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Everything posted by Assblaster(truly_blessed)

  1. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 90 — Brian Huskey, Our LIVE Friend

    I went to a strip club alone, thats what my life has come to. I got off work at 9 and went to the bar like normal after a rough shift. My personality started to kick in after the second drink. We're all laughing and I'm killing it, we go out for a smoke and I'm making casual conversation and we're getting on the subject of strip clubs. I'm in my car after we close shop, and I'm thinking maybe this isn't such a bad idea. I paid the $10 cover charge and got inside. I told myself no dances only drinks and I'm gone. Two drinks go by and a 6'3" girl named Melony comes over. I bought the dances. I'm beyond redemption, my life is out of control.
  2. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 74 — Kumail Nanjiani, Our Close Friend

    Does anyone have any tips on depression? I tried lexapro and zoloft almost 6 years ago, but I'm having a really hard time watching the world pass me by. Any advice is much appreciated. How do I stop being mad at the world for my own missteps?
  3. man I could type like a whole essay on how I feel about this shit but forum comments and internet comments are basically nothing. anyways, yeah I get the whole it's weird looking at a group of people discussing their interests and they all have to agree on something, that's weird drinking the koolaid behavior, but like fuck man am I the only one that gets so stoked on these musical episodes? I don't if it's just because I've heard so many shitty SCI/Phish/GD bootlegs, but getting to experience something intimate and the recording is well produced and sounds good is so fucking rewarding. I don't man I just don't get it, I commute to my shitty job listening to these earwolf podcasts and it's nice to hear amazingly talented artists in between the improv. Does the music take away from the sketches? Is Tim Meadows suddenly not funny because someone played a melancholy acoustic song? Am I whining on the internet at 2:12 am? Will Tim Meadows add a show in Chicago? Do I suffer from mental illness? Is it weird being the last of your friends who isn't salaried and still making an hourly wage? Do I resent myself?
  4. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 71 — Nicole Byer, Our Close Friend

    Harris was one of the coolest dudes ever. He had a lot more love and comedy to bestow on the world. Man this sucks.
  5. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 65 — Dan Klein, Our Close Friend

    dont worry guys, I'm okay, just very hungover. happy 2014 + 1 great ep btw
  6. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 63 — Thomas Middleditch, Our Close Friend

    Superego is amazing and if you haven't heard every episode you're not actually that cool.
  7. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 63 — Thomas Middleditch, Our Close Friend

    Please don't oppress me with your rape culture Spunky.
  8. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 63 — Thomas Middleditch, Our Close Friend

    I legit think 1989 was a decent album, I want to kiss T Swift right on the lips. I also don't change the radio when Arianna Grande comes on.
  9. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 63 — Thomas Middleditch, Our Close Friend

    Sorry ho ho I can't disclose that at this time
  10. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 63 — Thomas Middleditch, Our Close Friend

    heres a good lifehack guys, if you wanna save money on floss just take a straw from an old fastfood cup you got laying around, flatten it, and rub that flat straw in between your teeth
  11. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 63 — Thomas Middleditch, Our Close Friend

    I do want to own one though, but I'm still young and restless, not sure if I want to settle down yet. You know not sure if I want to be my Dad and just settle down with a nice cat in the Midwest, still want to see places and experience things.
  12. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 63 — Thomas Middleditch, Our Close Friend

    Name: Sorry guys that's private Age: Sorry don't really feel comfortable sharing that Relationship status: Asexual Facebook Link: Sorry guys not sure if I really wanna share that Sean or Hayes? Sorry guys a little too personal Do you have a cat? No Can I see your D (dad)? No you cannot (Sorry guys)
  13. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 63 — Thomas Middleditch, Our Close Friend

    These are my favorite jokes from HH 1. BJ Novak Spider-Man story/Sean and Hayes hiding under the seats during the Amazing Spider-Man 2 2. Joe Wengert turning jokes on their head is literally taking the audience's heads and turning them upside down 3. Sinbad whole episode was great jokes 4. Matt Gourley Professor of Comedy 101/teachers is robots 5. John Cochran having to own up to calling native man horny Golem
  14. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 61 — Pauly Shore, Our Close Friend

    finals suck guys, haven't even had time to listen to this cast
  15. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 60 — Tracey Wigfield, Our Close Friend

    Paul I've never seen Biodome, but what should I say to this girl at school I like?
  16. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 28 — The Hooray Show

    damn this is so cool, hope Chico Davis shows up btw it costs almost $3K to buy shaveyourballs.com or else I would totally buy it
  17. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 60 — Tracey Wigfield, Our Close Friend

    Wow what a great cast (thats short for podcast). Hollywood Handbook forums in tradition with the upcoming Holiday what are you guys thankful for? I'm thankful for Sean & Hayes, thankful for the food at my desk (hamburger sandwich), and also my great family, especially my great D who I would post a picture of but I do value my privacy and wouldn't want anyone posting pictures of me OR my D on the internet without my consent.
  18. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 59 — Paul Scheer, Our Close Friend

    What should I watch on Netflix?
  19. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 59 — Paul Scheer, Our Close Friend

    this helped put things in perspective thanks m8
  20. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 59 — Paul Scheer, Our Close Friend

    You don't ever think things could be better if you had a second chance?
  21. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 59 — Paul Scheer, Our Close Friend

    do you guys think about the past a lot?
  22. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 59 — Paul Scheer, Our Close Friend

    Can I be the heel of the Hollywood Handbook forums? Damn I knew nothing of that Scientology situation, hope Harris stays on the straight and narrow.
  23. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 161 — Cory Branan and the Google Goggles

    Musical guest was straight up amazing and Drew fit in perfectly. Don't know if it was Brett who engineered this episode but goddamn you guys mix the musical guests so well. Bring Drew back.
  24. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 59 — Paul Scheer, Our Close Friend

    Woah am I five posts in and already in full damage control?
  25. Assblaster(truly_blessed)

    Episode 59 — Paul Scheer, Our Close Friend

    Idk the rules or if I'll get banned for this but this is what she looks like As you can see shes pretty much perfect, and wears like early 2000s goth boots. My biggest concerns are if I'm going to have to listen to her talk about really shitty bands (I hope that doesn't come across as sexist), and apparently how I'm gonna meet and seduce her Dad.