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what happened in your campaigns?

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The past 4 Sunday's suddenly my old dungeons and dragons group became inspired to start up again. The difference from before is they're clearing content fast, also I'm already a crap dm and now I'm rusty too. What kinds of events happened in your campaigns? Maybe I can get ideas from them.


Here's the event I was truly unprepared for, when they got a map from the antagonists castle they decided to check out marked positions on it. Along the way an orc encampment. Rather than avoid a hundred orcs they decide to check it out. The Mildred of our group, apparently not paying attention goes along with it. Maybe even not a problem since orcs are lawful evil typically in 2nd ed ad&d. Except the party has a low intelligence, 3 charisma orc hating elf ranger. My players are the best and they will play based on their character. He pulls out his vorpal arrow, rolls a natural 20 and now there is about 99 angry orcs left. This did not turn out well, rather than saying we're dead they roll out their fleeing and fighting. Surpassing my expectations of rolling against almost a triple digit group they survive a volley of arrows from the orcs with ranged weapons and they kill a couple more.


Now they've rolled New characters and I need to catch up on a main story and side stories. Old characters had survived just long enough to unveil the beginning of each of their special side arcs so it would be obvious if I try to reuse them.

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The map was unreadable to the orc hater too, I made sure of that in a failed attempt to avoid this situation.

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UD--thanks for starting this, I was hoping someone would!


The only D&D campaign that I remember anything interesting happening was my first one. We had a great DM. I was only like 15, so it was about 10-12 years ago. A couple things I remember--totally pegging a couple of the monsters without ever having opened a Monster Manual.


First one, we're going into a cave and there's a gelatinous cube in the way. I had never even heard of this before. There was enough room on either side to go around, but I wanted to figure out what it would do, so I tossed a stick into it. The stick obviously melted, so we went around it.


The second, and more memorable one, was this awful clawed thing that we encountered out in a field we were camping in at night. It nearly killed everyone in our party, but we put it down without losing anyone. The kicker--I figured we wanted to make sure it was REALLY dead, and I figured the only way to be absolutely sure was to cut it up, burn the pieces, and bury them at least 50 feet from each other. The DM was shocked--he showed us the entry in the MM, and apparently that's exactly what you have to do if you want to get rid of it. I don't think he was counting on us figuring that out!


Oh yeah, there was this other time when the guy playing a half-orc decided to take on a swooping Roc. The DM said that if he rolled anything other than a natural 20, he was dead. Well, he wound up and rolled a natural 20. The half-orc's axe cut into the Roc's beak and wing, and the massive beast collided with the half-orc and plowed him into the ground. The half-orc was knocked out, but lived to fight another day.

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