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So I made a network graph of every guest who appeared on CBB

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This is a network graph of everyone who ever appeared on Comedy Bing Bong. A connecting line means the two persons appeared together in the same episode. The thicker the line the more often they appeared together. It includes every episode from the first up to the last one in 2013 (i.e. as of right now only the latest episode #263 is missing). Scott is not included in the dataset for obvious reasons.

As expected PFT and James Adomian sit squarely in the middle.

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Cool. So Seth Rogen is the only one-time guest to be the lone guest on that episode?

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really nice work

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That shit is cray. I hope you had some sort of program that did that and it wasn't done manually.

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Thankfully I didn't have to do it by hand. I copied the info from the Earwolf website, fomatted the raw data into a CSV with Python and used Gephi to visualize it. It's roughly based on this project by Renzo Lucioni which gave me the idea.


Originally I'd wanted to scrape the site for the info as an exercise in Python and webscraping but it turns out it's easily available. If I should ever want to revisit this project though, I might scrape the site for character names and split up PFT and Adomian into their characters.

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This is awesome. If you do decide to make one for characters, might I suggest the CBB Wiki, which has all the info on guests and characters they played. It may be easier to compile your database from that.

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That's a great resource. I'll definitely use it if I revisit that. Does anyone know how complete it is?

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That's a great resource. I'll definitely use it if I revisit that. Does anyone know how complete it is?

As a frequent visitor (and sometime editor) of the wiki it appears to be very comprehensive. At the moment, some of the content is pretty bare bones, but all of the basics on guests, characters, and appearances is complete and accurate.

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