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Episode 48 - Laundromat

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Paul F. Tompkins sends a special welcome to you (and only you) to this magical place called SPONTANEANATION! This week, Paul’s special guest is Judy Greer of Married, Archer, and Arrested Development! They chat about New Year's resolutions, who's at fault in most of Judy's car accidents, and eating in nail spas. Paul is then joined by Jessica Chaffin, Mark McConville and Annie Savage to improvise a story set in a Laundromat. And as always, Eban (only the best) Schletter scores it all on piano!


There’s no live Spontaneanation at Largo next month, but you can still see Paul there on Saturday March 5th, along with Matt Gourley, Jeremy Carter and Mark McConville as they celebrate the Superego Podcast’s 10th Anniversary! Join the good doctors as they welcome special guests (friends old and new to a very special live performance. The early show’s already sold out, but you can still get tickets to the late show! http://bit.ly/SE10Late




- - The laughter from everyone during Judy’s intro was inspired by Judy briskly shaking her head at the mention of FX’s “Married,” as she had found out mere minutes before our recording started that the show had been canceled!

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I love Greer so much. I judge almost all movies by if she is in them or not. (spoiler alert, she's in like 85% of movies)

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Who was doing the voice of Judith Candy? Annie?

sometime about that old timey betty boop voice cracked me up soo hard

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I didn't get my Driver's license until I was eighteen, so I before that, I had to rely on friends to get around. One of my friends told me one day when we were seventeen, that he had already rear-ended three people. At times he would drive looking at you in the passenger seat while having a conversation, until I would yell 'Dude, watch the road!!' Scary stuff.

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- - The laughter from everyone during Judy’s intro was inspired by Judy briskly shaking her head at the mention of FX’s “Married,” as she had found out mere minutes before our recording started that the show had been canceled!


On the plus side, Archer is back in a few weeks!


Great episode!

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The flashback to the White House robbery might be my favorite Spont moment ever.

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Major props to Eban Schletter for the glorious, totally committed rendition of a parade of German national tunes, from "Deutschland uber Alles" to "Also sprach Zarathustra", during the opening monologue.

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