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Spunky Foonerism

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Posts posted by Spunky Foonerism

  1. I think the real issue is that we are smart and they are dumb.


    Edit: Here's an illustration that i hope will make my point more effectively.




    me and Hayes and Sean > you guys > birds > bugs and trees > those guys > rocks and dirt

    • Like 16

  2. The ending dragged a little bit, like they were trying to sign off but then somebody would say something to keep the conversation going so they'd have to try to initiate the sign-off all over again. There's nothing like an abrupt "BYE!" to let you know a podcast is over. Anyway, I liked it. I think it really helped me to finally get a handle on which one is Hayes.

    • Like 8

  3. Ugh get a room you two! Nothing more awkward than real-life friends in an internet forum. It's like taking your masks off at an orgy! And in case you don't know what I'm talking about because you don't go to very many orgies, it's NOT COOL! It reduces the turgidity of everyone's erections by an average of almost 17%. Sure, its still enough to get the job done, but frankly if you think of it like a job, then you shouldn't be at an orgy in the first place. You should only go to an orgy if you really love fucking. Fucking strangers. Who goes to an orgy to try and reconnect with their acquaintances? Weirdos that's who. Now both of you go change your usernames to something anonymous, and we'll pretend this never happened.


    Edit: and just to be clear, ladies can have erections too. Read a science book.

    • Like 22

  4. I like to re-listen to every episode of Hollywood Handbook each week before the new one drops, just to re-familiarize myself with all the running jokes and continuity. Now I'm really glad that I went ahead and got the dialogue for every episode tattooed onto my body -- I'll be fine and won't have to give my hard-earned cash to Scott Moneyman. It'll be tricky to read the ones that are on my back, but I can probably use a mirror.

    • Like 9

  5. The first time I met Jeff Ullritch (today, 2015), I was all set to give him a piece of my mind. There was some kind of change in the way podcasts were going to be done on the internet, and all I know is that a bunch of my friends have opinions about it. For me? I just listen to them on my computer. I click the little button that kind of looks like an arrow but is more of just a triangle with the pointy end facing to the right. Anyway, if you know anything about me you know that I like to participate in what other people are talking about, so I said "Jeff, what are you doing on the internet, with the podcasts!? Don't you know how many opinions you are making people have? Did you even consider that for one second? That is so typical of something that you, Jeff Ullritch, would do!" He said, "I'm not Jeff Ullritch, I don't know who that is. But if you aren't going to order anything, I'm going to have to ask you to step out of line so I can help the customers behind you." I said, "Well played, Jeff Ullritch, you aren't fooling me one bit. I'll have a footlong tuna salad on the whole wheat bread." Then I said, "No, wait. I want the parmesan bread."

    • Like 17

  6. I was just doing my daily perusal of my Hollywood Handbook Wiki page (it's a fine placeholder until my real wiki page gets approved) and learned that they actually asked my PCG question in the Pauly Shore episode.


    I have never listened to the guest segment of that episode because I was afraid it would be too awkward and awful, and because I heard that Sean got called the "h-o-m-o" word on it. The crazy thing is that even though I didn't listen, I assumed that they hadn't used my question and was real mad about it! Classic me. Anyway, I'm going to go back and listen to it now, and you all should go back and listen to it also because I asked such a good good question.

    • Like 16

  7. Hi everybody, I just wanted to check in and let you know that I'm okay, I'm just on vacation so you can stop worrying about me. What's that? You weren't worried about me, you were worried about Aregular? Hmmm. Well fuck you then.


    Anyhow, vacation is real nice, and it has given me the time and headspace to get away from my computer screen. You should try it sometime! You zombies! It's not that hard, you just go to Maryland to hang out with my family, and there will be so much going on (playing with little nieces and nephews, going on a walk with my mom, just being quiet and reading an actual book for a change) that you won't even miss all your podcasts and forums and periscopes and shit.


    Speaking of which, what the everloving fuck, internet!? I go away for less than a week and there is all this forum activity, a new Superego, Wet Hot American Summer show, and Forrest MacNiel show!? I am going to be so swamped when I get back from vacation that I am seriously stressing out right now.


    Finally, happy birthday Sean, I'm sorry I wasn't in your video. I wanted to be in it, and I had such a big awesome idea for what I was going to do. Unfortunately I went over budget on special effects, and a couple of my big guest stars bailed on me at the last minute. Any big plans for the day? Cake I bet. So sick, dude. Take a big chomp on some cake for me.

    • Like 20