me.


    What a great resource, thanks for letting me know. The section about "the Fig" hand gesture is definitely going to save me some cross-cultural embarrassment! I also appreciate how thoroughly cited the article is.


    Cultural specificity

    Main article: Fig sign

    In certain cultures, such as in Korea,[6] Central America,[7] Japan,[8] and Turkey[9] displaying the "got your nose" hand position may be seen as vulgar or otherwise impolite. Observers of the game from these cultures can be shocked to see the gesture used in a children's game.[8]

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  4. I enjoy physical comedy, so I usually point to someone's shirt and when they look down, I bump their nose with my finger and make a cute little "boop" noise.


    So, I guess I like nose-based physical comedy.


    Very funny stuff! Do you then laugh really aggressively? For me, that always makes jokes ten times funnier. It's my little way of making sure my companion knows they just experienced me amusing myself at their expense, and that it wasn't a shared moment of humor between us.


    P.S. Do you know the one where the punchline is "I've got your nose!" You should totally learn it, because it's right in your wheelhouse. I don't want to try to tell it because I'll probably mess it up, but trust me, it's hilarious.

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  5. Β 

    If you haven't released it can someone explain to me how i binge listened to both seasons last night?


    You reminded me of a joke I make every ten minutes. To be frank, I'd have to change my name to frank!

    It's one of my two jokes. My other joke is "My name is pyjamas. Hey, that's my name, don't wear it out."

    I mainly do name-based comedy.


    Edit: Damn, Joe. I just threw you the ol' faveollow.


    I agree with your approach, focusing on perfecting a single joke. In your case, two jokes. For me, I mainly make jokes based on the similar sounds of the words "pear" and "pair."


    Like this. Me: "So do you want a pear(pair)*?"

    Rube: "No thanks."

    Me: "Ok then, do you just want one?"

    Rube: :angry:

    Me: "Hahahahahaha!"


    I am deadly serious about this. It has come perilously close to ending my marriage.


    *It works way better verbally. Written down, I can see that it looks a little forced.

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  6. I don't know what a "first thought" joke is, so I assume it's a compliment about how our hilarious thoughts should all win first prize.


    Edit: never mind, Googled it. Turns out he was criticising our jokes for being against the rules of improve comedy. Well we can't all be Ryan Stiles so get off my back.


    P.S. please get Ryan Stiles on the show so he can "yesand" the funny jokes. (that's where you improve (as in improve comedy) someone's joke. Tim, I just saved you $350)


    Am I crazy? I always thought they were saying "improb comedy," as in "improbable." Because of surprises. Thinking about it, your way might make more sense though. I'm probably wrong. (Get it?*)



    *(I'm prob)ably wrong. From what I was talking about before. It's known as a call-back, or as some people like to say, a "Harold."

    • Like 5

  7. Okay, fun's fun, and I totally get that a lot of what Sean and Hayes say in this podcast is jokes. But sometimes I worry that they are saying something in a way that makes people think its jokes, but its totally a real thing that people should take seriously! I'm still only at the beginning of listening to this weeks show, and I had to stop it immediately to point out that when Hayes said that buying a dog is worse than crime, THAT'S NOT A JOKE. It totally IS worse than crime, and I know it, and I'm sure Hayes knows it, but I'm worried about people out there who may not always be able to decipher the comic sensibility, and who can't tell jokes from serious.


    PS Sorry if I'm being a downer but there are some things people shouldn't ever joke about, and two of those things are buying a dog, and crimes.


    Edit: Just to be clear, the remaining things that no one should joke about are farting, boners, and people falling down. Not funny, just embarrassing. Have a little empathy for god's sake.


    2nd Edit: There might be others, this isn't a comprehensive list. I just can't think of any more right now.

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  8. I'm just worried that if you guys did a bad job that Scott Awkwardman will make them end the Hollywood Handbook show, and make them move to New Orleans and start up a third podcast called "The 'Hollywood South' Handbook." Then they'd probably want me to show them around town and introduce them to John Goodman and Brad Pitt, and I'd have to spend hours and hours explaining the significance of "Beasts of the Southern Wild" and "22 Jump Street." Who's got time for all that noise? Technically, I do, but it seems exhausting.

  9. Apparently Los Angeles was devastated by a tornado yesterday! Will someone please call in and find out if Sean and Hayes are ok? Even if they didn't get directly whirled up in it, they may have been caught in a stampede of panicking movie stars and directors*.


    *If there's one thing that we know how to do right in the flyover states, it's get hit by tornadoes. In Los Angeles, they probably run to an exterior room in the house, and stand right by a window just like a noob.

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