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Everything posted by devscoots

  1. hey hey gettin drunk on a saturday alright alright alright can we pleased all just agree that reddit is bad happy to have new people, but don't do reddit folks it's bad
  2. haha can you imagine *shrugs shoulders* "I dunno, he's probly not a murderer or whatever"
  3. I'm serious about wantin you guys to listen to this it's great
  4. if u wanna see someone heroically tolerate Ezra Koenig
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99T01Uhl8RA also some good chunes
  6. Also everyone should listen to Tkay Maidza, she is 19 from Australia and she's bout to blow up so you will seem cool and ahead of the curve if you listen https://www.youtube....user/Tkaymaidza [media]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-AiWZOkpHA[/media] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99T01Uhl8RA
  7. Hello all, I'm here to make a real big deal about getting the pro version. Like, I fully intend to lord it over everyone and am announcing such. "Oh", I'll say, airily, "Did you hear I got the pro version" as I glide past you, delighted with the enjoyments of genius, flappin my way up towards that sun. ooh yeh gon get real adjacent to that sumbitch and ain't no one gonna tell me nothin. AND I DO NOT BELIEVE IN HUBRIS. I EXPLICITLY STATE MY SCORN AT THE GENERAL CONCEPT OF HUBRISTIC BLOWBACK. I SHALL FOREVER SOAR LIKE THE PRETTIEST OF EAGLES. FLAPPING, ALWAYS FLAPPING. Also reddit is bad and not good and please do not make these forums into a place where the repetition of memes gives, just, a real bummer of a group of individuals the illusion of having told a joke.
  8. What kind of life apart from comedy/improv do you find yourself fondly imagining every now and again in idle moments? If that's too "real", "hardcore", or "close to the bone" You're super funny, why?
  9. Newsflash: I may have consumed some alcohols and am on my way through my, now traditional, youtube music videos trawl. Some thoughts; I am worried that we, as a culture, aren't sufficiently grateful that Ke$ha exists. Katy Perry would literally kill some poor starving orphan or whatever to have half the talent Ke$ha has in her stubby lil' fingers. All hail Ke$ha is my pronouncement. Also, "Starships" is a p great song. Death Grips remain the backup for if I get super bummed out and start yearning for an air of unrelenting oppressive doom. Chance the Rapper remains the guy who is probably the best guy. Please everyone let's commit to ending this referring to the internet as "the internets", it's gross and was never cute and, like all memes, is p fucking terrible.
  10. Leather jacket cool shades sunny day holding multiple kittens unlit cigarette in your mouth don't make the kitties smoke For anyone wondering those are some suggestions for kittens new avatar/modernist poetry
  11. Super into this nascent War On Reddit. Buncha dudes being annoying about atheism and being paedophile apologists. Bout time we settled their hashes.
  12. I feel like someone should have told Joe that he missed a button Great ep tho
  13. For real tho, I 100% loved the Dave Thomas episode because I had just seen that Hayao Miyazake flick "The Wind Rises or whatevs" and in that there was this bit where they were all like 'people only get 10 years 2 b creative' and I was like 'woah'. But then Dave Thomas was SO effortlessly funny and on the ball that I realized, "Dave Thomas never stopped, why the fuck should I" It for real meant something to me
  14. Is Workofholics good? I tried to watch an episode like a year ago and that dude with the long hair and skeevy mustache skeeved me out to an extent I had to stop watching
  15. What a week for the forums! My wifi (because fi) has been being a butt so I have missed out on so, so much, but am proud to report it all seems to be sorted and also that I have made the executive decision to get dunk tonight! ooh yeh will I youtube up some Chance the Rapper mixtapes while inexorably working my way towards OMC's "How Bizarre"? ooh yeh Also it's p great that people are making stuff to show to other people on this weird little forum corner of the internet, gettin me inspired and such. Great job all.
  16. I got a pretty sweet ride with way more doors and roofs than any dumb Audi
  17. Zachary Taylor Thompswift
  18. One time when I was like 12 or 13 I was trying on jeans in a store with my mum. The style at the time was for the jeans to be real baggy because you wanted everyone to know you liked skateboards. Anyway, my mum said that the jeans I was trying on were too baggy, I said that they weren't, so, to prove her point, she "dakked" me (pulled the jeans down to my ankles) in front of the 18 year old girl sales assistant. Pranks but no pranks!
  19. devscoots

    EPISODE 226 — RuPaul F. Tompkins

    I dunno but it was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too low energy for one such as PFT. I don't know if it was that or Howard's April fools joke but this one got off to a weird start. Still a good ep though.
  20. I hope Sean is feeling better
  21. I am also some geometry AMA (it's funny because reddit is a terrible cesspool)
  22. WHAT?!?!?!?! EDIT: oh wow
  23. is anything within the vast scope of human history as good as "how bizarre"? nup
  24. man, sorry to double post but goddamn is "Sunset Tree" by the Mountain Goats an amazing album. I listen to it maybe a couple of times a year and every time I'm like, "hurr durr dis album real good hurr" and so forth
  25. 2nd night in a row I get drunk? yep greggy and corpsefucker shitlord, I listened to Death Grips; they are very very good. I cannot help but think that I would enjoy them a lot more if I had some marijuana cigarettes. I do not have any marijuana cigarettes. Even if I did have some marijuana cigarettes, I would still need to be all, "what I want right now is to feel an air of oppressive doom" to fully enjoy the music of Death Grips. They are clearly very good, though. 2nd night in a row gettin drunk! oh yeh! will I end up listening to OMC's "how bizarre"? signs point to yes