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No, not the horrible one with Brendan Fraser and Sandra Bullock.


The 1996 one featuring James Spader and Elias Koteas as people who enjoy a good car crash.


I don't want to spoil anything about this movie, but its all kinds of delightful. I doubt Mantzoukas could make it to the end though. He'd more than likely self-pleasure himself into a coma.


Enjoy the very NSFW trailer.


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David Cronenberg is one crazy ass director lol. Saw this a few years back and I have to tell you, it was an awful, awful, awfully bad good movie. I still haven't decided if I liked it or not.

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This is probably the only movie I've ever just been too creeped out to see (and I'm a Cronenberg fan). Would love to watch it vicariously through the HDTGM crew, though!

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I saw this theaters, there must have only been 5 theaters total playing this NC-17 movie. I never really felt like i undestood the story or theme of the movie unlike most Cronenberg movies like Videodrome or ExistenZ. But i do have a lot of respect for Cronenberg regardless. Did anyone see the movie his son directed, Antiviral? Definitely felt like he is following his dad's footsteps.

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Conflicted. On one hand, I'd love to hear if Jason could manage to jerk off to this movie. On the other, it's like when someone brought up "Videodrome:" Yeah, the movie is weird and bizarre, but that's kind of the point. It's not like Cronenberg sincerely made a movie thinking people would find car crashes sexy; he had to have known it was off-putting, which is more than you can say for the makers of, say, "All About Steve."


(And if HDTGM ever does an Oscar winner, it has to be "Crash." Or "The Greatest Show on Earth." Either one.)

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Thats a fair point. Although the show is called how did this get made? I think that question is very applicable to a movie with a premise and plot as insane as Crash. Holly Hunters intro in this movie is alone worthy of a whole hour of discussion.


It is meant to be shocking, but at the same time the things that happen this movie constantly have me wondering how this was ever green lit.


I'm still pretty amazed that Ebert enjoyed this movie as much as he did.

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I'm still pretty amazed that Ebert enjoyed this movie as much as he did.

There's a YouTube video from Siskel & Ebert where they argue over the movie: https://www.youtube....h?v=7s85oT8250U

Anyway, this could make for a good episode.


P.S.: FOUND IN ON YOUTUBE. View it now before it's removed for violating so many YT community guidelines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mr0G761PDw

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