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Honest (2000) - Like Spice World, but completely different

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Imagine a successful British girl band of the late 90s. Now, put them in a movie.


"Oh, Smigg, we already did that, it's Spiceworld! Fucking idiot"


HA! I knew you would say that, but you're wrong!


In the late 90s, the Spice Girls had a rival girlband, named "All Saints", they were cooler, they were edgier. They were nothing like they Spice Girls, apart from them singing inoffensive pop songs... and they also had a black one... but they were different, I swear.


Here's the trailer, it's in French, but that doesn't matter. even in English, you have fuck all idea about what's happening



So, the synopsis reads




The film is an edgy black comedy set in swinging London in the late 60s. The All Saints girls play three street wise sisters who head 'up West' to rob and generally cause trouble.


The movie, directed by Dave Stewart of The Eurythmics, cost £3,000,000 to make (Just over $5,000,000), and brought in £111,309 ($186,598.41)


So, if you take Spice World, take out the tongue in cheek element, add in guns, drugs and tits, you have Honest.

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