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In my mind, this movie is a test version of Glitter. The 70's period piece idea could have been great, they just ruin everything. Ryan Phillipe is garbage (And with a Crazy head of hair), his relationship with Salma Hayek and Breckin Meyer is insane, Neve Campbell is third billed and doesn't have a line until the last 30 MINUTES. And of course, my two favorites, Ellen Albertini Dow as Disco Dottie, the 80 year old foul-mouthed drug-using disco queen, and Mike Meyers in his first dramatic role as Steve Rubell, owner of Studio 54 who roles in beds of cash and asks to blow employees


The history of this movie is also interesting, as it was originally 2 hours and aimed to be a Summer Hit, but Miramax forced cuts (Which Included a more Central Role for Neve Campbell and Breckin Meyer, and more explicitly saying that Ryan Phillipe's character was Bisexual) after it tested poorly, only to have it bomb. I'd really love to see this on the show.

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It would be amazing if Salma Hayek's singer character somehow became Mariah Carey by 1983. And even though they both use it in the background, I now forever have "Heart of Glass" stuck in my head :angry:

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