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What's the Weather?

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I thought it would be really helpful if we had a place on the internet to get more weather updates. Each week we know what the weather was like in L.A. at the time of the CBB recording but what about other places in the world? How are we supposed about the weather somewhere else?!


So each day, come on here please and share your location and weather. I'll start.


Olympia, WA. A few clouds outside but mostly blue skies and sunshine.

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Olympia? What's up? I went to Evergreen, lived there from 1997 until 2005, and was pretty active in the music scene (played in bands, put on shows, DJ'd at KAOS for three years) and was the ticket booth guy at the Capitol Theater every Sunday for about four of those years. Do I know you?


Portland, OR. Some cumulonimbus far on the horizon but it's pretty warm and fairly humid. Good BBQ/grilling weather.

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Hermiston, OR area. 92 degrees, low humidity, and not a cloud in the sky. Slight breeze with gusts up to 15 mph. Don't forget your sunscreen!

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Olympia? What's up? I went to Evergreen, lived there from 1997 until 2005, and was pretty active in the music scene (played in bands, put on shows, DJ'd at KAOS for three years) and was the ticket booth guy at the Capitol Theater every Sunday for about four of those years. Do I know you?


Awesome. I don't think I know you but I never go out to clubs or do anything fun. So that might be why.


Mostly cloudly but might clear up to be a nice summer day!

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