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Blast Hardcheese

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

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Isn't it time that the movie Wikipedia cites as being the impetuous for this very podcast gets the heckling it so richly deserves?





Apologies if this movie was already previously suggested. I couldn't find it in the Search.

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I am surprised there is no thread on this too. I searched "gekko" "douglas" "lebeouf" and found nothing of it.


I remember from the trailer there was a line where Gekko says "I once said greed is good, it now appears that it is legal."



I suspect that Stone made this movie because the original Gekko unintentionally became a hero and he was trying to use the hero status to repivot Gekko to align with his own views.

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That's what it seems like. But, did we really need to revisit this world with Shia LaDoof riding shotgun?

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We went from Charlie Sheen to Shia LeBeouf. I want to know who decided that LeBeouf was leading man material. Clearly that decision didn't pan out well and the biggest loser in the whole thing is Shia himself (aside from the people who paid money to see Crystal Skull), but there was a long stretch when he was being forced into the badass hero role that he clearly did not belong.

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Yeah, I'll admit that he's the best part of Crystal Skull for sure (and that's saying something given the loathsome money grab nature of this movie. <--- Oh, hey! There's another Bad Movie Recommendation right there!) But that vine swinging scene? For fuck'sake! I felt embarrassed the guy.


Gawd! Contemporary Charlie Sheen in WS:MNS would have been amazingly entertaining.

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Really? I always think he's the Jar Jar of Crystal Skull. It's like Lucas and Spielberg maybe watched Rebel Without A Cause once and used that caricature of a greaser for Mutt Williams. It's super clunky the way he rides a bike, the way he flashes his switchblade, etc. none of it works and comes off really awkward. I think they planned on doing some Mutt Williams spinoffs but I am so glad that it did not work out that way.

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Don't get me wrong, Lando. The entire movie is a turd. As such, Labouf is the least stinky part of it. Also, I did get a chuckle out of the line in the malt shop: "Get that greaser!" If only the rest of the movie was even that good.

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