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Spunky Foonerism

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Posts posted by Spunky Foonerism

  1. I think I would miss the seasons if I went to L.A. But I would like the earthquakes. But I would hate Venice Beach. But I would like USC football games. But I would hate UCLA football games. But I would like the movie studios. But I would hate the LAPD. But I would like the palm trees. But I would hate all the beautiful young people. But I would like the racial tension. But mostly I think I would HATE. ALL. THE. TRAFFIC! Right?


    Edit: to be clear, I'm talking about if I moved to Los Angeles. Because LA also stands for Louisiana, which is where I already do live. We have seasons here, sort of, and very few earthquakes.

    • Like 4

  2. Sean's scene in Parks and Rec had a real sense of ADR about it. I think this confirms the rumour I heard that Amy Poehler will start randomly screaming during filming if she feels any of the other actors are being funnier than her.


    Everything I've heard about Amy Poehler is that she is super mean to everyone she meets, and that she loves nothing more than to step all over other people's jokes. Not very generous or adaptable as an ensemble comedian. I hope it's not true, because I hate to find out bad things about women that I think are pretty.

    • Like 2

  3. I started watching Transparent yesterday to see what all the fuss is about. Sorry feminists, but I have to say that Joffrey Tambourne plays a woman better than any actual woman that I've seen. Should he have won an award for best actor? Since I just learned about the whole spectrum thing, it seems like they should have at least 5 different acting categories.

    • Best Actor
    • Best supporting actor
    • best actress
    • best supporting actress
    • best transactor
    • best supporting transactor
    • best transactress
    • best supporting transactress

    everyone gets a trophy



    I like that you made a list of precisely eight categories and described it as "at least five."

    • Like 2

  4. I bought a $300 purse once*. It was the best purse I ever bought**.








    *It wasn't for me, I am a man and don't use a purse. I use a courier bag.


    **It was the only purse I've ever bought. But it seriously is a great purse.


    Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not some kind of fancy rich guy. It was for a special occasion, and you wouldn't believe the number of bus station handjobs I had to give before I could buy it. Thirty.

  5. I know a lot about vaccines because I give out hot beef injections all the time. Yowzah!

    Blegh, no thanks. I'm a vegetarian*.


    *Actually, I eat dairy, eggs and seafood. So if it's a hot milk, eggs and fish injection, I'd have to say "Blegh, yes please!"


    Edit: Also, what insight does your hot beef injecting experience give you about vaccines? Do hot beef injections prevent you from turning into a hot cow? Do they give you "herd immunity?" Holy shit, I just thought of that one and it's very very funny.

    • Like 2

  6. My best friend is a doctor, and I'm not saying he tricks people into getting sick, but he is definitely a lying scumbag that everybody hates. I'm pretty sure that he only got to be a doctor because he is the fucking worst. In fact, when I tried to be a doctor, they told me I wasn't dishonest enough. And that you have to go to a special school for like ten years.

    • Like 3

  7. And what is KFC trying to pull with all these fried chickens?


    When I was young there was only three kinds(because we threw the wings away!). Now there are friend chicken hamburger sandwich and wienies.


    I knew this would happen with a [redacted] president.

    Mmm. Too edgy.


    Also, you wrote "friend chicken." Are you friends with lots of chickens? Hahaha!

    • Like 3

  8. I want to know if Sean and Hayes are having their kids vaccinated. In order to know whose example to follow, I have an intricate list of celebrities and their rankings. For instance, I try to do everything that Patricia Heaton does, unless that brings me into conflict with Jason Lee, in which case I go with him because he outranks her. Jim Carrey, Mayim Bialik and Billy Corgan are all anti-vaxxers, but Sean and Hayes outrank them so I'm going to wait and hope that I hear from them about it.


    PS. My wife is firmly pro-vax, but first of all, she's a public health scientist and so is CLEARLY biased, and second, she is not even a celebrity.


    PPS. I have no idea what I'll do if Sean and Hayes disagree. Maybe I'll vaccinate half of my children?


    PPPS. I have no children, but it's best to have a plan already in place.

    • Like 8

  9. ย 

    I cat believe you sed that! tee hee hee !!





    This post is great BUT, what about "Mr. Lova Lova"? It has the same repetitive rhythm and also gives me warm feelings downstairs.

    I don't have a strong opinion regarding the "whatup, whatup" controversy, but I don't think it would be the worst thing in the world if Sean opened with "Gee wheeze, baby pleeze!"

  10. Now THIS is appropriate introduction. I accept your apology, but only after acknowledging that it was necessary

    Yeah, cause smart folks like us, we were never new. Only a big dumb idiot would be new to the forums. I say we kick out LydonDontCallMeLyndon IMMEDIATELY! #imbeingsarcastic #thereshouldbeasarcasmfont



    Edit: Actually, I think I only like new guys. I'm bored of all you old guys, and that includes me. #stillbeingsarcastic

  11. I keep having to pause and digest the goodness in small amounts, so I don't get a tummy ache in my brains. I'm pretty stuck on Anansi the frog. In fact, I would listen to an entire podcast series of Anansi the frog stories.


    I also liked the facts about tapeworms, but I wish they could have lingered a little longer on comparing the show to a centipede.


    PS sorry for the spoilers.

    • Like 5