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Heavy Metal

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I don't know, if it's bat shit crazy. it's rather good if you ever remember the comic book it's based on. I remember seeing it as a young lad. I remember when we first had pay tv cable in canada this was on all the time, this and the four seasons and star wars. so and my friends from school all wanted to come over to my house on Friday nights because we had pay tv and this movie was on that night. crazy almost xrated movies.


Mom and dad had no idea that this type of programming was on pay tv tell my sister ratted us out. I also remember one channel turning into the playboy channel on Friday nights. it was girls riding topless on horses. real softcore stuff. but at the time it was mind blowing stuff to me and my friends. no real sex just girls walking around beach resorts acting stupid in fount of a camera. hell i think i seen more topless woman in the movie Private School then i did see on the playboy channel at the time, That's the sad truth about that channel at the time.


I remember having a good-time watching this with my friends thinking i was the coolest kid in school, feeling like we broke the law or something. not really understanding why it was such a big deal that it was x rated, at one point i think this movie was X rated but got re-rated down to R.. just because a animated titty was on screen. it really isn't much of a big deal thinking about it now. Hey it's got John Candy in it, whats there to hate about this movie.


also I forgot, looking back I remember the incredible let down I had with the sound track, it had no heavy metal music in it. I mean none of the music in the movie I would consider being real heavy metal and my early days of youth I was really into heavy metal. Only one real track that l would call heavy metal and that's the theme song. other then that just garbage.



are we sure that isn't david cross before he was a comic.LOL

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